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JAEA Reports

Tritium removal of heavy water system and helium system in FUGEN

Takiya, Hiroaki; Kadowaki, Haruhiko; Matsushima, Akira; Matsuo, Hidehiko; Ishiyama, Masahiro; Aratani, Kenta; Tezuka, Masashi

JAEA-Technology 2020-001, 76 Pages, 2020/05


Advanced Thermal Reactor (ATR) FUGEN was operated for about 25 years, and now has been proceeding decommissioning after the approval of the decommissioning plan in Feb. 2008. The reactor, heavy water system and helium system are contaminated by tritium because of neutron absorption of heavy water, which is a moderator. Before dismantling these facilities, it is necessary to remove tritium from them for not only reducing the amount of tritium released to surrounding environment and the risk of internal exposure by tritium but also ensuring the workability. In first phase of decommissioning (Heavy Water and Other system Decontamination Period), tritium decontamination of the reactor, heavy water system and helium system started in 2008 and completed in 2018. This report shows the results of tritium decontamination of the reactor, heavy water system and helium system.

Journal Articles

Study of the dust behavior on the laser and plasma cutting

Soejima, Goro; Iwai, Hiroki; Kadowaki, Haruhiko; Nakamura, Yasuyuki; Tsuzuki, Satoshi*; Yasunaga, Kazushi*; Nakata, Yoshinori*; Kume, Kyo*

Heisei-28-Nendo Koeki Zaidan Hojin Wakasawan Enerugi Kenkyu Senta kenkyu Nempo, 19, P. 9, 2017/10

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Technology development on reactor dismantling and investigation of contamination in FUGEN

Soejima, Goro; Iwai, Hiroki; Nakamura, Yasuyuki; Hayashi, Hirokazu; Kadowaki, Haruhiko; Mizui, Hiroyuki; Sano, Kazuya

Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-25) (CD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2017/07

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Tritium decontamination of contaminated system with tritiated heavy water by drying treatment

Kadowaki, Haruhiko; Matsushima, Akira; Nakajima, Yoshiaki

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2016/06

Advanced thermal reactor "FUGEN" is a heavy water-moderated boiling light water-cooled pressure tube-type reactor. Because tritium had been generated in the heavy water during the reactor operation, the heavy water system and helium system were contaminated by tritium. The chemical form of the tritium was water molecule in FUGEN. Air-through drying and vacuum drying were applied to the system drying, and it was demonstrated that both methods were effective for drying treatment of heavy water in system. Helium system, low-contamination and non inclusion, could finish the vacuum drying rapidly. However, Heavy water purification system needed long period for drying treatment. The result showed that it needed long period to dry up if the objects include the adsorbent of water such as alumina pellet, resin and silica gel. But it can be accelerated by replacement absorbed heavy water to light water from the result of drying treatment of the rotary type dehumidifier.

JAEA Reports

Document collection of the 31st Technical Special Committee on Fugen Decommissioning

Kutsuna, Hideki; Yamazaki, Koichi; Kadowaki, Haruhiko; Iguchi, Yukihiro

JAEA-Review 2015-008, 39 Pages, 2015/06


Fugen Decommissioning Engineering Center has been establishing "Technical special committee on Fugen decommissioning" which consists of the members well-informed, aiming to make good use of Fugen as a place for technological development which is opened inside and outside the country, as the central point in the energy research and development base making project of Fukui prefecture, and to utilize the outcome in our decommissioning to the technical development effectively. This report compiles presentation materials "The Current Situation of Fugen Decommissioning", "Applicability Test for Dismantling with the Diamond Wire Saw using equipments used in Fugen", "Status of the Tritium Removal and Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Room-Temperature Vacuum drying" and "Integration Policy of Knowledge Management System for Fugen", presented in the 31st Technical special committee on Fugen decommissioning which was held on March 13, 2015.

JAEA Reports

Document collection of the 29th Technical Special Committee on Fugen Decommissioning

Kutsuna, Hideki; Iwai, Hiroki; Kadowaki, Haruhiko

JAEA-Review 2014-023, 30 Pages, 2014/08


Fugen Decommissioning Engineering Center, in planning and carrying out our decommissioning technical development, has been establishing "Technical special committee on Fugen decommissioning" which consists of the members well-informed, aiming to make good use of Fugen as a place for technological development which is opened inside and outside the country, as the central point in the energy research and development base making project of Fukui prefecture, and to utilize the outcome in our decommissioning to the technical development effectively. This report compiles presentation materials "The Current Situation of Fugen Decommissioning", "Development for the Sampling Technology from the Reactor Core Structure of FUGEN" and "Efficiency Improvement for the Room-Temperature Vacuum Drying in the Tritium Removal", presented in the 29th Technical special committee on Fugen decommissioning which was held on March 13, 2014.

JAEA Reports

Document collection of the 28th Technical Special Committee on Fugen Decommissioning

Kutsuna, Hideki; Iwai, Hiroki; Mizui, Hiroyuki; Kadowaki, Haruhiko; Nakamura, Yasuyuki

JAEA-Review 2013-049, 49 Pages, 2014/02


Fugen Decommissioning Engineering Center has been establishing "Technical special committee on Fugen decommissioning" which consists of the members well-informed, aiming to make good use of Fugen as a place for technological development which is opened inside and outside the country. This report compiles presentation materials "The Current Situation of Fugen Decommissioning", "The Current Status of the Cutting Test toward the Practical Use of Laser Cutting Technology and the Future Plan", "Study on Radioactive Substance Osmosis for Basis Concrete of Equipment", "Verification Tests of the Room-Temperature Vacuum Drying and the Evaluation Method of Residual Amount of Heavy Water in the Tritium Removal" and "Applicability Test of Thermal and Mechanical Cutting Technology for the Dismantlement of the Internal Core of Fukushima Daiichi NPS", presented in the 28th Technical special committee on Fugen decommissioning which was held on September 24, 2013.

JAEA Reports

Document collection of the 27th Technical Special Committee on Fugen Decommissioning

Kutsuna, Hideki; Kadowaki, Haruhiko; Sakakibara, Yasuhide; Hirata, Tomohiro

JAEA-Review 2013-027, 40 Pages, 2013/09


Fugen Decommissioning Engineering Center is establishing "Technical special committee on Fugen decommissioning" which consists of the members well-informed, aiming to make good use of Fugen as a place for technological development, as the central point in the energy research and development base making project of Fukui prefecture. This report compiles presentation materials "The Current Situation of Fugen Decommissioning", "Upgrading of a Removal Technique for a Heavy Water Withdraw and a Tritium Removal" and "Research of Ageing Management of Nuclear Power Plant for Safe Long Term Operating in Fukui", "The Work for Solution and Promotion on Technical Challenge (Public Offering Type)" which is related with the efforts of Fugen in the Fukui energy research and development centralization plan, presented in the 27th Technical special committee on Fugen decommissioning which was held on March 14, 2013.

JAEA Reports

Document collection of the 26th Technical Special Committee on Fugen Decommissioning

Kutsuna, Hideki; Koda, Yuya; Shibahara, Yuji; Kadowaki, Haruhiko

JAEA-Review 2012-040, 36 Pages, 2013/01


Fugen Decommissioning Engineering Center is establishing "Technical special committee on Fugen decommissioning" which consists of the members well-informed, aiming to make good use of Fugen as a place for technological development which is opened inside and outside the country, as the central point in the energy research and development base making project of Fukui prefecture, and to utilize the outcome in our decommissioning to the technical development effectively. This report compiles presentation materials "The Current Situation of Fugen Decommissioning", "The Application Results of Various Cutting Methods in the Dismantling of the Equipments of the Turbine System", "Study of Work Program on the Dismantling Activities with the Project Management Data Evaluation System", "Record and Knowledge in Working for a Heavy Water Withdraw and a Tritium Removal", presented in the 26th Technical special committee on Fugen decommissioning which was held on September 13, 2012.

Journal Articles

Applicability of a catalytic reduction method using a palladium-copper catalyst and hydrazine for the denitration of a highly concentrated nitrate salt solution

Kadowaki, Haruhiko; Meguro, Yoshihiro

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 49(9), p.881 - 887, 2012/09

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:30.79(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Oral presentation

Tritium removal of FUGEN using a compact portable dehumidifier system of hollow fiber membrane separation, 2; Verification test of applicability

Kadowaki, Haruhiko; Matsuo, Hidehiko; Yamane, Naoki; Asakura, Yamato*; Matsushima, Akira

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of a DC -1 MV insulation transformer for ITER NBI

Watanabe, Kazuhiro; Yamanaka, Haruhiko; Maejima, Tetsuya; Inoue, Takashi; Hanada, Masaya; Tanaka, Shigeru*; Kadowaki, Makoto*

no journal, , 

A DC -1 MV insulation transformer is required for ITER NBI power supply. However such insulation transformer has not been developed. Demonstration of the DC ultra high voltage insulation is essential to realize such insulation transformer. To demonstrate the insulation transformer, a transformer model has been designed and fabricated under the ITER research and development task. The high voltage test with the model has been successfully performed and it ensures that the real insulation transformer can be fabricated.

Oral presentation

Development of DC ultra-high voltage insulation technology for ITER NBI

Tobari, Hiroyuki; Hanada, Masaya; Watanabe, Kazuhiro; Kashiwagi, Mieko; Kojima, Atsushi; Dairaku, Masayuki; Seki, Norikatsu; Abe, Hiroyuki; Umeda, Naotaka; Yamanaka, Haruhiko; et al.

no journal, , 

Progress on technical development on ITER and JT-60SA neutral beam injector (NBI) were reported. In development of a 1 MV insulating transformer for ITER NB power supply, a bushing extracting 1 MV required a huge insulator that was impossible to manufacture. To solve this issue, a composite bushing with FRP tube and a small condenser bushing with insulation gas was newly developed. In development the HV bushing as an insulating feed through, voltage holding in large cylindrical electrodes inside the HV bushing was investigated. The scaling for vacuum insulation design of large cylindrical electrodes was obtained. Toward long pulse production and acceleration of negative ion beam, active control system of plasma grid temperature and a new extractor consisting of the extraction grid with high water cooling capability and aperture offset were developed. As a result, 15 negative ion beam has been achieved for 100 s. Also beam energy density has been increased two orders of magnitude.

Oral presentation

Technology survey on in-situ simple $$gamma$$ ray measurement

Soejima, Goro; Kadowaki, Haruhiko; Iwai, Hiroki; Nakamura, Yasuyuki; Mizui, Hiroyuki; Sano, Kazuya

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Decommissioning plan of Fugen

Uta, Masato; Yamamoto, Kosuke; Nakamura, Yasuyuki; Nakayama, Tamotsu; Okuzawa, Kazuhiro; Kadowaki, Haruhiko

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Degradation of nitrate ion by reduction using precious metal catalyst, 2; Reductive degradation of nitrate ion using homogeneous solution of nitrate salt and hydrazine

Tomioka, Osamu; Kadowaki, Haruhiko; Meguro, Yoshihiro; Takahashi, Kuniaki; Kato, Atsushi*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Construction of waste transportation route by building penetration for decommissioning

Awatani, Yuto; Aratani, Kenta; Kadowaki, Haruhiko; Nakamura, Yasuyuki; Ishiyama, Masahiro; Tezuka, Masashi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Degradation of nitrate ion by reduction using precious metal catalyst, 4; Degradation of high concentration of nitrate ion by flow system degradation method

Kadowaki, Haruhiko; Kato, Atsushi; Tomioka, Osamu; Sakakibara, Tetsuro; Yamaguchi, Hiromi; Meguro, Yoshihiro; Takahashi, Kuniaki

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Degradation of nitrate ion by reduction using precious metal catalyst, 5; Effects of catalyst metal composition on catalyst lifetime

Kadowaki, Haruhiko; Kato, Atsushi; Mamiya, Keiji; Takano, Masato; Yamashita, Toshiyuki; Meguro, Yoshihiro; Takahashi, Kuniaki

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

43 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)