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中村 博樹; 町田 昌彦; 加藤 正人
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.16 - 19, 2011/10
内田 哲平; 砂押 剛雄*; 加藤 正人; 小無 健司*
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.598 - 602, 2011/10
石田 恒
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.470 - 476, 2011/10
We have developed an integrated molecular simulation system for biological macromolecules, called SCUBA (Simulation Codes for hUge Biomolecular Assembly) which is designed to run a biomolecule system composed of more than one million particles efficiently on parallel computers. SCUBA is now being used not only for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations but also to determine the 3D structure of supra-macromolecules. For the latter purpose, a new method to fit a high-resolution X-ray structure at a certain reaction state into low-resolution electron microscopy (EM) data at different reaction states has been developed. In our method, the fitting is carried out using MD simulations in explicit water medium; the target function considers restraints to fit the X-ray structure into an EM density map, and the all-atom interactions for all the molecules including the water medium. This method was implemented into SCUBA and applied to ribosome, one of the supra-biomolecules utilized for translating genetic information to the amino acid sequence. The system was composed of more than 2 million atoms. The method showed that SCUBA can carry out the fitting simulation with a high parallelization efficiency ratio of more than 50% using 512 CPU cores of PRIMERGY BX900 supercomputer at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency.
鈴木 知史; 都留 智仁; 加治 芳行
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.34 - 37, 2011/10
照射を受けた圧力容器鋼材では、固溶原子の析出やクラスタリングが観察される。これらのクラスターは照射脆化の原因と考えられている。近年、3次元アトムプローブ(3DAP)によって、Cu, Si, Ni, Mn等のクラスターが観察されている。そこで、本研究では、-Fe中のCu, Si, Ni等の不純物の挙動を明らかにするため密度汎関数法(DFT)計算を実施した。その結果、Cu-Si結合はSi-Si結合より安定であり、Cu-SiとSi-Niの相互作用パラメーターはCu-Niより低い値であった。このことから、CuやNiが存在することにより、Siを含んだクラスターの形成が促進されることがわかった。さらに電子構造により評価を行った結果、CuとSiの共存により、Cu及び隣接するFeのエネルギーが下がり、安定となることがわかった。
松田 規宏; 岩元 洋介; 岩瀬 広*; 坂本 幸夫; 中島 宏; 仁井田 浩二*
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.927 - 930, 2011/10
森林 健悟
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.893 - 897, 2011/10
This paper develops a Monte Carlo (MC) code for the calculation of the damage and the movement of free and quasi-free electrons, which are produced from the irradiation of X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) light pulses. Ionization processes such as X-ray absorption, Compton scattering, and Auger are treated by MC. On the other hand, the movements of free and quasi- free electrons are controlled by the Newton equations. Electron impact ionization processes occur when quasi-free electrons pass through the cross sections, which is assigned to atoms and ions. In order to confirm the accuracy of the calculations using our MC code, we compare the frequency of photo-electron impact ionization processes calculated by our MC code with that by the rate equations for spherical targets. Then, we have found agreement of 80 % to 90 % for the values of the frequency.
松本 淳
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.486 - 490, 2011/10
Recently, many three-dimensional structures of ribosome at various functional states have been determined by cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and reconstruction techniques. However, because of the low signal-to-noise ratio of the EM images, the resolution of the reconstructed 3D structures is low. The main goal of this study is to determine the positions of atoms in the ribosomes whose 3D structures have been determined by cryo-EM, and analyze the conformational differences between them at the atomic level. We make use of the fitting technique and the elastic network normal mode calculations for this purpose. In the fitting technique, the entire atomic structure of the ribosome is translated and rotated as a rigid body so that it overlaps a 3D EM structure at the maximum ratio. The atomic structure of the ribosome solved by X-ray crystallography is then computationally deformed, using a normal mode analysis of the elastic network model, so that it fits the EM structures better.
井戸村 泰宏; Jolliet, S.
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.620 - 627, 2011/10
A fusion plasma is an extremely complex physical system consisting of multiple fluids (an electron fluid and other ion fluids) coupled through electromagnetic fields and weak coulomb collisions. Because of its complexities, a direct numerical simulation (DNS) is becoming important not only as a complementary approach to obtain physical understanding but also as an essential tool for predicting turbulent transport in the experiment. In the presentation, an introductive review of simulation models and numerical approaches are given, and a progress in turbulent fusion plasma simulations is presented based on recent verification and validation studies.
都留 智仁; 加治 芳行; 塚田 隆; 渋谷 陽二*
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.20 - 23, 2011/10
助川 篤彦; 川崎 弘光*; 奥野 功一*
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.375 - 381, 2011/10
堅田 元喜; 永井 晴康; Zhang, L.*; Held, A.*; Sera, D.*; Klemm, O.*
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.530 - 537, 2011/10
小林 卓也; 印 貞治*; 石川 洋一*; 川村 英之; 中山 智治*; 島 茂樹*; 淡路 敏之*; 外川 織彦
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.682 - 687, 2011/10
佐藤 達彦; 遠藤 章; 仁井田 浩二*
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.432 - 436, 2011/10
原田 正英; 前川 藤夫; 及川 健一; 明午 伸一郎; 高田 弘; 二川 正敏
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.872 - 878, 2011/10
JSNS設計前段階において、20MeV以上のエネルギー領域に対応する、信頼生が高く使いやすい粒子輸送計算コードがなかった。そのため、J-PARCプロジェクトの進行とともに、NMTC/JAMコード(現在は、PHITSコード)を開発してきた。JSNSの中性子特性の最適化を目的として、PHITSコードを用いた中性子工学設計を実施した。すなわち、複雑な計算形状モデルを構築するとともに、数千に及ぶ計算ケースを実行した。また、中性子特性の最適化のみならず、遮蔽評価や核発熱評価などにもPHITSコードを用いた。その結果、JSNSはシミュレーションにより核設計を行った世界初の施設の一つとなった。これらの計算において、エネルギー範囲がGeVからmeVまでの12桁に及ぶことや中性子強度が10桁以上減衰することは、特筆すべきことである。これまでの計算の信頼性を確認するために、中性子スペクトル, 線量, 残留放射能などを測定した。その結果、測定値は、計算値と良い一致を示し、このような核破砕中性子源設計計算において、PHITSコードが十分信頼できることを確認した。
永井 晴康; 小林 卓也; 都築 克紀; 寺田 宏明
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.556 - 567, 2011/10
高橋 史明; 佐藤 薫; 遠藤 章; 小野 孝二*; 吉武 貴康*; 長谷川 隆幸*; 勝沼 泰*; 伴 信彦*; 甲斐 倫明*
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.153 - 159, 2011/10
中山 浩成; 永井 晴康
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.463 - 469, 2011/10
大気・陸域・海洋での放射性物質の移行挙動を包括的に予測できるSPEEDI-MPにおいて、Large-Eddy Simulation (LES)モデルによる都市大気拡散予測システムの開発とその導入を目指している。今回は、高解像度化された立方形状の建物が整形配列された建物群内での点源拡散された場合を対象にしたLES解析を行い、拡散数値シミュレーションの妥当性並びに物質拡散過程を調べた。その結果、まず、平均濃度や濃度変動分布並びに濃度フラックスなどが拡散風洞実験結果と良好な対応性を示すことが確認された。さらに、個々の建物から生成される剥離や循環流などの局所的乱流場の影響により、拡散物質が周辺の建物後流域に巻き込まれることにより徐々に拡がっていく挙動などが明らかにされた。
Jolliet, S.; 井戸村 泰宏
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.85 - 89, 2011/10
In this talk, the numerical implementation of the global Eulerian gyrokinetic code GT5D will be presented. GT5D solves the vlasov-maxwell system (including coulomb collisions and a heat source and sink operator) in 5D, which requires huge CPU ressources. In particular, the implementation of a straight-field-line solver, reducing the memory of the field equation matrix by orders of magnitude, will be detailed. This scheme takes advantage of the alignment of the turbulence with the magnetic field lines to suppress small parallel wavelengths with a fourier filter. In addition, weak and strong scalings, as well as a plasma size scaling will be presented.
岩元 洋介; 仁井田 浩二*; 佐藤 達彦; 松田 規宏; 岩瀬 広*; 中島 宏; 坂本 幸夫
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.931 - 935, 2011/10
Mohammadi, A.; 木名瀬 栄; 斎藤 公明
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.365 - 368, 2011/10
ICRP proposed the reference animals and plants using simplified phantoms, such as ellipsoids and spheres, and assessed absorbed fractions (AFs) for the whole bodies. In this study, photon and electron AFs in whole body of voxel-based frog and mouse phantoms were evaluated and compared with AFs in simplified phantoms. The evaluations were done by Monte Carlo methods for voxel-based and simplified phantoms. There were very small differences (less than 2%) between whole-body AFs in voxel-based and simplified mouse phantoms however the differences were up to 24% for the voxel-based and the Reference Frog phantoms. Whole-body AFs in voxel-based and simplified phantoms demonstrated that not only mass but also shape of whole body effected on AFs significantly. The results of this study suggest the replacement of the Reference Animal phantoms by voxel-based animal phantoms to improve the accuracy of the whole-body AFs.