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松尾 陽一郎*; 泉 佳伸*; 長谷 純宏; 坂本 綾子; 野澤 樹; 鳴海 一成*; 清水 喜久雄*
JAEA-Review 2013-059, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2012, P. 112, 2014/03
To investigate the nature of mutations induced by accelerated ions in eukaryotic cells, the effects of carbon-ion irradiation were compared with those of -ray irradiation in the budding yeast
. Previous studies suggested that the mutation sites induced by carbon ions were localized near the linker regions of nucleosomes, whereas mutations induced by
rays were located uniformly throughout the gene. We hypothesized that the locus of mutations might be related to the nucleosome structure. To confirm this hypothesis, we examined the mutation spectrum in the
gene with the altered nucleosome structure. It is likely that sites of mutations occurred in the
with altered nucleosome structure is inconsistent with those in the wild type. We will further accumulate the data to examine the above hypothesis.
長谷 純宏; 野澤 樹; 浅見 逸夫*; 田之頭 優樹*; 松尾 洋一*; 金澤 章*; 本多 和茂*; 鳴海 一成*
JAEA-Review 2013-059, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2012, P. 102, 2014/03
This study is aimed to develop ion beam breeding technology and useful plant resources. In the cooperative research with Aichi prefecture, 4 lines of chrysanthemum mutant, which have characteristic petals in a whole part of the flower head, were obtained from about 1,500 regenerated plants. The trial growing of one of the mutant lines was received well and further characterization will be performed. We also focus on improvement of trees and functional ingredients in crops because little knowledge has been accumulated in this area. We are developing the ion beam breeding technology in Citrus plants as a model for trees. The cut surfaces of hypocotyls were exposed to carbon ions and the regenerated plants were grown. There was a large difference in radiation sensitivity among 7 kinds of commercial varieties. The regeneration rate after 10 Gy irradiation was more than 90% in "Kawano-Natsudaidai" but was less than 10% in Trifoliate orange. Mutant plants with shorter internode were successfully obtained in "Imamura-unshu". In the cooperative research with Hokkaido University, soybean mutants with altered ingredients, such as isoflavones, proteins, fatty acids and starch, were obtained.
大島 武; 出来 真斗; 牧野 高紘; 岩本 直也; 小野田 忍; 平尾 敏雄*; 児島 一聡*; 富田 卓朗*; 松尾 繁樹*; 橋本 修一*
AIP Conference Proceedings 1525, p.654 - 658, 2013/04
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Physics, Applied)炭化ケイ素(SiC)半導体デバイスのシングルイベント現象(SEGR)を把握するため、SiCエピタキシャル膜に金属-酸化膜-半導体キャパシタ(MOS)を作製し、イオン入射によりMOSキャパシタの酸化膜から検出される漏れ電流を調べた。n型六方晶(4H)SiCエピタキシャル基板上に1100C、60分間の水素燃焼酸化を行うことで60
長谷 純宏; 野澤 樹; 岡田 智行*; 浅見 逸夫*; 長谷 健*; 松尾 洋一*; 金澤 章*; 本多 和茂*; 鳴海 一成
JAEA-Review 2012-046, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2011, P. 95, 2013/01
This study is aimed to develop ion beam breeding technology and useful plant resources. In particular, our current research is focused on the step-wise improvement of traits in flower and ornamental plants. We also focus on improvement of trees and functional ingredients in crops because little knowledge has been accumulated in this area. Here, we describe recent progress made in these studies.
松尾 陽一郎*; 泉 佳伸*; 長谷 純宏; 坂本 綾子; 野澤 樹; 鳴海 一成; 清水 喜久雄*
JAEA-Review 2012-046, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2011, P. 105, 2013/01
We have been studying ion beam-induced mutations in budding yeast S288c (
) as a model of eukaryote cell. We report a new method to evaluate DNA lesions caused by high-LET radiation using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR is one of the most reliable methods for detecting DNA damage as the amplification stops at the site of the damage. In this study, the 804-bp region of
gene was amplified by PCR reaction using a specific oligonucleotide primer set. The PCR device adopted was an Eco Real-Time PCR System (Illumina). The percentage of undamaged template DNA was tended to decrease with an increase in absorbed dose of radiation. The higher LET radiations resulted in the higher rate of decrease in undamaged template DNA. This result suggests that different types of lesions are produced on DNA depending on the LET value of radiations.
松尾 陽一郎*; 泉 佳伸*; 長谷 純宏; 坂本 綾子; 野澤 樹; 鳴海 一成; 清水 喜久雄*
JAEA-Review 2011-043, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2010, P. 108, 2012/01
We have been studying ion-beam induced mutations in the budding yeast as a model of eukaryote cell. Yeast cells were irradiated with 220 MeV carbon ions with 107 keV/m LET. The survival rates following irradiation were determined on the basis of colony-forming ability.
strains showed hyper sensitivity, while the
strains showed relatively lower sensitivity to the carbon ion irradiation. The expression of
gene was up-regulated following carbon ion irradiation but not
rays. This difference may result from the repair pathway that operates in mutant strains.
長谷 純宏; 野澤 樹; 岡田 智行*; 浅見 逸夫*; 長谷 健*; 松尾 洋一*; 金澤 章*; 本多 和茂*; 鳴海 一成
JAEA-Review 2011-043, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2010, P. 100, 2012/01
The purpose of this study is to develop ion beam breeding technology and to create useful plant resources. In particular, our current research is focused on the step-wise improvement of traits in flower and ornamental plants. We also focus on improvement of trees and functional ingredients in crops because little knowledge has been accumulated in this area. Here, we describe recent progress made in these studies.
伊藤 拓人*; 出来 真斗; 富田 卓朗*; 松尾 繁樹*; 橋本 修一*; 北田 貴弘*; 井須 俊郎*; 小野田 忍; 大島 武
Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM 2011) (Internet), 5 Pages, 2011/06
The polarization dependence of local electric conductivity in Silicon carbide (SiC) modified by femtosecond laser (fs-laser) was studied. The surface of SiC was irradiated by fs-laser with the different polarization configurations. In the case that the scanning direction is parallel to the electric field, the local electric conductivity drastically increases with increasing fs-laser fluence. On the other hand, in the case that the scanning direction is perpendicular to electric field, the local electric conductivity slightly increase with increasing fluence. According to Raman spectroscopy and secondary electron microscope observation, we found that the amorphous-Si, -C, -SiC are created for parallel irradiation, but the amorphous-SiC is created for perpendicular irradiation. Therefore, we suggests that the polarization dependence of local electric conductivity is due to the chemical composition of laser modified region.
打田 正輝*; 大石 晃史*; 松尾 まり; 小椎八重 航*; 小野瀬 佳文*; 森 道康; 藤岡 淳*; 宮坂 茂樹*; 前川 禎通; 十倉 好紀*
Physical Review B, 83(16), p.165127_1 - 165127_5, 2011/04
被引用回数:31 パーセンタイル:74.39(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)We report a systematic investigation on the high-temperature thermoelectric response in a typical filling-control Mott transition system LaSr
. In the vicinity of the Mott transition, incoherent charge transport appears with increasing temperature and the thermopower undergoes two essential crossovers, asymptotically approaching the limit values expected from the entropy consideration, as known as Heikes formula. By comparison with the results of the dynamical mean field theory, we show that the thermopower in the Mott critical state mainly measures the entropy per charge carrier that depends on electronic degrees of freedom available at the measurement temperature. Our findings verify that the Heikes formula is indeed applicable to the real correlated electron systems at practical temperatures (T
出来 真斗; 伊藤 拓人*; 山本 稔*; 富田 卓朗*; 松尾 繁樹*; 橋本 修一*; 北田 貴弘*; 井須 俊郎*; 小野田 忍; 大島 武
Applied Physics Letters, 98(13), p.133104_1 - 133104_3, 2011/03
被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:48.17(Physics, Applied)Enhancement of local electric conductivity in Silicon Carbide (SiC) induced by irradiation of femtosecond laser was studied. Current-voltage characteristics of the laser-modified regions were measured. As a result, it was found that the conductivity increases with increase in the fluence, and the conductivity sharply increases in the fluence range from 5.0 to 6.7 J/cm. The conductivity of modified region at the irradiation fluence of 53 J/cm
is six orders of magnitude higher than the non irradiated one. From the current-voltage characteristics and the scanning electron microscope observations, we conclude that the drastic change in electrical conductivity is assumed to be associated with the phase transition induced by femtosecond laser.
松尾 洋一*; 長谷 純宏; 野澤 樹; 吉原 亮平; 鳴海 一成
JAEA-Review 2010-065, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2009, P. 66, 2011/01
清水 喜久雄*; 松尾 陽一郎*; 泉 佳伸*; 長谷 純宏; 野澤 樹; 坂本 綾子; 鳴海 一成
JAEA-Review 2010-065, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2009, P. 79, 2011/01
To elucidate the molecular mechanism of mutagenesis caused by ion beam irradiation in yeast, two mutant strains and
which are deficient in mismatch repair mechanisms were used to measure mutation spectra. Several hot spots were found in the
mutant, while mutations in the
mutant were distributed evenly for base substitution except one hot spot at position 345. These results suggest that the incorporation of damaged nucleotides was not uniform in yeast cells.
出来 真斗; 伊藤 拓人*; 富田 卓朗*; 松尾 繁樹*; 橋本 修一*; 北田 貴弘*; 井須 俊郎*; 小野田 忍; 大島 武
Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Applications (RASEDA-9), p.218 - 221, 2010/10
Femtosecond laser exhibits extremely high peak intensity and short pulse duration, and can process inside transparent materials without damaging the surface of sample. In this study, the local electrical conductivity in Silicon Carbide (SiC) is evaluated. As a result of femtosecond laser irradiation with various irradiation fluences, the drastic change of electrical conductivity is observed in resistivity ranges from 10 to 10
. It is found that the local conductivity strongly depends on the fluence. We suggest that the local conductivity is attributed to the phase transition. From the surface observations by Secondary Electron Microscopy (SEM), we conclude that the formation of the classical laser-induced periodic structures causes the sudden increase in the electrical conductivities.
富田 卓朗*; 岩見 勝弘*; 山本 稔*; 出来 真斗*; 松尾 繁樹*; 橋本 修一*; 中川 圭*; 北田 貴弘*; 井須 俊郎*; 齋藤 伸吾*; et al.
Materials Science Forum, 645-648, p.239 - 242, 2010/04
松尾 陽一郎*; 西嶋 茂宏*; 長谷 純宏; 野澤 樹; 坂本 綾子; 鳴海 一成; 清水 喜久雄*
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 75, 2009/12
本研究では、真核生物の一種である出芽酵母の野生株、塩基除去修復が不活性であるogg1株及びミスマッチ修復が不活性であるmsh2株を用いて、炭素イオンビーム照射で誘発される突然変異について、URA3遺伝子の突然変異を検出する5-FOAによる選択系で、変異スペクトルの解析を行った。その結果、野生株及びogg1株ともに塩基置換の頻度が高く、特にogg1株では変異のすべてが塩基置換であった。また、msh2株では、一塩基欠失が全体の突然変異の大部分を占め、その中でもGC to TAのトランスバージョン変異が多く誘発されることが確認された。これらの結果から、8-oxoGの生成がイオンビームに起因する突然変異をおもに誘導し、OGG1及びMSH2遺伝子が遺伝子の安定性に強く貢献していることが示唆された。
松尾 洋一*; 長谷 純宏; 野澤 樹; 吉原 亮平; 鳴海 一成
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 76, 2009/12
出来 真斗; 伊藤 拓人*; 富田 卓朗*; 松尾 繁樹*; 橋本 修一*; 北田 貴弘*; 井須 俊郎*; 小野田 忍; 大島 武
no journal, ,
津久井 匠隆; 渡邉 茂樹; 山田 圭一*; 花岡 宏史*; 奥 浩之*; 松尾 一郎*; 遠藤 啓吾*; 石岡 典子
no journal, ,
津久井 匠隆; 渡邉 茂樹; 花岡 宏史*; 山田 圭一*; 奥 浩之*; 石岡 典子; 遠藤 啓吾*; 松尾 一郎*
no journal, ,
)-OMeを前駆体としたBr-77標識アミノ酸の合成に関する基礎的検討について報告する。酸化剤にChloramine T、N-Chlorosuccinimideを用いて室温30分間標識化したところ、その標識率は60
津久井 匠隆; 山田 圭一*; 渡邉 茂樹; 花岡 宏史*; 奥 浩之*; 遠藤 啓吾*; 石岡 典子; 松尾 一郎*
no journal, ,
p-(tri-n-butyl-stannyl)-phenylalanine (Phe(p-BuSn)) is an useful building blocks for synthesizing radiolabeled pharmaceutics. To best of our knowledge, there are few studies of the synthesis of Phe(p-Bu
Sn)-containing peptides. In this study, we report solid-phase synthesis of cyclic peptides containing Phe(p-Bu
Sn) residue, cyclo(Phe(p-Bu
Sn)-Leu-MeLeu-Val-Leu) (I). Boc-Phe(p-Bu
Sn)-OH was synthesized from Boc-Phe(p-I)-OMe by treatment with bis(tri-n-butyl)tin and Pd(0) catalyst followed by saponification. The linear peptide containing Phe(p-Bu
Sn) residue was assembled on Kaiser-oxime resin. On-resin macrocyclization of the linear peptide, however, did not afford the cyclic peptide I. Cross coupling of cyclic peptide containing Phe(p-I) residue, cyclo(Phe(p-I)-Leu-MeLeu-Val-Leu) with bis(tri-n-butyl)tin and Pd(0) catalyst gave the desired peptide, which was confirmed by ESI-MS. In this presentation, we will report the Fmoc-SPPS of the peptide I.