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検索結果: 88 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Multistep kinetics of the thermal dehydration/decomposition of metakaolin-based geopolymer paste

進藤 愛美*; 上奥 あや*; 岡村 和奏*; 菊地 晋; 山崎 淳司*; 古賀 信吉*

Thermochimica Acta, 738, p.179801_1 - 179801_12, 2024/08

This study investigated the kinetics of the multistep thermal dehydration/decomposition of the metakaolin-based geopolymer paste. The component two reaction steps were characterized by the evolution of water vapor and the simultaneous evolution of water vapor and CO$$_{2}$$, respectively. In a stream of dry N$$_{2}$$, the kinetics of the first and second reaction steps were characterized by the apparent activation energy (Ea) values of 92 and 166 kJ mol$$^{-1}$$, respectively. Both reaction steps exhibited a diffusion-controlled rate behavior. In a stream of wet N$$_{2}$$, the mass loss curves systematically shifted to higher temperatures with an increase in the water vapor pressure (p(H$$_{2}$$O)). The first reaction step was significantly influenced by p(H$$_{2}$$O), and the apparent Ea increased to 175 kJ mol $$^{-1}$$ at p(H$$_{2}$$O) = 11.4 kPa. The second reaction step was less sensitive to the atmospheric water vapor, as characterized by its Ea of $$sim$$165 kJ mol $$^{-1}$$, irrespective of the p(H$$_{2}$$O).


Impact of the ground-state 4${it f}$ symmetry for anisotropic ${it cf}$ hybridization in the heavy-fermion superconductor CeNi$$_{2}$$Ge$$_{2}$$

藤原 秀紀*; 中谷 泰博*; 荒谷 秀和*; 金井 惟奈*; 山神 光平*; 濱本 諭*; 木須 孝幸*; 山崎 篤志*; 東谷 篤志*; 今田 真*; et al.

Physical Review B, 108(16), p.165121_1 - 165121_10, 2023/10

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We report the ground-state symmetry of the Ce 4${it f}$ states in the heavy-fermion superconductor CeNi$$_{2}$$Ge$$_{2}$$, yielding anisotropic ${it cf}$ hybridization between the Ce 4${it f}$ states and conducting electrons. By analyzing linear dichroism in soft X-ray absorption and core-level hard X-ray photoemission spectra, the 4${it f}$ symmetry is determined as $$Sigma$$-type $$Gamma$$$$_{7}$$, promoting predominant hybridization with the conducting electrons originating from the Ge site. The band structures probed by soft X-ray angle-resolved photoemission indicates that the Ge 4${it p}$ components contribute to the band renormalization through the anisotropic hybridization effects, suggesting that the control of the electronic structures of Ge orbital gives an impact to achieve the exotic phenomena in CeNi$$_{2}$$Ge$$_{2}$$.


Urban factors and mental health symptoms in children of the Tokyo Early Adolescence Survey; Impact of proximity to railway stations

Davies, S. J. C.*; Bolea-Alamanac, B.*; 遠藤 香織*; 山本 優*; 山崎 修道*; Malins, A.; Evans, J.*; Sullivan, S.*; 安藤 俊太郎*; 西田 淳志*; et al.

Journal of Transport & Health, 28, p.101564_1 - 101564_11, 2023/01

The study tested the hypothesis that proximity of home to railway stations is a positive predictor of mental health at age 10 years. Using the Tokyo Early Adolescence Survey we examined relationships between distance from home to the nearest railway station and SDQ (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire) scores for hyperactivity/inattention, prosocial behaviour and emotional symptoms. Greater distance to the nearest railway station was associated with SDQ-derived hyperactivity/inattention scores in the unadjusted analysis across all 4052 analyzable children, and in the fully adjusted analysis in boys ($$beta$$ = 0.198, 95% C.I. 0.009 to 0.386, p = 0.040) but not in girls ($$beta$$ = 0.007, 95% C.I. -0.164 to 0.177, p = 0.940). There were no associations with other SDQ-based outcomes. If replicated, these findings suggest that access to high-quality transit may be associated with improved hyperactivity/inattention outcomes in children living in urban environments.


Neutron/$$gamma$$-ray discrimination based on the property and thickness controls of scintillators using Li glass and LiCAF(Ce) in a $$gamma$$-ray field

冠城 雅晃; 島添 健次*; 寺阪 祐太; 富田 英生*; 吉橋 幸子*; 山崎 淳*; 瓜谷 章*; 高橋 浩之*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1046, p.167636_1 - 167636_8, 2023/01

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:92.52(Instruments & Instrumentation)



Feasibility study of the one-dimensional radiation distribution sensing method using an optical fiber sensor based on wavelength spectrum unfolding

寺阪 祐太; 渡辺 賢一*; 瓜谷 章*; 山崎 淳*; 佐藤 優樹; 鳥居 建男; 若井田 育夫

Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, 7(4), p.042002_1 - 042002_7, 2021/10



$$omega N$$ scattering length from $$omega$$ photoproduction on the proton near the reaction threshold

石川 貴嗣*; 藤村 寿子*; 深澤 宏司*; 橋本 亮*; He, Q.*; 本多 佑記*; 保坂 淳; 岩田 高広*; 甲斐田 俊*; 笠木 治郎太*; et al.

Physical Review C, 101(5), p.052201_1 - 052201_6, 2020/05

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:43.57(Physics, Nuclear)

Photoproduction of the omega meson on the proton has been experimentally studied near the threshold. The total cross sections are determined at incident energies ranging from 1.09 to 1.15 GeV. The 1/2 and 3/2 spin-averaged scattering length $$a$$$$_{omega p}$$ and effective range $$r$$$$_{omega p}$$ between the CO meson and proton are estimated from the shape of the total cross section as a function of the incident photon energy: $$a$$$$_{omega p}$$ = (-0.97 $$_{rm -0.16stat-0.00syst}^{rm +0.16stat+0.03syst}$$ + $$i$$(0.07 $$_{rm -0.14stat-0.09syst}^{rm +0.15stat+0.17syst}$$) fm and $$r$$$$_{omega p}$$ = (+2.78 $$_{rm -0.54stat-0.12syst}^{rm +0.67stat+0.11syst}$$) + $$i$$(-0.01 $$_{rm -0.50stat-0.00syst}^{rm +0.46stat+0.06syst}$$) fm, resulting in a repulsive force. The real and imaginary parts for $$a$$$$_{omega p}$$ and $$r$$$$_{omega p}$$ are determined separately for the first time. A small $$P$$-wave contribution does not affect the obtained values.


Development of one-dimensional optical fiber type radiation distribution sensing method based on wavelength spectrum unfolding

寺阪 祐太; 渡辺 賢一*; 瓜谷 章*; 山崎 淳*; 佐藤 優樹; 鳥居 建男; 若井田 育夫

Proceedings of International Youth Nuclear Congress 2020 (IYNC 2020) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2020/05

For the application in the measurement of the high dose rate hot spots inside the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station buildings, we propose a wavelength-resolved type one-dimensional radiation distribution sensing method using plastic scintillating fiber (PSF). The proposing method estimates the incident position of radiation to the PSF by the unfolding of the wavelength spectrum output from the fiber edge using the fact that the attenuation length of scintillating light depends on the wavelength. By measuring the response function in advance, which defined as the wavelength spectrum measured at the fiber edge by the spectrometer with every transmission distance, the spectrum which can obtain when measured a certain radiation distribution can be expressed as the convolution of the response function. This method can avoid the problem of chance coincidence effect and signal pile-up, which occurs in the radiation detector with pulse counting mode under high dose rate field because this method measures the integrated light intensity. Through basic experiment using the ultraviolet irradiation source and $$^{90}$$Sr point source, basic properties of inverse estimation of irradiated position were confirmed, which showed that source position was reasonably estimated using the response function which obtained by the ultraviolet irradiation source in advance.


Comparative study on the thermal behavior of structural concretes of sodium-cooled fast reactor

菊地 晋; 古賀 信吉*; 山崎 淳司*

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 137(4), p.1211 - 1224, 2019/08

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:40.17(Thermodynamics)



Evidence for momentum-dependent heavy fermionic electronic structures; Soft X-ray ARPES for the superconductor CeNi$$_{2}$$Ge$$_{2}$$ in the normal state

中谷 泰博*; 荒谷 秀和*; 藤原 秀紀*; 森 健雄*; 鶴田 篤史*; 橘 祥一*; 山口 貴司*; 木須 孝幸*; 山崎 篤志*; 保井 晃*; et al.

Physical Review B, 97(11), p.115160_1 - 115160_7, 2018/03


 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:25.26(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We present clear experimental evidence for the momentum-dependent heavy fermionic electronic structures of the 4${it f}$-based strongly correlated system CeNi$$_{2}$$Ge$$_{2}$$ by soft X-ray angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. A comparison between the experimental three-dimensional quasiparticle dispersion of LaNi$$_{2}$$Ge$$_{2}$$ and CeNi$$_{2}$$Ge$$_{2}$$ has revealed that heavy fermionic electronic structures are seen in the region surrounding at a specific momentum. Furthermore, the wave vectors between the observed "heavy spots" are consistent with a result of neutron scattering reflecting magnetic correlations, which could be a trigger of the superconductivity in CeNi$$_{2}$$Ge$$_{2}$$.


Factors controlling $$^{134}$$Cs activity concentrations in sediment collected off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture in 2013-2015

福田 美保*; 青野 辰雄*; 山崎 慎之介*; 石丸 隆*; 神田 譲太*; 西川 淳*; 乙坂 重嘉

Geochemical Journal, 52(2), p.201 - 209, 2018/00

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:16.11(Geochemistry & Geophysics)



Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, 2; Neutron scattering instruments

中島 健次; 川北 至信; 伊藤 晋一*; 阿部 淳*; 相澤 一也; 青木 裕之; 遠藤 仁*; 藤田 全基*; 舟越 賢一*; Gong, W.*; et al.

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 1(3), p.9_1 - 9_59, 2017/12



Dissolved radiocaesium in seawater off the coast of Fukushima during 2013-2015

福田 美保*; 青野 辰雄*; 山崎 慎之介*; 西川 淳*; 乙坂 重嘉; 石丸 隆*; 神田 譲太*

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 311(2), p.1479 - 1484, 2017/02

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:50.47(Chemistry, Analytical)



Circular dichroism in resonant angle-resolved photoemission spectra of LaNi$$_{2}$$Ge$$_{2}$$

中谷 泰博*; 藤原 秀紀*; 荒谷 秀和*; 森 健雄*; 橘 祥一*; 山口 貴司*; 木須 孝幸*; 山崎 篤志*; 保井 晃*; 山上 浩志*; et al.

Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 220, p.50 - 53, 2017/01

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:16.75(Spectroscopy)

重い電子化合物CeNi$$_{2}$$Ge$$_{2}$$の非4$$f$$バンド由来の電子構造を明らかにするため、LaNi$$_{2}$$Ge$$_{2}$$の軟X線角度分解光電子分光を行った。La M$$_{4,5}$$吸収端での光電子スペクトルで、価電子帯のLa 5$$d$$成分の明瞭な強度の増大が観測された。さらに、軌道対称性に起因するバンドに依存した円二色性が観測された。


Magnetic and electronic properties of (LaMnO$$_3$$)$$_5$$(SrMnO$$_3$$)$$_5$$ superlattice revealed by resonant soft X-ray scattering

久保田 正人; 山田 浩之*; 中尾 裕則*; 岡本 淳*; 山崎 裕一*; 澤 彰仁*; 村上 洋一*

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 53(5S1), p.05FH07_1 - 05FH07_5, 2014/05

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:8.75(Physics, Applied)

We have investigated the magnetic and electronic properties of (LaMnO$$_3$$)$$_5$$(SrMnO$$_3$$)$$_5$$ superlattice fabricated on a lattice-matched La$$_{0.3}$$Sr$$_{0.7}$$Al$$_{0.65}$$Ta$$_{0.35}$$O$$_{3}$$ substrate by resonant soft X-ray scattering. The temperature- and $mbox{boldmath $Q$}$-dependences of the energy spectra were measured around the Mn $$L_{2,3}$$-absorption edges. We successfully observed not only a signal that reflects the valence modulation of Mn ion, but also a magnetic signal reflecting ferromagnetism. Compared with the calculated models, we concluded that the ferromagnetism mainly originates from the magnetic moments at the Mn sites sandwiched by LaO layers.


Antiferromagnetic order of the Co$$^{2+}$$ high-spin state with a large orbital angular momentum in La$$_{1.5}$$Ca$$_{0.5}$$CoO$$_{4}$$

岡本 淳*; 中尾 裕則*; 山崎 裕一*; 和達 大樹*; 田中 新*; 久保田 正人; 堀金 和正*; 村上 洋一*; 山田 和芳*

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 83(4), p.044705_1 - 044705_6, 2014/04

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:55.08(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

The antiferromagnetic insulator La$$_{1.5}$$Ca$$_{0.5}$$CoO$$_{4}$$ has been investigated by Co L$$_{2,3}$$-edge and O K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurements and Co L$$_{2,3}$$-edge resonant soft X-ray magnetic scattering (RXMS)measurement to determine the Co electronic structures associated with magnetic ordering. Co L$$_{2,3}$$-edge linear-dichroic XAS shows that Co$$^{2+}$$ takes a high-spin (HS) state and Co$$^{3+}$$ takes a low-spin (LS) state. Using Co L$$_{2,3}$$-edge RXMS, we directly determined that an antiferromagnetic order is formed with a HS state of Co$$^{2+}$$ ions. Moreover, the spin and orbital angular momenta of the Co$$^{2+}$$ HS state are quantitatively estimated to be 1.1$$pm$$0.1 and 1.0$$pm$$0.1, respectively, and to align parallel in the ab plane by utilizing the cluster model calculation. The large orbital angular momentum of the Co$$^{2+}$$ HS state originates from the small $$D_{4h}$$-symmetry crystal field splitting of $$t_{2g}$$ levels, which is comparable with the spin-orbit coupling constant of the Co 3$$d$$ orbital.


A New method to analyze individual photosynthetic abilities of young plant seedlings using positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS)

河地 有木; 小柳 淳*; 鈴井 伸郎; 石井 里美; 尹 永根; 山崎 治明; 岩崎 郁*; 小川 健一*; 藤巻 秀

JAEA-Review 2012-046, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2011, P. 93, 2013/01

We had employed the positron emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS) in combination with carbon-11- labeled carbon dioxide ($$^{11}$$CO$$_{2}$$) as the tracer gas. In the present study, we have developed a new method based on PETIS and $$^{11}$$CO$$_{2}$$ to evaluate individual photosynthetic abilities of young seedlings planted collectively on a petri dish with agar culture medium and thus investigate the effect of genetic modification or treatment on plant biomass enhancement. We report for the first time a method based on the use of PETIS and tracer gas of $$^{11}$$CO$$_{2}$$ for the quantitative and statistical evaluation of carbon fixation by small plant individuals. We plan to extend this method to the analysis of the relationship between the individual carbon fixation ability and gene expression, which is probably related to photosynthesis.


Imaging of root exudates secreted from soybean root to soil by using carbon-11-labeled carbon dioxide and PETIS

尹 永根; 鈴井 伸郎; 河地 有木; 石井 里美; 山崎 治明; 小柳 淳*; 藤巻 秀

JAEA-Review 2012-046, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2011, P. 92, 2013/01

The root of higher plant has important role in absorb essential nutrients critical to life. On the other hand, the root evolved special abilities to uptake of nutrients from the rhizosphere environment because that is fixed in the soil. As one example, the roots secrete organic acids to surrounding of rhizosphere for solubilization of the insoluble mineral in soil and absorb directly or indirectly of the nutrition. Previously, our group has reported that imaging of cadmium (Cd) uptake from hydroponic culture solution to root for study the mechanism of mineral metabolism by using a positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS) in plant. In this study, we performed the imaging of organic matter which is exudate from root to soil cultivation by using carbon-11-labeled carbon dioxide ($$^{11}$$CO$$_{2}$$) gas tracer with PETIS.


Electronic configuration of Mn ions in the $$pi$$-$$d$$ molecular ferromagnetic $$beta$$-Mn phthalocyanine studied by soft X-ray magnetic circular dichroism

片岡 隆史*; 坂本 勇太*; 山崎 陽*; Singh, V. R.*; 藤森 淳*; 竹田 幸治; 大河内 拓雄*; 藤森 伸一; 岡根 哲夫; 斎藤 祐児; et al.

Solid State Communications, 152(9), p.806 - 809, 2012/05

 被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:61.69(Physics, Condensed Matter)



Current status of a new polarized neutron reflectometer at the intense pulsed neutron source of the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) of J-PARC

武田 全康; 山崎 大; 曽山 和彦; 丸山 龍治; 林田 洋寿; 朝岡 秀人; 山崎 竜也; 久保田 正人; 相澤 一也; 新井 正敏; et al.

Chinese Journal of Physics, 50(2), p.161 - 170, 2012/04

The construction of a new polarized neutron reflectometer is now in progress at the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). MLF has the world's brightest pulsed neutron and muon sources (JSNS and MUSE). The user program of MLF has been already started in 2008, and now nine neutron and two muon spectrometers are in operation. Installation of the new reflectometer was expected to be completed in March 2011. However, the construction was interrupted by the massive earthquake hitting northeast Japan, including Tokai-mura where J-PARC is located. We expect to restart the user program of the new polarized neutron reflectometer at the beginning of next year (2012).


Research on glass cells for $$^{3}$$He neutron spin filters

坂口 佳史; 吉良 弘; 奥 隆之; 篠原 武尚; 鈴木 淳市; 酒井 健二; 中村 充孝; 鈴谷 賢太郎; 相澤 一也; 新井 正敏; et al.

Physica B; Condensed Matter, 406(12), p.2443 - 2447, 2011/06

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:16.13(Physics, Condensed Matter)

Glass cells play an important role in polarized $$^{3}$$He neutron spin filters. To evaluate the scattering and absorption contribution from glass cells during neutron scattering experiments, we measured small-angle scattering and neutron transmission in GE180 and other glasses. To pursue the possibility of being a structural influence on $$^{3}$$He spin relaxation in GE180 glass cells, we performed precise X-ray diffraction measurement using synchrotron radiation at SPring-8. From these measurements, a structural difference was observed among GE180 glasses with different thermal treatments.

88 件中 1件目~20件目を表示