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検索結果: 85 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Characterization of mineral composition using PIXE and EXAFS analyses to elucidate the Barium adsorption mechanism

小栗 香里; 羽倉 尚人*; 山口 瑛子; 奥村 雅彦; 松浦 治明*; 綱嶋 康倫; 青木 勝巳; 荒井 陽一; 渡部 創

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 556, p.165516_1 - 165516_8, 2024/11

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Instruments & Instrumentation)



Investigation of adsorption mechanism of Mo(VI) by baker's yeast and applicability to the uranium liquid waste treatment process

荒井 陽一; 長谷川 健太; 渡部 創; 渡部 雅之; 箕輪 一希*; 松浦 治明*; 羽倉 尚人*; 勝木 健太*; 新井 剛*; 小西 康裕*

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 333(7), p.3585 - 3593, 2024/07

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:35.82(Chemistry, Analytical)

Radioactive aqueous and organic liquid wastes contaminated by U are generated by solvent extraction of nuclear fuel materials in experiments of reprocessing technologies. Although incineration and denitrification/conversion processes are promising for treating such liquid waste, the installation of large equipment is essential. To give appropriate treatment procedures for radioactive liquid waste generated in nuclear facilities, STRAD (Systematic Treatments of RAdioactive liquid wastes for Decommissioning) project was started by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) with several organizations. We are focusing on baker's yeasts for their excellent metal ions adsorption characteristics, easy handling and low prices. In order to optimize adsorption performance and operation procedures as the liquid waste treatment technology, adsorption performance of U has to be precisely investigated. In this study, adsorption performance of U and anion from nitric acid solution was investigated by batch-wise adsorption experiments.


Hybrid process combining solvent extraction / low pressure loss extraction chromatography for a reasonable MA(III) recovery process

佐野 雄一; 坂本 淳志; 宮崎 康典; 渡部 創; 森田 圭介; 江森 達也; 伴 康俊; 新井 剛*; 中谷 清治*; 松浦 治明*; et al.

Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Fuel Cycle; Sustainable Energy Beyond the Pandemic (GLOBAL 2022) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2022/07



Structural characterization of Eu-HONTA complexes by IBIL and EXAFS analyses

渡部 創; 佐野 雄一; 岡田 諒*; 松浦 治明*; 羽倉 尚人*; 加田 渉*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 477, p.60 - 65, 2020/08

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:39.70(Instruments & Instrumentation)



Improvement in flow-sheet of extraction chromatography for trivalent minor actinides recovery

渡部 創; 先崎 達也; 柴田 淳広; 野村 和則; 竹内 正行; 中谷 清治*; 松浦 治明*; 堀内 勇輔*; 新井 剛*

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 322(3), p.1273 - 1277, 2019/12

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:43.78(Chemistry, Analytical)

Extraction chromatography flow-sheet employing octyl(phenyl)-$$N,N$$-diisobutylcarbonoylmethylphosphine oxide (CMPO) and $$bis$$(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate (HDEHP) extractants for trivalent minor actinide recovery was modified to improve column separation performance. Excellent trivalent minor actinides recovery performance was obtained by column separation experiments on nitric acid solution containing the trivalent minor actinides and representative fission product elements, i.e. recovery yields $$>$$ 93% with sufficient decontamination factors against the fission products. Those are the best performance which we have ever obtained by experiments inside hot cell.


STRAD project for systematic treatments of radioactive liquid wastes generated in nuclear facilities

渡部 創; 小木 浩通*; 荒井 陽一; 粟飯原 はるか; 高畠 容子; 柴田 淳広; 野村 和則; 神谷 裕一*; 浅沼 徳子*; 松浦 治明*; et al.

Progress in Nuclear Energy, 117, p.103090_1 - 103090_8, 2019/11


 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:78.21(Nuclear Science & Technology)

A new collaborative research project for systematic treatments of radioactive liquid wastes containing various reagents generating in nuclear facilities was started from 2018 initiated by Japan Atomic Energy Agency. The project was named as STRAD (Systematic Treatments of RAdioactive liquid wastes for Decommissioning) project. Tentative targets to be studied under the project are aqueous and organic liquid wastes which have been generated by experiments and analyses in a reprocessing experimental laboratory of JAEA. Currently fundamental studies for treatments of the liquid wastes with complicated compositions are underway. In the STRAD project, process flow for treatment of ammonium ion involved in aqueous waste was designed though the inactive experiments, and decomposition of ammonium ion using catalysis will be carried out soon. Adsorbents for recovery of U and Pu from spent solvent were also developed. Demonstration experiments on genuine spent solvent is under planning.


Ion beam induced luminescence of complexes formed in adsorbent for MA recovery process

渡部 創; 片井 雄也*; 松浦 治明*; 加田 渉*; 江夏 昌志*; 佐藤 隆博*; 新井 剛*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 450, p.61 - 65, 2019/07

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:37.18(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Ion-beam induced luminescence (IBIL) analysis on MA recovery adsorbent was performed to give chemical states of complexes formed in the adsorbent as fundamental information for process design, and EXAFS analysis was also carried out to support discussions. The IBIL spectra of the binary extractants system seemed to be superposition of individual ones, however it has also original peaks. As intensities of those peaks rapidly decreased with iteration time of measurements and the original peaks were not observed for the adsorbent without charging Eu(III), they were attributed to complexes of Eu(III) with organic compounds. Contributions of CMPO and HDEHP extractants for Eu(III) extraction must be not only individual ones but also cooperative.


Microanalysis of silica-based adsorbent for effective recovery of radioactive elements

佐野 雄一; 渡部 創; 松浦 治明*; 名越 航平*; 新井 剛*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 54(10), p.1058 - 1064, 2017/10

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:41.16(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Microscopic analyses of complexes formed in adsorbent for Mo and Zr separation chromatography

安倍 諒治*; 名越 航平*; 新井 剛*; 渡部 創; 佐野 雄一; 松浦 治明*; 高木 秀彰*; 清水 伸隆*; 江夏 昌志*; 佐藤 隆博*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 404, p.173 - 178, 2017/08

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:41.16(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Molybdenum and zirconium obstruct the efficient recovery of minor actinides (MA(III): Am(III) and Cm(III)) by extraction chromatography; hence, the removal of these elements prior to MA(III) recovery is desirable. The use of an adsorbent impregnated with bis(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate (HDEHP) for Mo and Zr decontamination was evaluated in this report. The adsorption/elution and column separation experiments showed that Mo and Zr in the simulated HLLW were selectively adsorbed on the particles, and that Mo was eluted by H$$_{2}$$O$$_{2}$$. EXAFS analysis and SAXS patterns of the adsorbent containing Zr revealed that the Zr-HDEHP complex had a crystal-like periodic structure similar to the structure of the precipitate produced in the solvent extraction system. Micro-PIXE analysis revealed that distribution of the residual Zr on the adsorbent was uniform.


Local structure and distribution of remaining elements inside extraction chromatography adsorbents

渡部 創; 佐野 雄一; 塩飽 秀啓; 矢板 毅; 大野 真平*; 新井 剛*; 松浦 治明*; 江夏 昌志*; 佐藤 隆博*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 404, p.202 - 206, 2017/08

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:34.24(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Extraction chromatography is one of the most promising technology for minor actinide (MA(III): Am and Cm) recovery from high level liquid waste generated in the reprocessing. A brand-new adsorbent proposed by our group are expected to achieve more efficient MA(III) recovery than usual procedure. Fundamental MA(III) adsorption/elution performances of the adsorbents have been demonstrated. An appropriate washing process of lanthanides (Ln(III)) is necessary to be established to design a process flow. In this study, chemical state and distribution of Eu inside the adsorbent before and after contacting with candidate eluents for MA(III) or Ln(III) were evaluated by EXAFS measurements and micro-PIXE analysis, respectively. Two-dimensional PIXE images showed that adsorbed Eu and residual Eu after contacting with the eluents for MA(III) were uniformly distributed on the particle. However, EXAFS oscillation revealed that local structure around Eu drastically changes by the contact. Those results suggest that the Eu remained inside the particle without distinct shift and that they form various complexes with extractants in the particle.



永井 崇之; 小林 秀和; 捧 賢一; 菖蒲 康夫; 岡本 芳浩; 塩飽 秀啓; 松浦 治明*; 内山 孝文*; 岡田 往子*; 根津 篤*; et al.

JAEA-Research 2016-015, 52 Pages, 2016/11


本研究は、資源エネルギー庁の次世代再処理ガラス固化技術基盤研究事業の実施項目「高レベル廃液ガラス固化の高度化」として、バナジウム(V)含有模擬廃棄物ガラスを対象に、放射光XAFS測定によりガラス原料に内包された廃棄物成分元素の局所構造を評価した。本研究で得られた成果を、以下に列挙する。(1)バナジウム(V)は、組成に関係なく比較的安定な4配位構造と考えられ、ガラス原料フリットではVがガラス相に存在する可能性が高い。(2)亜鉛(Zn), セリウム(Ce), ネオジム(Nd), ジルコニウム(Zr), モリブデン(Mo)はガラス相に存在し、Ce原子価はガラス組成によって3価と4価の割合に差が認められた。(3)ルテニウム(Ru)はガラス相からRuO$$_{2}$$として析出し、ロジウム(Rh)は金属と酸化物が混在し、パラジウム(Pd)は金属として析出する。(4)高温XAFS測定を行ったZrとMoの結果、ガラス溶融状態におけるZr, Moの局所構造の秩序が低下する傾向を確認した。(5)ガラス溶融炉温度1200$$^{circ}$$Cの条件で、模擬廃棄物ガラスの高温XAFS測定を行い、今後、試料セルの形状等の最適化を図ることで、良質な局所構造データ取得が期待できる。


Structural investigation of thorium in molten lithium-calcium fluoride mixtures for salt treatment process in molten salt reactor

沼倉 正彦*; 佐藤 修彰*; Bessada, C.*; 岡本 芳浩; 赤塚 洋*; 根津 篤*; 下原 康彰*; 田島 圭祐*; 川野 泰和*; 中萩 健志*; et al.

Progress in Nuclear Energy, 53(7), p.994 - 998, 2011/11

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:68.22(Nuclear Science & Technology)



EXAFS analysis of uranium(IV) and thorium(IV) complexes in concentrated CaCl$$_{2}$$ solutions

上原 章寛*; 藤井 俊行*; 松浦 治明*; 佐藤 修彰*; 永井 崇之; 湊 和生; 山名 元*; 岡本 芳浩

Proceedings in Radiochemistry, 1(1), p.161 - 165, 2011/09

The coordination of U$$^{4+}$$ and Th$$^{4+}$$ in CaCl$$_{2}$$ hydrate melts was studied by U and Th $$L$$$$_{rm III}$$ edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. It was confirmed that, with the decrease of concentration from 6.9 M CaCl$$_{2}$$ to 4 M CaCl$$_{2}$$, the Cl$$^{-}$$ ion coordination number $$N$$$$_{rm Cl}$$ in the U$$^{4+}$$ coordination sphere decreased from 3.4 to 1.3, while the hydration number $$N$$$$_{rm O}$$ in it increased from 4.5 to 6.7. The combined coordination number $$N$$$$_{rm O}$$ + $$N$$$$_{rm Cl}$$ of U$$^{4+}$$ in concentrated Cl$$^{-}$$ solution (8.0) was lower than that in 1.5 M perchloric acid aqueous solution (9.0). For Th$$^{4+}$$, with the decrease of concentration from 6.9 to 4 M CaCl$$_{2}$$, $$N$$$$_{rm Cl}$$ in the Th$$^{4+}$$ coordination sphere decreased from 1.9 to 1.5, while $$N$$$$_{rm O}$$ in it increased from 7.6 to 8.8. The $$N$$$$_{rm O}$$ + $$N$$$$_{rm Cl}$$ of Th$$^{4+}$$ in concentrated Cl$$^{-}$$ solution was 9.0 which was similar to that in 1.5 M perchloric acid. It was found that the bond distance of U-Cl was shorter than that of Th-Cl because of low $$N$$$$_{rm O}$$ to U$$^{4+}$$.


Ion specific effects on the structure of molten AF-ZrF$$_4$$ systems (A$$^+$$ = Li$$^+$$, Na$$^+$$, and K$$^+$$)

Pauvert, O.*; Salanne, M.*; Zanghi, D.*; Simon, C.*; Reguer, S.*; Thiaudi$`e$re, D.*; 岡本 芳浩; 松浦 治明*; Bessada, C.*

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115(29), p.9160 - 9167, 2011/07

 被引用回数:73 パーセンタイル:83.87(Chemistry, Physical)

AF-ZrF$$_4$$ system (A$$^+$$=Li$$^+$$, Na$$^+$$, K$$^+$$)混合系融体の構造を、EXAFS分光法と分子動力学(MD)計算法の組合せによって調べた。EXAFSの結果は、MD計算によって良好に再現された。計算では、融体中の7配位や6配位の構造の安定化の促進具合を評価した。Li, Na及びKの間の違いと、組成による違いを、系統的に調べた。MD計算からラマン分光スペクトルの導出も行った。また、配位構造がどの程度の時間保たれるかの評価も実施した。配位構造同士の相関については、Zr$$^{4+}$$-Zr$$^{4+}$$対の部分相関関数から評価した。


In situ experimental evidence for a nonmonotonous structural evolution with composition in the molten LiF-ZrF$$_4$$ system

Pauvert, O.*; Zanghi, D.*; Salanne, M.*; Simon, C.*; Rakhamatullin, A.*; 松浦 治明*; 岡本 芳浩; Vivet, F.*; Bessada, C.*

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114(19), p.6472 - 6479, 2010/05

 被引用回数:63 パーセンタイル:80.19(Chemistry, Physical)

50モル%ZrF$$_4$$までの組成の溶融LiF-ZrF$$_4$$系の構造を核磁気共鳴分析(NMR)法、広域X線吸収微細構造分析(EXAFS)法、及び分子動力学(MD)計算の組合せによって調べた。$$^{91}$$Zr高温NMR分析の結果から、Zrイオンの周りの配位数はすべて7であることがわかった。MD計算の結果は、EXAFSの結果とよく一致し、融体中に[ZrF$$_6$$]$$^{2-}$$, [ZrF$$_7$$]$$^{3-}$$, and [ZrF$$_8$$]$$^{4-}$$のような錯イオン種があることが判明した。


X-ray structural analysis of molten PbCl$$_2$$

岡本 芳浩; 岩舘 泰彦*; 福島 和子*; 松浦 治明*; 湊 和生

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 66(2-4), p.452 - 455, 2005/02

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:29.36(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

PbCl$$_2$$融体の構造を、X線回折(XRD)及びX線吸収端微細構造(XAFS)を使って調べた。XRDデータのフーリエ変換から最近接Pb$$^{2+}$$-Cl$$^-$$対が6$$sim$$7配位であることがわかったが、比較的強固な4配位構造と、それをとりまくやや長距離の2, 3配位の2種類の相関があることがわかった。短い相関に敏感なXAFSでは4配位構造の存在を示す結果が得られた。



片井 雄也*; 松浦 治明*; 安倍 諒治*; 櫻井 智明*; 新井 剛*; 渡部 創; 佐野 雄一; 竹内 正行

no journal, , 




田治見 祐里*; 小藤 博英; 渡部 創; 矢野 哲司*; 門 力也*; 松浦 治明*

no journal, , 




沼倉 正彦*; Bessada, C.*; Ory, S.*; Rakhamatullin, A.*; 赤塚 洋*; 根津 篤*; 矢板 毅; 岡本 芳浩; 塩飽 秀啓; 松浦 治明*

no journal, , 



CMPO-HDEHP吸着材を用いた単サイクルMA回収プロセスの開発,2; 錯体構造解析

片井 雄也*; 松浦 治明*; 安倍 諒治*; 櫻井 智明*; 新井 剛*; 渡部 創; 佐野 雄一; 竹内 正行

no journal, , 


85 件中 1件目~20件目を表示