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Sasaki, Yuji; Kaneko, Masashi; Ban, Yasutoshi; Suzuki, Hideya*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(7), p.883 - 893, 2024/07
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:57.39(Nuclear Science & Technology)The mutual separation of Am and Cm is conducted using an alkyl-diamide amine (ADAAM) extractant. ADAAM exhibits extremely high separation factor with respect to Am and Cm separation (5.9) in a nitric acid--dodecane system. The batch-wise multistage extractions are performed using a system containing 0.2 M ADAAM and 1.5 M nitric acid. In this multistage extraction, an organic solvent give 96.5% and 1.06% yields of Am and Cm. After the mutual separation of Am and Cm, an additional extraction step is included to reduce the volumes of these aqueous and organic phases. Taking these steps, Am and Cm can be recovered in just two or three stages in the aqueous phases.
Higuchi, Yuki*; Yoshimune, Wataru*; Kato, Satoru*; Hibi, Shogo*; Setoyama, Daigo*; Isegawa, Kazuhisa*; Matsumoto, Yoshihiro*; Hayashida, Hirotoshi*; Nozaki, Hiroshi*; Harada, Masashi*; et al.
Communications Engineering (Internet), 3, p.33_1 - 33_7, 2024/02
Toyoda, Satoshi*; Yoshimura, Masashi*; Sumida, Hirosuke*; Mineoi, Susumu*; Machida, Masatake*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Yoshikawa, Akira*; Suzuki, Satoru*; Yokoyama, Kazushi*
Hoshako, 35(3), p.200 - 206, 2022/05
The present status of spatiotemporal depth profiling analysis of the multilayer stacked film interface based on Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (APXPS) is presented. To begin with, depth profiles of the multilayer stacked film interfaces have been achieved by time-division Near Ambient Pressure Hard X-ray Angle-Resolved PhotoEmission Spectroscopy data. We then have promoted our methods to quickly perform peak fittings and depth profiling from time-division angle resolved AP-XPS data including spatial resolution, which enables us to realize spatiotemporal depth profiles of the interfaces under reaction conditions such as oxidation and reduction. In addition, it is found that the traditional maximum entropy method (MEM) combined with Jackknife averaging of sparse modeling is effective to perform dynamic measurement of depth profiles with high precision.
Arai, Yosuke*; Kuroda, Kenta*; Nomoto, Takuya*; Tin, Z. H.*; Sakuragi, Shunsuke*; Bareille, C.*; Akebi, Shuntaro*; Kurokawa, Kifu*; Kinoshita, Yuto*; Zhang, W.-L.*; et al.
Nature Materials, 21(4), p.410 - 415, 2022/04
Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:77.82(Chemistry, Physical)Watanabe, Masashi; Nakamura, Hiroki; Suzuki, Kiichi; Machida, Masahiko; Kato, Masato
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 105(3), p.2248 - 2257, 2022/03
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:10.42(Materials Science, Ceramics)Properties of CeO were evaluated by DFT simulation to determine band gap, Frenkel defect formation energy and defect migration energy. Band gap and Frenkel defect formation energy were used to analyze defect equilibria. Oxygen partial pressure dependence of defect equilibria was evaluated based on oxygen potential experimental data and DFT calculation, and a Brouwer diagram was derived. The defect formation energies, including Frenkel defect, electron-hole pair and so on, were determined and used to evaluate the properties, including oxygen diffusion coefficients, electrical conduction, heat capacity and thermal conductivity. Mechanisms of various properties were discussed for a deeper understanding based on defect chemistry, and the relationship among properties were systematically described.
Toyoda, Satoshi*; Yamamoto, Tomoki*; Yoshimura, Masashi*; Sumida, Hirosuke*; Mineoi, Susumu*; Machida, Masatake*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Suzuki, Satoru*; Yokoyama, Kazushi*; Ohashi, Yuji*; et al.
Vacuum and Surface Science, 64(2), p.86 - 91, 2021/02
We have developed measurement and analysis techniques in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. To begin with, time-division depth profiles of gate stacked film interfaces have been achieved by NAP-HARPES (Near Ambient Pressure Hard X-ray Angle-Resolved Photo Emission Spectroscopy) data. We then have promoted our methods to quickly perform peak fittings and depth profiling from time-division ARPES data, which enables us to realize 4D-XPS analysis. It is found that the traditional maximum entropy method (MEM) combined with Jackknife averaging of sparse modeling in NAP-HARPES data is effective to perform dynamic measurement of depth profiles with high precision.
Kuroda, Kenta*; Arai, Yosuke*; Rezaei, N.*; Kunisada, So*; Sakuragi, Shunsuke*; Alaei, M.*; Kinoshita, Yuto*; Bareille, C.*; Noguchi, Ryo*; Nakayama, Mitsuhiro*; et al.
Nature Communications (Internet), 11, p.2888_1 - 2888_9, 2020/06
Times Cited Count:29 Percentile:78.89(Multidisciplinary Sciences)Imamura, Hiroaki; Suzuki, Masashi*; Shimoyama, Kazuhito; Miyakoshi, Hiroyuki
JAEA-Technology 2019-005, 163 Pages, 2019/06
For the R&D of safety enhance in future fast reactor development, the constructed the large sodium test loop (mother loop) in advanced technology experiment sodium facility (AtheNa) was completed. The sodium test loop possesses the largest capacity of about 240 tons of the world's largest sodium and can supply impurity-controlled high temperature sodium to large structural and technology demonstration test sections. It is greatly expected as R&D such as future international cooperation. For the purpose of future R&D tests, this report compiled the design specifications, fabrication and performance confirmation results of sodium test loop.
Kumazaki, Yui; Suzuki, Satoru; Kanazawa, Masashi*; Kunii, Katsuhiko; Yonezawa, Minoru; Itabashi, Keizo*
The Grey Journal; An International Journal on Grey Literature, 15(1), p.45 - 50, 2019/04
JAEA Library focuses on collecting conference proceedings and technical reports which are very important and referred materials for our users in the field of nuclear science and technology. There are an increasing number of cases that they are published in electronic media such as CD-ROM and flash memories. There are problems as to manage such electronic media in a library. Largest problems for electronic media would be the long-term preservation and permanent access. Lifetime of electronic media are much shorter compared with paper and/or microfilm. In this regard, the JAEA library is struggling to preserve electronic media including related PCs and software for a long-term. One of the effective countermeasure should be preserving PCs and software to browse, emulation and migration to another media. However, our countermeasure is not good enough for users and preservation. The authors would like to present JAEA Library's current activities on long term preservation and use of electronic media, and it comes to the conclusion the fact that even published electronic media are becoming grey literature in certain environment.
Kumazaki, Yui; Suzuki, Satoru; Kanazawa, Masashi*; Kunii, Katsuhiko; Yonezawa, Minoru; Itabashi, Keizo
Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Grey Literature (GL-20), p.99 - 104, 2019/02
JAEA Library focuses on collecting conference proceedings and technical reports which are very important and referred materials for our users in the field of nuclear science and technology. There are an increasing number of cases that they are published in electronic media such as CD-ROM and flash memories. There are problems as to manage such electronic media in a library. Largest problems for electronic media would be the long-term preservation and permanent access. Lifetime of electronic media are much shorter compared with paper and/or microfilm. In this regard, the JAEA library is struggling to preserve electronic media including related PCs and software for a long-term. One of the effective countermeasure should be preserving PCs and software to browse, emulation and migration to another media. However, our countermeasure is not good enough for users and preservation. The authors would like to present JAEA Library's current activities on long term preservation and use of electronic media, and it comes to the conclusion the fact that even published electronic media are becoming grey literature in certain environment.
Kaneko, Masashi; Suzuki, Hideya; Matsumura, Tatsuro
Inorganic Chemistry, 57(23), p.14513 - 14523, 2018/12
Times Cited Count:23 Percentile:79.40(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)We elucidated the separation mechanism between Am(III) and Cm(III) ions by using two different types of diamide ligands, diglycolamide (DGA) and alkylated diamide amine (ADAAM), by means of the density functional theory technique and electron density analysis. The molecular geometries and formation reactions of the metal-ligand complexes were modeled by using [M(DGA)]
and [M(ADAAM)(NO
O)]. We successfully reproduced Cm(III) selectivity over Am(III) with DGA and Am(III) selectivity over Cm(III) with ADAAM. Furthermore, we analyzed the bonding properties between the metal ion and the diamide-type ligands by using model complexes, [M(DGA)
and [M(ADAAM)(NO
O)], and revealed the differences in terms of the bond dissociation energy and the metal 5f-orbital participation in the covalency between the Am(III) and the Cm(III) complexes. It was suggested that the differences were key factors to understand the Am(III)/Cm(III) selectivity.
Hu, W.*; Hayashi, Koichi*; Fukumura, Tomoteru*; Akagi, Kazuto*; Tsukada, Masaru*; Happo, Naohisa*; Hosokawa, Shinya*; Owada, Kenji; Takahashi, Masamitsu; Suzuki, Motohiro*; et al.
Applied Physics Letters, 106(22), p.222403_1 - 222403_5, 2015/06
Times Cited Count:41 Percentile:81.09(Physics, Applied)Iimura, Soshi*; Matsuishi, Satoru*; Miyakawa, Masashi*; Taniguchi, Takashi*; Suzuki, Katsuhiro*; Usui, Hidetomo*; Kuroki, Kazuhiko*; Kajimoto, Ryoichi; Nakamura, Mitsutaka; Inamura, Yasuhiro; et al.
Physical Review B, 88(6), p.060501_1 - 060501_5, 2013/08
Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:70.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Kitamura, Akane; Kobayashi, Tomohiro*; Sato, Takahiro; Koka, Masashi; Kamiya, Tomihiro; Suzuki, Akihiro*; Terai, Takayuki*
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 307, p.614 - 617, 2013/07
Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:47.40(Instruments & Instrumentation)Kimura, Akihiro; Tanimoto, Masataka; Ishida, Takuya; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Hasegawa, Yoshio*; Hishinuma, Yukio*; Suzuki, Masashi*
JAEA-Technology 2011-012, 17 Pages, 2011/06
PZC (Poly-Zirconium Compound) was developed as adsorbent of molybdenum for Mo-
Tc generator. However, PZC has some faults. So, new adsorbent based on titanium (PTC), was developed for getting rid of faults. This time,
Mo adsorption and
Tc elution tests with PZC and PTC were carried out. As a result, the
Mo adsorption performance of the PTC was lower than PZC, on the other hand,
Tc elution performance of the PTC was higher than PZC.
Matsumura, Takeshi*; Inami, Toshiya; Kosaka, Masashi*; Kato, Yoshiaki*; Inukai, Takaki*; Ochiai, Akira*; Nakao, Hironori*; Murakami, Yoichi*; Katano, Susumu*; Suzuki, Hiroyuki*
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 77(10), p.103601_1 - 103601_4, 2008/10
Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:62.38(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Suzuki, Kenji*; Shobu, Takahisa; Wada, Kunihiko*; Matsubara, Hideaki*; Kawamura, Masashi*
Zairyo, 57(7), p.674 - 680, 2008/07
Tochigi, Yoshikatsu; Yoshikawa, Hideki; Aoki, Kazuhiro; Yui, Mikazu; Asano, Takahiro*; Honjo, Hideko*; Haginuma, Masashi*; Kawakami, Yasushi*; Suzuki, Kazunori*
JAEA-Research 2008-025, 55 Pages, 2008/03
Results of joint research on fiscal year 2006 between Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and Institute of Research and Innovative (IRI) titled as "Study on investigation of microbial effects for geological disposal" are described in this report. The objective of this study is to develop a method for estimating microbial effects for barrier performance of geological disposal site. The modeling was performed to examine the effect on the change in groundwater chemistry (mainly by electron acceptors) by microbial metabolism as well as microbial activities. In order to use the data (chemical composition, biomass, etc.) in the MINT code, groundwater was collected from the drilled well prepared for chemical and microbial analyses of groundwater. The well was prepared in observation field near Horonobe Underground Research Center of JAEA in fiscal year 2006. Then, numerical modeling using collected data of groundwater with numerical modeling program code "MINT" considering microbial effects was carried out. The modeling was carried out to evaluate the microbial effect for stability of chemical and microbial composition of groundwater. As the result of the modeling, relatively low microbial effect for groundwater composition was observed in particular for the concentration of dissolved methane, methanogen, sulfur reducing bacteria (SRB) and sulfur ion. The result shows that low redox potential is stable in the well in spite of shallow depth.
Suzuki, Kenji*; Wada, Kunihiko*; Matsubara, Hideaki*; Shobu, Takahisa; Kawamura, Masashi*; Tanaka, Keisuke*
Zairyo, 56(7), p.588 - 593, 2007/07
The Ni-based superalloy IN738LC was used as the substrate material, and CoNiCrAlY powder was pressureless plasma-sprayed on the substrate as the bond coating. Zirconia was coated as the top coating by the electron beam-physical vapor deposition (EV-PVD) method. In the EB-PVD process, the specimens were kept at 1223 K and rotated with 5 rpm, 10 rpm and 20 rpm. According to the microscopic observation and the result of the pole figures, the top coatings had a columnar structure, which was made by the piling up of (111) planes. The cross section of the column had a diamond shape, and its diagonal was parallel to the rotation axis. The residual stress on the surface of the top coatings was evaluated by the X-ray diffraction method. Each diffraction profile was separated into the 133 and the 331 peak, and the residual stress was measured by the sin
method. The measured residual stresses were -76.6 MPa for 5 rpm, -63.0 MPa for 10 rpm and -25.1 MPa for 20 rpm.
Tochigi, Yoshikatsu; Yoshikawa, Hideki; Aoki, Kazuhiro; Yui, Mikazu; Honjo, Hideko*; Haginuma, Masashi*; Kawakami, Yasushi*; Suzuki, Kazunori*
JAEA-Research 2007-010, 51 Pages, 2007/03
Results of joint research on Fiscal 2005 between Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and Institute of Research and Innovative (IRI) titled as "Study for investigation of microbial effects on geological disposal" are described in this report. The objective of this study is constructing advanced method for examining microbial effect for barrier performance of geological disposal site. In fiscal 2005, groundwater and rock core sample have been collected from drilled well on observation field near Horonobe Underground Research Center of JAEA and chemical analysis for collected ground water have been carried out and sensitivity analysis for existing observed data of groundwater with numerical analysis program code "MINT" considering microbial effect have been carried out.