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Quantitative analysis of the initial transport of fixed nitrogen in nodulated soybean plants using $$^{15}$$N as a tracer

Hung, N. V. P.*; 渡部 詩織*; 石川 伸二*; 大竹 憲邦*; 末吉 邦*; 佐藤 孝*; 石井 里美; 藤巻 秀; 大山 卓爾*

Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 59(6), p.888 - 895, 2013/12

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:13.87(Plant Sciences)

The quantitative analysis of the initial transport of fixed $$^{15}$$N in intact nodulated soybean plants was investigated at the vegetative stage and pod-filling stage by the $$^{15}$$N pulse-chase experiment. The nodulated roots were exposed to N$$_{2}$$ gas labeled with a stable isotope $$^{15}$$N for 1 hour. Plant roots and shoots were separated into three sections with the same length of the main stem or primary root. Approximately 80% and 92% of fixed N was distributed in the basal part of the nodulated roots at vegetative and pod-filling stage the end of 1 hour of $$^{15}$$N$$_{2}$$ exposure, respectively. In addition, about 90% of fixed $$^{15}$$N was retained in the nodules and 10% was exported to root and shoot after 1 hour of $$^{15}$$N$$_{2}$$ exposure at pod-filling stage. The percentage distribution of $$^{15}$$N in the nodules at pod-filling stage decreased from 90% to 7% during the 7 hours of the chase-period, and increased in the roots (14%), stems (54%) leaves (12%), pods (10%), and seeds (4%). The $$^{15}$$N distribution was negligible in the distal root segment, suggesting that nitrogen fixation activity was negligible and recycling fixed N from the shoot to the roots was very low in the initially short time of the experiment.


Effect of nitrate on nodulation and nitrogen fixation of soybean

大山 卓爾; 藤掛 浩行*; 八島 裕幸*; 七夕 小百合*; 石川 伸二*; 佐藤 孝*; 西脇 俊和*; 大竹 憲邦*; 末吉 邦*; 石井 里美; et al.

Soybean Physiology and Biochemistry, p.333 - 364, 2011/11

Soybean Physiology and Biochemistryの中の、ダイズ植物の根粒形成及び窒素固定に対する硝酸の影響という章で研究成果をまとめている。窒素固定について、$$^{13}$$N標識窒素ガスを製造し、非侵襲的にイメージングし、定量することができた。硝酸処理下で$$^{11}$$C標識二酸化炭素を投与して光合成産物の根への分配をPETISにより観察し、さらに根粒の成長との関連を調べた。ひとつの植物の根を、硝酸処理区と無処理区に分けて$$^{11}$$C標識光合成産物の根への移行を観察したところ、硝酸処理区の根への移行が早いことがわかった。$$^{13}$$N標識硝酸を根粒着生株と非着生株の根に与え、硝酸処理区,無処理区で吸収,移行の様子を観察したところ$$^{13}$$N標識硝酸の吸収,移行に差はなかった。このことから、根粒の着生は硝酸の吸収,移行に影響を与えないことがわかった。根粒の窒素固定や硝酸の影響に関してPETISを用いたデータが大きく貢献している。



牧野 周*; 末吉 邦*; 鈴木 雄二*; 河地 有木; 俵谷 圭太郎*; 大津 直子*; 中西 啓仁*; 藤原 徹*

日本土壌肥料学雑誌, 82(2), p.152 - 159, 2011/04



Regulation of root nodule formation in leguminous plants

伊藤 小百合; 藤巻 秀; 加藤 太一*; 大竹 憲邦*; 末吉 邦*; 大山 卓爾*

Nitrogen assimilation in plants, p.205 - 214, 2010/07

Leguminous plants can form root nodules as symbiotic organs with soil bacterium rhizobia. The rhizobia fix atmospheric nitrogen in nodules, and the host plants can use this fixed nitrogen in exchange for providing photosynthate as an energy source. The nodule formation is regulated systemically in the host plants to prevent excess nodulation. This process is referred to as autoregulation of nodulation (AON), which includes communication between shoot and root. Hypernodulation mutants, a part of the AON is impaired, can form large number of nodules than the wild type. Using the hypernodulation mutants is thought to be an effective approach to clarify the mechanism of the AON. Recently, we found that the AON is related to the control system of leaf cell proliferation by analysis of the growth of the mutants. In this report, the AON mechanism is reviewed especially in relations to physiological features of the hypernodulation mutants.


Interaction between nitrogen nutrients acquisition function and distribution of photosynthetic products

大山 卓爾*; 末吉 邦*; 大竹 憲邦*; 伊藤 小百合*; 石橋 弘規*; Hara, T.*; Kimura, T.*; 松橋 信平; 藤巻 秀; 鈴井 伸郎; et al.

JAEA-Review 2006-042, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2005, P. 122, 2007/02

As nodulated leguminous crops grow, they assimilate both gaseous nitrogen and combined nitrogen. Combined N especially the NO$$_{3}$$$$^{-}$$ form inhibits all phases of nodulation and N$$_{2}$$ fixation process, although the mechanism have not been fully elucidated. Tungstate is a non-essential element for plant growth, which exerts harmaful effects on plants. When tungstate is applied to the plant medium, it competes with molybdate and inhibits some enzymes, which have a Mo cofactor in the active site such as nitrate reductase and nitrogenase. Application WO$$_{4}$$$$^{2-}$$ to the culuture medium diturbed nitrate transport to the shoot. In this report, WO$$_{4}$$$$^{2-}$$ was introduced into cut end of petiole of primary leaf and investigated that $$^{13}$$NO$$_{3}$$$$^{-}$$ transport from root to shoot was inhibited or not.


Critical current density of YBa$$_{2}$$Cu$$_{3}$$O$$_{y}$$ containing inclined columnar defects

石川 法人; 末吉 哲郎*; 岩瀬 彰宏; 知見 康弘; 藤吉 孝則*; 宮原 邦幸*; 木須 隆暢*

Physica C, 357-360(Part.1), p.505 - 508, 2001/09

レーザーアブレーション法により作ったYBa$$_{2}$$Cu$$_{3}$$O$$_{y}$$薄膜に、200MeV Auイオンを-45°の方向から照射し、傾いた柱状欠陥を試料中に導入した。照射前後に臨界電流密度の磁場角度依存性をその場測定し、さらにその磁場依存性を調べた。その結果、1~3Tの磁場領域においては磁束1本1本がそれぞれ柱状欠陥にピニングされるという描像よりむしろ磁束のbundleが柱状欠陥によってピニングされていると解釈した方がよいと結論づけることができる。


In situ measurements of transport characteristics in heavy-ion irradiated YBa$$_{2}$$Cu$$_{3}$$Oy under magnetic field

石川 法人; 末吉 哲郎*; 岩瀬 彰宏; 知見 康弘; 藤吉 孝則*; 宮原 邦幸*; 木須 隆暢*

Physica B; Condensed Matter, 284-288(Part1), p.873 - 874, 2000/07

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:22.10(Physics, Condensed Matter)



Optical response and transport properties of epitaxial YBa$$_{2}$$Cu$$_{3}$$O$$_{7-delta}$$ thin films with columnar defects

藤吉 孝則*; 末吉 哲郎*; 石川 法人; 岩瀬 彰宏; 知見 康弘; 木須 隆暢*; 宮原 邦幸*

Advances in Superconductivity XI, 1, p.597 - 600, 1999/00



Critical scaling analysis of transport characteristics before and after heavy-ion irradiation in a YBa$$_{2}$$Cu$$_{3}$$O$$_{7-delta}$$ thin film

末吉 哲郎*; 石川 法人; 岩瀬 彰宏; 知見 康弘; 木須 隆暢*; 藤吉 孝則*; 宮原 邦幸*

Advances in Superconductivity XI, 1, p.593 - 596, 1999/00



Analysis of the initial transport of fixed nitrogen and the effect of O$$_{2}$$ partial pressure on nitrogen fixation in soybean using nitrogen isotopes

Hung, N. V. P.; 渡部 詩織*; 石川 伸二*; 大竹 憲邦*; 末吉 邦*; 佐藤 孝*; 石井 里美; 鈴井 伸郎; 河地 有木; 尹 永根; et al.

no journal, , 

The quantitative analysis of initial transport of fixed nitrogen in intact nodulated soybean plants was conducted by the $$^{15}$$N pulse-chase experiment. Approximately 90% of fixed $$^{15}$$N was retained in the nodules and the $$^{15}$$N distribution in the basal nodules (78%) was higher than that of in the middle (12%) and distal nodules (0.1%) after 1 hour of stable isotope $$^{15}$$N exposure. The distribution of fixed $$^{15}$$N in the nodules decreased from 90% to 7% and increased in the other part during the initial 7 hours of the chase-period. The impacts of oxygen in rhizosphere on the symbiotic nitrogen fixation in real-time was evaluated under various O$$_{2}$$ partial pressure. Soybean nodules were treated with mixed gas containing N$$_{2}$$ labeled with a radioisotope $$^{13}$$N and various concentrations of O$$_{2}$$, and the nitrogen fixation activity in the nodules was visualized by the positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS). The results showed that under normal condition the nitrogen fixation ability of soybean plant was higher compared to that of under the other conditions (0% O$$_{2}$$ and 10% O$$_{2}$$). There was no significant difference in the nitrogen fixation activity between 0% O$$_{2}$$ and 10% O$$_{2}$$.



Hung, N. V. P.; 渡部 詩織*; 石川 伸二*; 大竹 憲邦*; 末吉 邦*; 石井 里美; 藤巻 秀; 大山 卓爾*; 八島 裕幸*

no journal, , 


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