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検索結果: 22 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Isotope and plasma size scaling in ion temperature gradient driven turbulence

井戸村 泰宏

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 45A, 4 Pages, 2021/06



Current ramp-up scenario with reduced central solenoid magnetic flux consumption in JT-60SA

若月 琢馬; 鈴木 隆博; 林 伸彦; 白石 淳也; 井手 俊介; 高瀬 雄一*

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 39E, p.P5.144_1 - P5.144_4, 2015/06

We have investigated reduction of the CS flux required in the plasma current ramp-up phase using non-inductive current drive in JT-60SA with an integrated modeling code suite (TOPICS). JT-60SA will be equipped with various types of neutral beams different in the beam trajectories and energies (85 keV and 500 keV). We have made a scenario in which the plasma current is ramped up from 0.6 MA to 2.1 MA in 150 s with no additional CS flux consumption by overdriving the plasma current ($$I_{rm NI} > I_{rm p}$$, $$I_{rm NI}$$ : non-inductively driven current and $$I_{rm p}$$ : plasma current) with neutral-beam-driven and bootstrap current. In order to achieve the current overdrive condition from 0.6 MA, the current drive by the lower energy neutral beam injection (85 keV) is effective. The higher energy neutral beam injection (500 keV) cannot be utilized in this early phase with a low plasma density due to a large shine through loss, while it can effectively be utilized in the later phase. We have also investigated ideal MHD instabilities using a linear ideal MHD stability analysis code (MARG2D). External kink modes can be stabilized in most of the time during the current ramp-up if there is a perfect conducting wall.


Advance in integrated modelling towards prediction and control of JT-60SA plasmas

林 伸彦; 本多 充; 白石 淳也; 宮田 良明; 若月 琢馬; 星野 一生; 藤間 光徳; 鈴木 隆博; 浦野 創; 清水 勝宏; et al.

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 39E, p.P5.145_1 - P5.145_4, 2015/06

Towards prediction and control of JT-60SA plasmas, we are developing codes/models which can describe physics/engineering factors, and integrating them to one code TOPICS. Physics modelling: Coupling with MINERVA/RWMaC code showed that MHD equilibrium variation by centrifugal force largely affects RWM stability and the toroidal rotation shear stabilizes RWM. Coupling with OFMC code for NB torques, 3D MHD equilibrium code VMEC and drift-kinetic code FORTEC-3D for NTV torque, and toroidal momentum boundary model, predicted the core rotation of $$sim$$2% of Alfv$'e$n speed for a ITER hydrogen L-mode plasma. Coupling with core impurity transport code IMPACT showed the accumulation of Ar seeded to reduce the divertor heat load is so mild that plasma performance can be recovered by additional heating in JT-60SA steady-state (SS) scenario. Simulations coupled with MARG2D code showed that plasma current can be ramped-up to reach $$beta_N ge$$3 with MHD modes stabilized by ideal wall and with no additional flux consumption of central solenoid in JT-60SA. Engineering modelling: Coupling with integrated real-time controller showed that simultaneous control of $$beta_N$$ and $$V_{loop}$$ is possible at $$beta_N ge$$4 in JT-60SA SS scenarios. MHD equilibrium control simulator MECS demonstrated equilibrium control during heating phase and collapse induced events within power supply capability of PF coils in JT-60SA.


Dependence of pedestal structure on collisionality in JT-60U

浦野 創; 相羽 信行; 神谷 健作; 鎌田 裕; JT-60チーム

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 39E, p.P5.146_1 - P5.146_4, 2015/06

トカマクにおける周辺ペデスタル構造は炉心プラズマ全体の閉じ込めや核融合炉の出力に対する境界条件となるため適切な予測とその制御が求められる。これまでに周辺プラズマにおける無次元量による周辺ペデスタル幅の定量化が行われてきており、周辺ペデスタル幅は規格化ポロイダルベータ値の平方根に比例することが知られている。しかし、この無次元量による評価は衝突周波数やプラズマ形状を固定した実験下で行われているため、特に衝突周波数による効果は未だよく分かっていなかった。そこで本研究ではJT-60Uにおいて衝突周波数スキャン実験を実施し、周辺ペデスタル幅の衝突周波数依存性を調べた。衝突周波数を0.04から0.2まで変化させたところ、peeling-ballooningモードで発生したELM周波数の増大及びELMエネルギーパルスの低下が観測された一方で、周辺ペデスタル幅に大きな差異が見られなかった。しかし、さらに衝突周波数を上げた実験では、周辺ペデスタル幅の増大が観測されており、これはinfinite-n ballooningモードでELMが発生しており、MHD不安定性の発生領域がペデスタル構造に寄与しているという重要な知見を得た。


Perspective of negative triangularity tokamak as fusion energy system

菊池 満; Medvedev, S.*; 滝塚 知典*; Fasoli, A.*; Wu, Y.*; Diamond, P. H.*; Duan, X.*; 岸本 泰明*; 花田 和明*; 他41名*

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 39E, p.P4.179_1 - P4.179_4, 2015/06



Role of seed impurity for H-mode plasmas in JT-60U

浦野 創; 仲田 資季; 相羽 信行; 久保 博孝; 本多 充; 吉田 麻衣子; 林 伸彦; 鎌田 裕; JT-60チーム

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 38F, p.P4.018_1 - P4.018_4, 2014/06



Kinetic modelling of divertor fluxes during ELMs in ITER

細川 哲成*; Loarte, A.*; Huijsmans, G.*; 滝塚 知典*; 林 伸彦

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 38F, p.P5.003_1 - P5.003_4, 2014/06

The Type I ELMy H-mode is the reference inductive operation for ITER, but the periodic ELM power loads on plasma facing components need to be understood and controlled. Understanding of the mechanisms of ELM particle and heat loads is required: electron/ion contributions, in/out asymmetry and timescale of ELM heat fluxes. Modelling of typical edge plasma conditions during ITER ELMs has been carried out with PARASOL (PARticle Advanced code for SOL and divertor plasmas) code, which has been developed in JAEA. Simulations show that ions carry larger heat flux than electrons for large ELM particle loss, whereas ions and electrons deposit comparable heat flux for small ELM particle loss. The total energy loss to the two divertors is similar for the two divertors for ELM energy loss larger than 10 MJ independent inter-ELM divertor conditions. Even though inner peak heat flux is larger than outer one in some cases, inner time-integrated heat load is smaller than outer one. This is due to strong current flow in SOL during ELM.


Analysis of JT-60SA scenarios on the basis of JET and JT-60U discharges

Garcia, J.*; 林 伸彦; Giruzzi, G.*; Schneider, M.*; Joffrin, E.*; 井手 俊介; 坂本 宜照; 鈴木 隆博; 浦野 創; JT-60チーム; et al.

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 38F, p.P1.029_1 - P1.029_4, 2014/06

Creation of JT-60SA scenarios is necessary in order to make deeper analyses: Fast ions, heating schemes, MHD. Validation exercise: a series of representative discharges of the three main operational scenarios, H-mode, hybrid and steady-state have been selected for each device in order to extrapolate to JT-60SA. An extensive analysis of the main physics similarities and differences among the discharges has been carried out in order to explain results. Using integrated modelling codes CRONOS and TOPICS, benchmark of the codes is done. Predictive core turbulence simulations have been carried out with three transport models: Bohm-GyroBohm, CDBM and GLF23. Particle transport is analyzed with GLF23. Pressure pedestal predictions are simulated with Cordey MHD scaling. Fully predictive simulations of temperatures, density and pedestal have been performed with GLF23 and CDBM models for the temperatures and GLF23 for the density. Calculations for JT-60SA are performed following the best combination of models found.


Determination of tungsten and molybdenum concentrations from an X-ray range spectrum in JET

仲野 友英; Shumack, A. E.*; Maggi, C.*; Reinke, M.*; Lawson, K. D.*; P$"u$tterich, T.*; Brezinsek, S.*; Lipschultz, B.*; Matthews, G.*; Chernyshova, M.*; et al.

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 38F, p.P1.019_1 - P1.019_4, 2014/06

欧州のトカマク型装置JETでは、タングステン材ダイバータの導入に伴い、プラズマ中のタングステン量をモニターするため、既設のX線分光器を改造した。この分光器で観測されたスペクトルを原子構造計算プログラムで計算したスペクトルと比較することによって、$$mbox{W}^{46+}$$, $$mbox{W}^{45+}$$、および$$mbox{Mo}^{32+}$$からのスペクトル線を同定することに成功した。さらに、これらのスペクトル線の強度からタングステンおよびモリブデンイオンの密度を導出し、電子密度に対して、それぞれ$$10^{-5}$$および$$10^{-7}$$と決定した。このタングステンイオン密度を真空紫外分光器から決定されたタングステンイオン密度と比較すると、非常に良い一致を示した。さらに、本X線分光器による連続光強度から決定したプラズマ実効電荷数と可視分光器による連続光強度から決定されたプラズマ実効電荷数を比較し、3倍の範囲で一致することを確かめた。これらから本X線分光器から導出したタングステンおよびモリブデンイオン密度は妥当であると考えられる。一方で、軟X線アレイから決定されたタングステンイオン密度と比較すると、本X線分光器から決定したタングステンイオン密度は1/7であった。軟X線アレイとの不一致の理由を今後の課題として調べる予定である。


Actively circulated liquid metal divertor (ACLMD)

嶋田 道也; 廣岡 慶彦*; Zhou, H.*

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 38F, p.O2.110_1 - O2.110_4, 2014/00



Simulations of toroidal rotation driven by the neoclassical toroidal viscosity in tokamaks

本多 充; 佐竹 真介*; 鈴木 康浩*; 松永 剛; 井手 俊介; 吉田 麻衣子; 林 伸彦

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 37D, p.P1.182_1 - P1.182_4, 2013/07

For simulations of toroidal rotation with the neoclassical toroidal viscosity (NTV) included, the framework of the collaborative execution of the integrated code TOPICS with the 3D equilibrium code VMEC and the 3D neoclassical transport code FORTEC-3D has been developed. In tokamaks, toroidally-asymmetric components of the magnetic field exist and they produce the neoclassical toroidal viscosity. The neoclassical toroidal viscosity damps or sometimes accelerates toroidal rotation towards a certain rotation level, called the offset rotation. The contribution of the neoclassical toroidal viscosity to toroidal rotation has been investigated in JT-60SA plasmas. The simulations show that even the smaller ripple amplitude produces a non-negligible amount of the NTV torque that is almost comparable to the NBI torque.


Optimization of ITER operational space for long-pulse scenarios

Polevoi, A. R.*; 林 伸彦; Kim, H. S.*; Kim, S. H.*; Koechl, F.*; Kukushkin, A. S.*; Leonov, V. M.*; Loarte, A.*; Medvedev, S. Yu.*; 村上 匡且*; et al.

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 37D, p.P2.135_1 - P2.135_4, 2013/07

Long-pulse operation $$Delta t sim$$ 1000 s with $$Q ge$$ 5 is foreseen in ITER to demonstrate high neutron fluence scenarios which can be of use for the nuclear technology and for the TBM. In this study we address the viability of achieving ITER's long-pulse scenario in plasma regimes with H-mode confinement level by characterizing the current-density operational space and the achievable Q with long pulse burning phases. The EPED1 model with boundary conditions from SOLPS predicts no degradation of pedestal pressure with decreasing density in ITER. Modelling of core transport with 1.5D transport models carried out with pedestal parameters predicted by EPED1+SOLPS indicate that there is a large operational space for long pulse plasma operation with high fusion gain $$Q ge$$ 5. Reducing the plasma density to $$n_e sim$$ 5-6 10$$^{19}$$m$$^{-3}$$ leads to an increased plasma temperature (similar pedestal pressure) which reduces the loop voltage and increases the duration of the burn phase to $$Delta t sim$$ 1000 s with $$Q ge$$ 5 for $$I_p ge$$ 13 MA at moderate normalised pressure, $$beta_N sim$$ 2. Unlike the "hybrid" scenarios, these H-mode plasmas do not require specially shaped q profiles nor improved confinement in the core for the majority of the transport models considered in this study. Thus, these medium density H-mode plasma scenarios present an attractive alternative to hybrid scenarios to achieve ITER's long pulse.


Investigation of the JT-60SA operation scenarios combined with integrated real-time controls

鈴木 隆博; 林 伸彦; 浦野 創; 宮田 良明; 本多 充; 井手 俊介; JT-60SAチーム

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 37D, p.P2.136_1 - P2.136_4, 2013/00



Approach for efficient linear MHD analysis without spectrum pollution in tokamaks

相羽 信行; Cooper, W.*; Gruber, R.*

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 36F, p.P2.045_1 - P2.045_4, 2012/00



Utilizing relativistic mirrors for photon-photon scattering

Koga, J. K.; Bulanov, S. V.; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Pirozhkov, A. S.; 神門 正城; Rosanov, N. N.*

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 36F, p.O5.214_1 - O5.214_4, 2012/00

Photon-photon scattering is a fundamental theoretical prediction of quantum electrodynamics. However, only an upper bounds on the cross section at photon energies of eV levels has been achieved. Since for low photon energies the scattering cross section increases as the sixth power of the photon energy, measuring photon-photon scattering at higher energies is advantageous. To generate these high energy photon beams we propose using laser pulses reflected and frequency up-shifted by mirrors moving at relativistic velocities. The reflected laser pulses due to the double Doppler effect can have high energy, extremely short duration, coherency and can be focused to very small spots. We present the scalings of the photon-photon scattering for each relativistic mirror configuration and show where photon-photon scattering in the keV photon energy range could be observed with current/near future and next generation laser systems.


Integrated modelling of JT-60SA scenarios with the METIS code

Giruzzi, G.*; Artaud, J. F.*; Joffrin, E.*; Garcia, J.*; 井手 俊介; JT-60SA Research Plan Contributors; JT-60SAチーム

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 36F, p.P5.018_1 - P5.018_4, 2012/00

Here, sets of simulations of the main JT-60SA operation scenarios performed with the 0.5-D code METIS will be presented and discussed. METIS computes the time evolution of the global plasma quantities for given waveforms of the control parameters. It solves the current diffusion equation taking into account an approximate equilibrium evolution. Simplified treatment of the sources and of spatial dependences allow simulation of a discharge in a CPU time of the order of one minute, while keeping account of all the main non-linearities of the evolution. This approach allows completing the 0-D analysis with radial profiles and time evolutions. Evaluation of scalar parameters of a few JT-60SA scenario such as the normalized beta by METIS is found to be close those evaluated by ACCOME.


Comparative transport analysis of JET and JT-60U discharges

Garcia, J.*; 林 伸彦; Giruzzi, G.*; Schneider, M.*; Joffrin, E.*; 井手 俊介; 坂本 宜照; 鈴木 隆博; 浦野 創; JT-60チーム; et al.

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 36F, p.P5.057_1 - P5.057_4, 2012/00

Predictive simulations for electron and ion temperatures have been carried out for JET and JT-60U plasmas in order to determine the most appropriate models to this type of plasmas. To carry out this programme, the integrated modelling codes CRONOS and TOPICS-IB are used. Results show that the H-modes are usually well simulated for both devices, whereas for the advanced regimes, as the hybrid, there are clear deviations from experimental data, mainly for JT-60U. The reasons for such discrepancies are analysed.


Multi-fluid transport equations on the flux coordinates in tokamaks

本多 充; 福山 淳*; 中島 徳嘉*

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 36F, p.P5.014_1 - P5.014_4, 2012/00

The one-dimensional multi-fluid transport code TASK/TX is used to investigate the physics regarding rotation, radial current and the radial electric field. Unlike conventional diffusive transport codes, its equation system is more fundamental in that the code directly solves the momentum equations for all species plus Maxwell's equations. The main drawback to the code is that the basis equations are built on the cylindrical coordinates. Neoclassical effects have already been incorporated and its validity has been confirmed, but any geometrical effects have not entered yet. In this study, we derive the equations on the axisymmetric flux coordinates in a manner consistent with the current TASK/TX concept. The equations are projected onto the radial, poloidal ant toroidal directions in the current framework. In the flux coordinates, however, we have to project the equations of motion onto the radial, parallel and toroidal direction because of the neoclassical nature of a toroidal plasma.


Observation of energetic particle driven axisymmetric mode in the JT-60U tokamak

松永 剛; 神谷 健作; 篠原 孝司; 宮戸 直亮; 小島 有志; Bierwage, A.; JT-60チーム

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 36F, p.P2.062_1 - P2.062_4, 2012/00

In the JT-60U experimental operations with high normalized beta $$beta_mathrm{N}$$ or high bootstrap fraction $$f_mathrm{BS}$$, magnetic fluctuations with multiple peaks in the geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) frequency range are observed. These peaks appear just after tangential NB injection with 90 keV beam energy in L-mode phase to form weak/strong reversed magnetic shear plasmas. Observed magnetic fluctuations have $$n$$ = 0 axisymmetric toroidal mode structures and $$m$$ = 2 poloidal ones, where $$n$$ and $$m$$ are the toroidal and poloidal mode number, respectively. Interestingly, the poloidal mode structure sometimes behaves like standing wave. Usually, the standing wave nodes are located around the inboard and outboard midplanes, and the top and bottom of plasmas. Namely, these modes have $$m$$ = 2 components in both ion and electron diamagnetic directions. We will report the detail of the observed $$n$$ = 0 axisymmetric modes in the JT-60U tokamak.


Energy confinement characterization of hydrogen and deuterium H-mode plasmas in JT-60U tokamak

浦野 創; 滝塚 知典*; 菊池 満; 仲野 友英; 藤田 隆明; 林 伸彦; 大山 直幸; 鎌田 裕; JT-60チーム

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 36F, p.P1.016_1 - P1.016_4, 2012/00


22 件中 1件目~20件目を表示