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Factors controlling $$^{134}$$Cs activity concentrations in sediment collected off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture in 2013-2015


福田 美保*; 青野 辰雄*; 山崎 慎之介*; 石丸 隆*; 神田 譲太*; 西川 淳*; 乙坂 重嘉  

Fukuda, Miho*; Aono, Tatsuo*; Yamazaki, Shinnosuke*; Ishimaru, Takashi*; Kanda, Jota*; Nishikawa, Jun*; Otosaka, Shigeyoshi


To elucidate recent activity levels and the behavior of radiocesium in the coast off Fukushima Prefecture, lateral and vertical distributions of $$^{134}$$Cs in sediment were observed in 2013-2015 at 12 monitoring stations. At stations around the water depth of 100 m, relatively higher $$^{134}$$Cs activities were observed from surface sedimentary layer (0-3 cm). In these stations, sediments had high content of silt to clay particles and organic matter. The high $$^{134}$$Cs activities in the surface sediments were attributed to accumulation of highly mobile sediment particles. In October 2014, at some coastal stations, sharp peaks of $$^{134}$$Cs activities were observed in the subsurface (5-16 cm) sediments, whereas such broad peaks were not found in October 2015. These results suggest that the $$^{134}$$Cs activities in sediment had largely changed by lateral transport and re-sedimentation on the surface, as well as sediment mixing in the middle-layers.



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分野:Geochemistry & Geophysics



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