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検索結果: 36 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Application of deep metric learning model to microscope image analysis for the determination of UOC samples in nuclear forensics analysis

木村 祥紀; 松本 哲也*; 山口 知輝

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 333(7), p.3541 - 3551, 2024/07

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Analytical)

This study discusses the application of a deep metric learning model based on a convolutional neural network to scanning electron microscope image analysis to determine UOC samples. One of the unique features of this technique is that it can detect a sample that comes from an unknown material not listed in the reference for comparison, in addition to the classification of a sample based on surface characteristics captured in the microscopic images. It was confirmed that the present technique could detect hypothetical unknown samples with $$>$$ 0.8 of Area Under the ROC Curve, and it can effectively provide preliminary observations in nuclear forensics analysis.


1F廃炉に向けた放射線源逆推定及び線源対策に係るデジタル技術の研究開発; 3D-ADRES-Indoor:デジタル技術を集約するプラットフォームの現状紹介

町田 昌彦; 山田 進; Kim, M.; 奥村 雅彦; 宮村 浩子; 志風 義明; 佐藤 朋樹*; 沼田 良明*; 飛田 康弘*; 山口 隆司; et al.

RIST News, (69), p.2 - 18, 2023/09



Development of training course on non-destructive assay of nuclear material for Asian region, 2; Development of lectures and exercises on gamma-ray measurement

山本 昌彦; 河野 壮馬; 三枝 祐; 久野 剛彦; 関根 恵; 井上 尚子; 野呂 尚子; Rodriguez, D.; 山口 知輝; Stinett, J.*

Proceedings of INMM & ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting 2023 (Internet), 10 Pages, 2023/05



1F廃炉に向けた放射線源の逆推定及び線源対策に係るデジタル技術の研究開発; 3D-ADRES-Indoor:デジタル技術を集約するプラットフォームの開発状況

町田 昌彦; 山田 進; Kim, M.; 奥村 雅彦; 宮村 浩子; Malins, A.; 志風 義明; 佐藤 朋樹*; 沼田 良明*; 飛田 康弘*; et al.

RIST News, (68), p.3 - 19, 2022/09

福島第一原子力発電所(1F)建屋内には、原子炉内から漏洩した放射性物質の汚染により高い放射線量を示す地点が多数存在し、廃炉作業を円滑に進める上での大きな障害の一つとなっている。この課題の解決に資するため、日本原子力研究開発機構(JAEA)は、経済産業省の廃炉・汚染水対策事業費補助金「原子炉建屋内の環境改善のための技術の開発(被ばく低減のための環境・線源分布のデジタル化技術の開発)」を受託し、令和3年6月より放射線源の逆推定と推定線源に対する対策を仮想空間にて実施するためのデジタル技術及びその関連技術の研究開発を開始した。本記事では、上記技術のコアとなる概念(逆推定に用いるLASSO: Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator)を紹介するとともに、開発技術を集約したプラットフォーム機能を持つソフトウエア: 3D-ADRES-Indoorの開発進捗と、その活用の際に重要な役割を果たす放射線量の可視化技術等の研究開発の進捗について報告する。


Thermally altered subsurface material of asteroid (162173) Ryugu

北里 宏平*; Milliken, R. E.*; 岩田 隆浩*; 安部 正真*; 大竹 真紀子*; 松浦 周二*; 高木 靖彦*; 中村 智樹*; 廣井 孝弘*; 松岡 萌*; et al.

Nature Astronomy (Internet), 5(3), p.246 - 250, 2021/03

 被引用回数:51 パーセンタイル:96.49(Astronomy & Astrophysics)




芝 知宙; 富川 裕文; 山口 知輝

第41回日本核物質管理学会年次大会会議論文集(インターネット), 4 Pages, 2020/11

Nuclear security and safeguards of the direct disposal facility need to be considered at the early stage in the design. In this paper, the applicability of seismic wave monitoring information to nuclear security and safeguards is examined in order to detect secretly excavating tunnels and access to disposed fuel.


The Surface composition of asteroid 162173 Ryugu from Hayabusa2 near-infrared spectroscopy

北里 宏平*; Milliken, R. E.*; 岩田 隆浩*; 安部 正真*; 大竹 真紀子*; 松浦 周二*; 荒井 武彦*; 仲内 悠祐*; 中村 智樹*; 松岡 萌*; et al.

Science, 364(6437), p.272 - 275, 2019/04

 被引用回数:284 パーセンタイル:99.69(Multidisciplinary Sciences)



Abnormally enhanced diamagnetism in Al-Zn-Mg alloys

西村 克彦*; 松田 健二*; Lee, S.*; 布村 紀男*; 島野 寛基*; Bendo, A.*; 渡邊 克己*; 土屋 大樹*; 並木 孝洋*; 戸田 裕之*; et al.

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 774, p.405 - 409, 2019/02

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:15.45(Chemistry, Physical)

Temperature and time dependences of magnetization of Al-1.0%Zn-4.2%Mg, Al-2.6%Zn-3.2%Mg, Al-4.1%Zn-1.1%Mg, and Al-5%Zn (at.%) alloys were measured in the range between 10 and 310 K after various periods of natural aging and peak-aged heat treatments. Enhanced diamagnetic contributions on the magnetization were observed for the as-quenched Al-Zn-Mg alloys for the first time. The enhanced diamagnetism observed in Al-2.6%Zn-3.2%Mg and Al-4.1%Zn-1.1%Mg were found to largely alter in natural aging, while that of Al-1.0%Zn-4.2%Mg little changed. After peak-aged heat treatments, the diamagnetism of Al-Zn-Mg was largely reduced. The binary Al-5%Zn showed neither enhanced diamagnetism nor natural aging effect on the magnetization. Isothermal time variations of magnetization of Al-Zn-Mg alloys at 300 K were found to be related with solute-vacancy clustering.


An Evaluation method of reflectance spectra to be obtained by Hayabusa2 Near-Infrared Spectrometer (NIRS3) based on laboratory measurements of carbonaceous chondrites

松岡 萌*; 中村 智樹*; 大澤 崇人; 岩田 隆浩*; 北里 宏平*; 安部 正真*; 仲内 悠祐*; 荒井 武彦*; 小松 睦美*; 廣井 孝弘*; et al.

Earth, Planets and Space (Internet), 69(1), p.120_1 - 120_12, 2017/12


 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:19.71(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)



Development of a high power diplexer with short-slotted metal half mirrors for electron cyclotron current drive

三枝 幹雄*; 渥美 幸平*; 山口 智輝*; 小田 靖久; 坂本 慶司

Fusion Engineering and Design, 88(6-8), p.964 - 969, 2013/10

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:17.87(Nuclear Science & Technology)

A neoclassical tearing mode (NTM) which is a resistive MHD instability driven by plasma pressure gradient in tokamak plasma is one of the key issues giving the upper limitation of plasma performance. It can be controlled by the local current drive in a magnetic island with electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD). Up to now, ECCD with pulse modulated gyrotron operation at duty of 50% have been done to drive current into only O-point. For improving a stabilizing efficiency of NTM, the fast directional switch had been developed. It makes the duty of ECCD system to 100% by switching beam direction for tracking the rotating O-point of a magnetic island of NTM. The new type diplexer as a fast switching device of high power millimeter wave was proposed and had been simulated with finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. A proposed diplexer consists of a ring corrugated circular waveguide, a pair of mitre-bends, and a pair of half mirrors. The low power switching operation of the mock-up diplexer with long-slotted metal half mirrors at the two frequency bands (137 GHz and 170 GHz) was veried. In this paper, the low power test results of the diplexer with new short-slotted metal half mirrors at a frequency band of 170 GHz is reported.


Numerical estimation of Ohmic loss of high power wideband diplexer for ECCD system

渥美 幸平*; 山口 智輝*; 長嶋 浩司*; 三枝 幹雄*; 福成 雅史*; 小田 靖久; 坂本 慶司

Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 8(Sp.1), p.2405077_1 - 2405077_4, 2013/06

A diplexer for high power millimeter wave has been developed as a fast switching device in ECCD system for improving a stabilizing efficiency of neoclassical tearing modes. The switching operation of diplexer was confirmed with the FDTD code developed in our laboratory and low power tests using a mock-up diplexer. The cooling design of half mirror will be a key issue of this development, so that the Ohmic loss of a miter bend and a half mirror of the ring resonator was estimated by the numerical simulations.


Proposal of new type diplexer for ECCD system

三枝 幹雄*; 菅原 修平*; 渥美 幸平*; 小田 靖久; 山口 智輝*; 坂本 慶司

no journal, , 

Neoclassical tearing modes (NTM) can be controlled by the local current drive in a magnetic island with electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD). For improving a stabilizing efficiency of NTM, the fast directional switch (FADIS) had been developed. In this paper, the new type diplexer as a fast switching device of high power millimetre wave is proposed for ECCD system in fusion devices. The principle is a ring resonator of oversized corrugated circular waveguide. The two half mirrors (dielectric disks or slotted antennae) are integrated in a ring resonator. The switching operation of a diplexer has been simulated with the code using finite differential time domain (FDTD) method. The switching operation of the diplexer by frequency shifting has been confirmed in the cases of dielectric disks or slotted antennae, where the loss caused by mode conversion and misalignment in a resonant ring are considered. A diplexer for 1 MW short pulse at a frequency of 170 GHz is designed and fabricated.


Development of high power wideband diplexer for ECCD system in fusion devise

菅原 修平*; 渥美 幸平*; 山口 智輝*; 三枝 幹雄*; 小田 靖久; 高橋 幸司; 梶原 健; 坂本 慶司

no journal, , 

In this paper, new type diplexer as a high power millimeter wave fast switching device is proposed for ECCD system. A new type diplexer as a high power millimeter wave fast switching device is proposed for ECCD system. After the simulations by FDTD code, the diplexer was designed. Low power mock up has been tested at wide frequency bands of 140 GHz and 170 GHz. Wide band switching operation of a diplexer has been recognized.


Current status and future prospects on nuclear forensics capability building and technology development by the Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Security at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency

木村 祥紀; 松井 芳樹; 山口 知輝; 松本 哲也*; 海野 勇次*; 細井 雅春*; 篠原 伸夫

no journal, , 



Nuclear forensic analysis laboratory capability in the Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Security at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency

松井 芳樹; 木村 祥紀; 山口 知輝; 松本 哲也*; 海野 勇次*; 細井 雅春*; 篠原 伸夫

no journal, , 




芝 知宙; 冠城 雅晃; 高田 映*; 山口 知輝

no journal, , 



The Experience of the 7th Collaborative Materials Exercise of the Nuclear Forensics (CMX-7) and future tasks

松井 芳樹; 木村 祥紀; 海野 勇次*; 細井 雅春*; 松本 哲也*; 篠原 伸夫; 山崎 斉; 山口 知輝

no journal, , 

The Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security (ISCN) of the JAEA is developing technologies for nuclear forensics to identify the origin and intended use of nuclear and radioactive materials. The Nuclear Forensics International Technical Working Group (ITWG) regularly holds the Collaborative Materials Exercise (CMX) to share the experience on nuclear forensics analysis and to improve analytical methods in the international community. The ISCN participated in the 7th exercise (CMX-7) this time. This paper discusses the experience of the ISCN during the CMX-7 including the results of laboratory analysis and nuclear forensics interpretation, as well as future challenges for laboratory capability at the ISCN. In the CMX-7, under the hypothetical case scenario (illegal transferring of nuclear materials), uranium samples and other conventional forensics evidence were provided for the exercise. During the exercise, participants reported the analytical results according to the timeframes recommended by the Nuclear Forensics Guidelines of the IAEA (24 hours, 1 week, and 2 months from sample receipt). The ISCN reported the physical characteristics and the results NDA analysis on the uranium samples at the first two timeframes, and the results of mass spectrometry with the data interpretation as the 2 months report. The results of uranium isotope ratio and trace elements measurements were exceedingly good, but the results of age dating were significantly deviate from the overall average. Reducing the time for destructive analysis that allows timely provisions of the results, as well as the improvement of the confidence in age dating are future tasks for the nuclear forensics analysis of the ISCN laboratory.



木村 祥紀; 松本 哲也*; 山口 知輝

no journal, , 



核セキュリティを支える核鑑識技術; ISCNにおける最近の研究開発と今後

山口 知輝; 木村 祥紀; 海野 勇次*; 細井 雅春*; 松本 哲也*; 関根 勝則*

no journal, , 




木村 祥紀; 松本 哲也*; 山口 知輝

no journal, , 


36 件中 1件目~20件目を表示