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JAEA Reports

Monju operator training report; Training results and upgrade of the operation training simulator in 2005 YF

Koyagishi, Naoki; Sasaki, Kazuichi; Sawada, Makoto; Kawanishi, Tomotake*; Yoshida, Kazuo*

JNC TN4410 2005-002, 26 Pages, 2005/07


The prototype fast breeder reactor, Monju, has been performing deliberately the operation training which is composed of the regulated training required by the government and the self-training. The training used a full scope type simulator (MARS: Monju Advanced Reactor Simulator) plays an important role among of the above mentioned trainings and greatly contributes to the Monju operator training for Monju restarting. This report covers the activities of Monju operator training in 2005 FY, i.e the training results, modification and maintenance of the MARS.

JAEA Reports


Otsuka, Jiro; Kawanishi, Tomotake*; Koyagishi, Naoki; Sasaki, Kazuichi; Sawada, Makoto

JNC TN4410 2004-010, 12 Pages, 2005/03



JAEA Reports

Monju operator training Report; Training Results and Upgrade of the Operation Training Simulator in 2003 YF

Koyagishi, Naoki; Sasaki, Kazuichi; Sawada, Makoto; Kawanishi, Tomotake*; Yoshida, Kazuo*

JNC TN4410 2004-005, 32 Pages, 2004/09


The prototype fast breeder reactor, Monju, has been performing deliberately the operator training which is composed of the regulated training required by the government and the self-training. The training used a full scope type simulator (MARS: Monju Advanced Reactor Simulator) plays and important role among of the above mentioned trainings and greatly contributes to the Monju operator training for Monju restarting. This report covers the activities of Monju operator training in 2003 FY, i.e. the trainig results and the remodeling working of the MARS in progress since 1999.

JAEA Reports


Otsuka, Jiro; Kawanishi, Tomotake*; Koyagishi, Naoki; Sasaki, Kazuichi; Sawada, Makoto

JNC TN4410 2003-009, 31 Pages, 2003/12



JAEA Reports

Monju operator training Report; Training Results and Upgrade of the Operation Training Simulator in 2002 YF

Koyagishi, Naoki; Sasaki, Kazuichi; Sawada, Makoto; Kawanishi, Tomotake*; Yoshida, Kazuo*

JNC TN4410 2003-006, 141 Pages, 2003/09


The prototype fast breeder reactor, Monju, has been performing deliberately the operator training which is composed of the regulated training required by the government and the self-training. The training used a full scope type simulator (MARS:Monju Advanced Reactor Simulator) plays an important role among of the above mentioned trainings and greatly contributes to the Monju operator training for Monju restarting.This report covers the activities of Monju operator training in 2002 FY, i.e.the training results and the remodeling working of the MARS in progress since 1999.

JAEA Reports


; Kawanishi, Tomotake*; Koyagishi, Naoki; Sasaki, Kazuichi; Sawada, Makoto

JNC TN4410 2002-005, 49 Pages, 2003/03



JAEA Reports


; Kawanishi, Tomotake*; ; ;

JNC TN4440 2002-014, 48 Pages, 2002/11


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Development of the supporting system of the Monju advanced reactor simulator (MARS)

; ; ; ; Kawanishi, Tomotake*;

JNC TN4410 2002-003, 63 Pages, 2002/10


The MARS has been operating for operator training and operation procedure's verification of the prototype fast breeder reactor "Monju" since April 1991. In order to carry out the above results more effectively, the MARS supporting system which consists of several computer systems has being developed. This report covers the following three supporting systems developed from 1994 to 2001 and study on evaluation method of Monju operator training data. (1)Expanded Monju visual animation system. The Monju visual animation system was developed to visualize the inner structure of equipments and the parameters without measuring points. This system is used for training from 1993. And then, the training limits of the system has been extended. (2)Development of the Monju min simulator for reactor core analysis. Development of the Monju min simulator which analyzes thermo-hydraulic behavior in the Monju reactor in detail is proceeding with the aims of upgrading Monju operator training effect. The obtained results will be reflected to remodeling of MARS's reactor core analysis model. (3)Development of the severe accident CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) system. The prototype system which supports study on accident management was developed. This system will be converted when the severe accident procedure of Monju is fixed, and it will be used for training. (4)Study on evaluation method of Monju operator training data. In order to reconstruct the operator training system, the evaluation method of training data was considered. The availability has been checked as a result of evaluating crew communication using this method.

JAEA Reports


; Kawanishi, Tomotake*; ; ;

JNC TN4440 2002-012, 47 Pages, 2002/09


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Transition of Monju simulator training owing to Monju accident and upgrade of Monju advanced reactor simulator (MARS)

; ; ; ; Kawanishi, Tomotake*; ;

JNC TN4410 2002-001, 67 Pages, 2002/07


The Monju advanced reactor simulator (MARS) has been operated for training of Monju operators and for verification of Monju operating manual's appropriateness since 1991 for over 11 years. This report covers transition of Monju training system and modified of MARS owing to Monju accident as operating experience of MARS on from 1994 to 2001. The principal points mentioned are as follows: (A)Improved Monju training system owing to Monju accident. (1)Reinforcement of sodium handling and sodium fire-fighting exercise (2)Improved of training system and revised of training frequency (3)Introduced of evaluation and analysis system regarding training results (4)Providing of training guide line (5)Step up of fundamental education by introducing of CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction System) (B)Upgrade of MARS for Monju restarting (1)Reflected of the real plant data obtained from Monju performance test (2)Addition of malfunction items (3)Development of simulation software and addition of simulation panel concerning reinforced sodium leakage corresponding training (4)Improvement of simulation ability and remodeling of calculating model by renewal of computer system (5)Up graded program in the future. Additionally, regarding operating experience of MARS before 1994 had been already reported named "Development and operation experience of a Full Scope Simulator for the Prototype FBR Monju", PNC ZN 2410-95-015.

10 (Records 1-10 displayed on this page)
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