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The Safety design guideline development for Generation-IV SFR systems

中井 良大

Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles; Next Generation Nuclear Systems for Sustainable Development (FR-17) (USB Flash Drive), 10 Pages, 2017/06



高速炉の炉停止失敗事象における炉容器内終息(IVR)に関する検討,1; ATWSにおけるIVR評価の概要

鈴木 徹; 曽我部 丞司; 飛田 吉春; 堺 公明*; 中井 良大

日本機械学会論文集(インターネット), 83(848), p.16-00395_1 - 16-00395_9, 2017/04

高速炉の炉停止失敗事象(ATWS: Anticipated Transient without Scram)に対して、原子炉容器内での事象終息(IVR: In-Vessel Retention)の成立性を検討した。検討においては、確率論的評価に基づいて冷却材流量喪失時炉停止失敗事象(ULOF: Unprotected Loss of Flow)をATWSの代表事象に選定した上で、総合的安全解析コードや個別物理モデルを活用して炉心損傷時の事象進展を解析し、事故の機械的影響と熱的影響を評価した。本検討の結果から、原子炉容器は機械的にも熱的にも損傷することはなく、IVRが成立する見通しを得ることができた。


高速炉の炉停止失敗事象における炉容器内終息(IVR)に関する検討,1; ATWSにおけるIVR評価の概要

鈴木 徹; 曽我部 丞司; 飛田 吉春; 堺 公明*; 中井 良大

第21回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム講演論文集(USB Flash Drive), 4 Pages, 2016/06

The achievement of In-Vessel Retention (IVR) against Anticipated Transient without Scram (ATWS) is an effective and rational approach in enhancing the safety characteristics of sodium-cooled fast reactors. Based on the Probabilistic Risk Assessment (Level 1 PRA) for a prototype fast-breeder reactor, Unprotected Loss of Flow (ULOF), which is one of the technically inconceivable events postulated beyond design basis, can be selected as a representative event of ATWS. The objective of the present study is to show that no significant mechanical energy release would take place during core disruption caused by ULOF, and that thermal failure of the reactor vessel could be avoided by the stable cooling of disrupted-core materials. As a result of the present evaluation with computational codes and physical models reflecting the knowledge on relevant experimental studies, the prospect of IVR against ULOF was obtained.


Evaluation of recriticality behavior in the material-relocation phase for Japan sodium-cooled fast reactor

鈴木 徹; 飛田 吉春; 中井 良大

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 52(11), p.1448 - 1459, 2015/11

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:65.11(Nuclear Science & Technology)

As the most promising concept of sodium-cooled fast reactors, the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has selected the advanced loop-type fast reactor, so-called JSFR. Through the evaluation of event progressions during hypothetical Core Disruptive Accident (CDA) under the design extension condition (DEC), a CDA scenario for JSFR has been evaluated. It has already been demonstrated that In-Vessel Retention (IVR) against CDA could be achieved by taking adequate design measures under best estimate conditions. The whole sequence of CDA scenario for JSFR was categorized into four phases according to the progress of core-disruption status. In the third phase, so-called material-relocation phase, the accident events would progress in the subcritical state. However, if the uncertainties about the molten state of core remnant and their discharge behavior outward from core are conservatively superposed, the disrupted core may lead up to recriticality. In the present study, the factors leading to recriticality in the material-relocation phase were investigated using the phenomenological diagrams, and the recriticality behaviors were evaluated through parametric analyses using SIMMER-III/IV codes. The results of parametric analyses suggested that a significant mechanical energy leading to the boundary failure of reactor vessel would not be released even assuming recriticality due to the uncertainties about molten state and discharge behavior. Through the present evaluation of the hypothetical recriticality event, the CDA scenario for JSFR could obtain further robustness from the viewpoint of achieving IVR.


A Scenario of core disruptive accident for Japan sodium-cooled fast reactor to achieve in-vessel retention

鈴木 徹; 神山 健司; 山野 秀将; 久保 重信; 飛田 吉春; 中井 良大; 小山 和也*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 51(4), p.493 - 513, 2014/04

 被引用回数:85 パーセンタイル:98.84(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Safety design criteria for generation IV sodium-cooled fast reactor system

中井 良大; Sofu, T.*

GIF Symposium Proceedings/2012 Annual Report of NEA, No.7141, p.35 - 43, 2013/00

In the framework of the GIF, an effort on development of the "Safety Design Criteria (SDC)" for the Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) system was initiated in 2011 with the intent of completion in two years. The objectives of the SDC are to provide the reference criteria of the safety designs of structures, systems and components (SSC) of the SFR system, where the criteria are clarified systematically and comprehensively consistent with the GIF's basic safety approach and with the aim of achieving the safety and reliability goals defined in the GIF Roadmap. The SDC draft has been summarized and is released to the GIF entities. The SDC would be disseminated to not only the GIF community but also to international technical entities, and expected to provide guidance for SFR designs at international level.


Evaluation of core disruptive accident for sodium-cooled fast reactors to achieve in-vessel retention

鈴木 徹; 神山 健司; 山野 秀将; 久保 重信; 飛田 吉春; 中井 良大; 小山 和也*

Proceedings of 8th Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-8) (USB Flash Drive), 10 Pages, 2012/12



Improved safety approach for general safety designs of the next generation sodium-cooled fast reactor systems

岡野 靖; 山野 秀将; 藤田 哲史; 久保 重信; 堺 公明; 中井 良大

Proceedings of 8th Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-8) (USB Flash Drive), 9 Pages, 2012/12



Development of safety design criteria for the Generation-IV Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor

中井 良大; 岡野 靖; 久保 重信

Proceedings of 8th Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-8) (USB Flash Drive), 5 Pages, 2012/12

The Generation-IV International Forum (GIF) is a cooperative international framework to carry out the research and development needed to establish the feasibility and performance capabilities of the next generation nuclear energy systems. In the framework of the GIF, an effort on development of the "Safety Design Criteria (SDC)" for the Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) was initiated in 2011 with the intent of completion of two years. The objectives of the SDC are to provide the reference criteria of the safety designs of structures, systems and components of the SFR system, where the criteria are clarified systematically and comprehensively, consistent with the GIF's basic safety approach and with the aim of achieving the safety and reliability goals defined in the GIF Roadmap. The SDC will be disseminated for taking reviews by all the technical entities related to the safety of nuclear systems, and will be utilized for SFR designs at international level.


Development of Level 2 PSA methodology for sodium-cooled fast reactors; Overview of evaluation technology development

鈴木 徹; 中井 良大; 神山 健司; 清野 裕; 小山 和也*; 守田 幸路*

NEA/CSNI/R(2012)2, p.381 - 391, 2012/07

ナトリウム冷却高速炉(SFR)の包括的な安全評価を実施するためには、確率論的安全評価(レベル2PSA)が不可欠である。この目的を達成するため、原子力機構はレベル2PSAで評価対象となる全事象に対し、解析手法及び技術的データベースの整備を実施した。SAS4A, SIMMER-III, DEBNET, ARGO及びAPPLOHS等の既存の解析コードに加えて、損傷炉心における長期的な物質再配置挙動を評価するため、MUTRANとSIMMER-LTという2つの解析コードを新たに開発した。これらの開発により、原子炉容器内の事象推移を系統的に評価することが可能になった。また、原子炉容器外(格納容器内)における事象推移をSFRに特有の現象を踏まえて評価するため、CONTAIN/LMRコードを改良するとともに、同コード内で用いられる解析モデルをナトリウム-コンクリート反応に関する新たな試験データを活用することによって検証した。さらに、レベル2PSAの現象論的イベントツリーを構築するために必要となる技術的データベースを整備した。このデータベースでは、事象推移に顕著な影響を与える支配因子が既往の関連知見(試験データ及び解析結果)に対応付けられている。


Design and assessment approach on advanced SFR safety with emphasis on the core disruptive accident issue

中井 良大

Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles (FR 2009), p.207 - 220, 2012/00



Safety design approach of Japan sodium-cooled fast reactor

中井 良大; 堺 公明; 岡野 靖

Proceedings of International Conference on Toward and Over the Fukushima Daiichi Accident (GLOBAL 2011) (CD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2011/12



Safety principles and safety approaches for next generation sodium-cooled fast reactor

岡野 靖; 堺 公明; 中井 良大

Proceedings of 2011 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '11) (CD-ROM), p.719 - 727, 2011/05

The paper reviews historical progresses related to SFR safety, and makes proposals on safety principles and safety approaches to be built into future SFR systems. Safety principles shall be based on the Defense-in-Depth philosophy with appropriate consideration of SFR characteristics as a fast reactor. Comprehensive considerations on safety event identification and categorization, and a set of event lists of Design-Basis-Event [DBE], Design Extension Condition [DEC], and exclusive events are proposed. Probabilistic approach should be supplementary utilized to support (or enforce) deterministic one. The most important key point of the SFR safety is how to manage the core disputative accident [CDA]; prevention and mitigation features and systems should be built into the future SFR because the CDA consequences excessively enlarged with increasing reactor output, and it should be assessed to confirm that there is no cliff-edge just near the design range.


Safety strategy of JSFR eliminating severe recriticality events and establishing in-vessel retention in the core disruptive accident

佐藤 一憲; 飛田 吉春; 小西 賢介; 神山 健司; 豊岡 淳一; 中井 良大; 久保 重信*; 小竹 庄司*; 小山 和也*; Vassiliev, Y. S.*; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 48(4), p.556 - 566, 2011/03



Development of system based code, 1; Reliability target derivation of structures and components

栗坂 健一; 中井 良大; 浅山 泰; 高屋 茂

Journal of Power and Energy Systems (Internet), 5(1), p.19 - 32, 2011/01



Development of level 2 PSA methodology for sodium-cooled fast reactors, 1; Overview of evaluation technology development

中井 良大; 鈴木 徹; 神山 健司; 清野 裕; 小山 和也*; 守田 幸路*

Proceedings of 8th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-8) (CD-ROM), 12 Pages, 2010/10



Development of system based code, 1; Reliability target derivation of structures and components

栗坂 健一; 中井 良大; 浅山 泰; 高屋 茂

Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-18) (CD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2010/05




中井 良大

日本原子力学会誌ATOMO$$Sigma$$, 50(5), p.318 - 323, 2008/05




尾本 彰*; 森脇 正直*; 杉本 純; 中井 良大

日本原子力学会誌, 49(2), p.89 - 111, 2007/02




長沖 吉弘; 中井 良大

原子力eye, 53(1), p.58 - 61, 2007/01


64 件中 1件目~20件目を表示