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石川 覚*; 鈴井 伸郎; 伊藤 小百合*; 石井 里美; 井倉 将人*; 安部 匡*; 倉俣 正人*; 河地 有木; 藤巻 秀
JAEA-Review 2012-046, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2011, P. 91, 2013/01
We have visualized and quantitatively analysed the real-time Cd dynamics from roots to grains in typical rice cultivars that differed in grain Cd concentrations. We used positron-emitting Cd tracer and an innovative imaging technique, PETIS. A new method for direct and real-time visualization of the Cd uptake by the roots in the culture was first realized in this work. Imaging and quantitative analyses revealed the different patterns in time-varying curves of Cd amounts in the roots of rice cultivars tested. Three low-Cd accumulating cultivars showed rapid saturation curves, whereas three high-Cd accumulating cultivars were characterized by curves with a peak within 30 min after Cd supplementation, and a subsequent steep decrease resulting in maintenance of lower Cd concentrations in their roots. This difference in Cd dynamics may be attributable to OsHMA3 transporter protein, which was recently shown to be involved in Cd storage in root vacuoles and not functional in the high-Cd accumulating cultivars. Moreover, the PETIS analyses revealed that the high-Cd accumulating cultivars were characterized by rapid and abundant Cd transfer to the shoots from the roots, a faster transport velocity of Cd to the panicles, and Cd accumulation at high levels in their panicles, passing through the nodal portions of the stems where the highest Cd intensities were observed.
石川 覚*; 石丸 泰寛*; 井倉 将人*; 倉俣 正人*; 阿部 薫*; 瀬野浦 武志*; 長谷 純宏; 荒尾 知人*; 西澤 直子*; 中西 啓仁*
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(47), p.19166 - 19171, 2012/11
被引用回数:383 パーセンタイル:99.70(Multidisciplinary Sciences)コメは食品を経由するカドミウム摂取の主要経路の1つであるが、コメのカドミウム汚染を大幅に低減させる技術は開発されていない。われわれはイオンビーム照射によって、コメの粒にカドミウムをほとんど蓄積しないイネ変異体を獲得し、さらに責任遺伝子を同定した。われわれは、低カドミウム濃度を示す3つの変異体を獲得し、それぞれが同一の遺伝子()に異なる変異を持つこと、並びに変異型によってコードされるトランスポーターが根におけるカドミウム輸送能を欠損することを明らかにした。カドミウム汚染水田において、変異体は低カドミウム濃度の形質を示し、それ以外の農業形質には影響が認められなかった。さらに、変異型を持つイネ新品種を開発するためのDNAマーカーを開発した。われわれの発見はコメのカドミウム汚染低減に大きく貢献するものである。
石川 覚*; 鈴井 伸郎; 伊藤 小百合*; 石井 里美; 井倉 将人*; 安部 匡*; 倉俣 正人*; 河地 有木; 藤巻 秀
BMC Plant Biology, 11, p.172_1 - 172_12, 2011/11
被引用回数:75 パーセンタイル:88.49(Plant Sciences)In this study, we have visualized and quantitatively analysed the real-time Cd dynamics from roots to grains in typical rice cultivars that differed in grain Cd concentrations. We used positron-emitting Cd tracer and an innovative imaging technique, the positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS). In particular, a new method for direct and real-time visualization of the Cd uptake by the roots in the culture was first realized in this work. Imaging and quantitative analyses revealed the different patterns in time-varying curves of Cd amounts in the roots of rice cultivars tested. Three low-Cd accumulating cultivars (japonica type) showed rapid saturation curves, whereas three high-Cd accumulating cultivars (indica type) were characterized by curves with a peak within 30 min after Cd supplementation, and a subsequent steep decrease resulting in maintenance of lower Cd concentrations in their roots. Moreover, the PETIS analyses revealed that the high-Cd accumulating cultivars were characterized by rapid and abundant Cd transfer to the shoots from the roots, a faster transport velocity of Cd to the panicles, and Cd accumulation at high levels in their panicles, passing through the nodal portions of the stems where the highest Cd intensities were observed.
石川 覚*; 倉俣 正人*; 阿部 匡*; 鈴井 伸郎; 伊藤 小百合; 河地 有木; 藤巻 秀
Proceedings of 16th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC-16) (Internet), P. 1151, 2009/04
We analyzed the real-time translocation of Cd from root to shoot among 6 rice cultivars using a positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS). Cd first accumulated at the basal region of the shoot within 2 h after the exposure and the signals were much stronger in high-Cd-accumulating cultivars (indica) than in low-Cd-accumulating ones (japonica). Cd accumulated increasingly at the upper portion of the shoot with time, and the signals were obviously strong in high-Cd-accumulating cultivars. These results suggest that the different ability of root-to-shoot translocation of Cd is closely related to the genotypic variation in shoot Cd accumulation in rice.
鈴井 伸郎; 石川 覚*; 井倉 将人; 石井 里美; 倉俣 正人*; 安部 匡*; 牧野 知之*; 尹 永根; 河地 有木; 藤巻 秀
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鈴井 伸郎; 井倉 将人*; 河地 有木; 石井 里美; 尹 永根; 藤巻 秀; 倉俣 正人*; 安部 匡*; 牧野 知之*; 石川 覚*
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鈴井 伸郎; 石川 覚*; 伊藤 小百合*; 石井 里美; 井倉 将人*; 安部 匡*; 倉俣 正人*; 河地 有木; 藤巻 秀
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井倉 将人*; 鈴井 伸郎; 安部 匡*; 倉俣 正人*; 藤巻 秀; 石川 覚*
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イネの篩管は玄米へのカドミウム(Cd)輸送に深く関与すると考えられている。本研究ではCd吸収挙動の異なるイネ品種を用いて、幼植物の茎葉部及び出穂期の最上位節間における篩管液の重金属組成を分析した。コシヒカリ(KSH, Cd低集積品種)とJarjan(JRJ, Cd高集積品種)の1か月苗をCd汚染土壌で栽培し、トビイロウンカを用いたインセクトレーザー法により、茎葉部から篩管液を採取した。出穂期のKSHとBIL35(Cd高集積系統)の最上位節間からも同様の方法で採取し、各元素濃度を原子吸光光度計及びICP-MSで分析した。その結果、イネ幼植物の篩管液中のCd濃度はKSHとJRJで明確な差が見られたが、他の重金属では品種間に大きな差は見られなかった。出穂したイネの最上位節間の篩管液のCd濃度については、KSHとBIL35で明確な差が見られた。他の重金属濃度は、Fe, Znが高く、品種間ではFeでわずかに差が見られた。地上部各部位のCd濃度はKSHと比較してBIL35が高く、Cd以外にFe, Znでわずかに差が見られた。Cd吸収挙動の異なるイネの篩管液では、品種間でCd以外にFe等の元素濃度が異なり、重金属輸送において一部の元素で品種間差が認められた。
鈴井 伸郎; 石川 覚*; 伊藤 小百合*; 石井 里美; 井倉 将人*; 安部 匡*; 倉俣 正人*; 河地 有木; 藤巻 秀
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In this study, we have developed direct imaging of Cd in underground parts using a positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS), and applied the method to analyse the time-varying distribution of Cd in the high- and low-Cd accumulating rice cultivars. The hydroponic culture solution including Cd were fed to the six individual cultivars, and the serial images of the Cd distribution in the both underground and aerial parts were obtained for 24 h using PETIS and newly developed method of direct imaging of Cd root uptake. As a result, the serial images of Cd uptake by the roots of rice cultivars was successfully obtained. Time courses of Cd amounts demonstrated that decrease of Cd in the culture solution was similar but retention of Cd in the roots was drastically different between the high- and low-Cd accumulating cultivars. The low-Cd accumulating cultivars showed rapid saturation curves of Cd amount in the roots, whereas the high-Cd accumulating cultivars were characterized by curves with a peak within 30 min after Cd supplementation, and a subsequent steep decrease. These results indicate that the high-Cd accumulating cultivars have a less ability to retain Cd in the root tissue compared with the low-Cd accumulating cultivars, resulting in higher Cd accumulation in the shoots.
井倉 将人*; 安部 匡*; 倉俣 正人*; 鈴井 伸郎; 河地 有木; 石井 里美; 尹 永根; 藤巻 秀; 石川 覚*
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石川 覚*; 安部 匡*; 倉俣 正人*; 井倉 将人*; 鈴井 伸郎; 伊藤 小百合*; 石井 里美; 河地 有木; 藤巻 秀; 山本 敏央*; et al.
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We found three indica rice cultivars (Choko-koku, Jarjan, Anjana Dhan) with markedly high Cd concentrations in their grains and shoots from the world rice core collection (WRC), consisting of 69 rice accessions which covers the genetic diversity of almost 32,000 accessions of cultivated rice. To characterize the differences in Cd dynamics between the high- and low-Cd accumulating rice cultivars, we used positron-emitting 107Cd tracer and an innovative imaging technique, the positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS). The apparent differences were clearly shown as Cd retention in the roots, the rates of Cd translocation from the roots to the shoots, and the long-distance Cd transport to the panicles. To identify the gene loci for Cd accumulation in rice, we conducted the QTL genetic analysis and found the major QTL gene (qCdp7) for increasing Cd accumulation. This gene derived from the high-Cd accumulating cultivars would be useful for developing practical rice cultivars for Cd-phytoextraction use.