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青山 高士; 上野 文義; 佐藤 智徳; 加藤 千明; 佐野 成人; 山下 直輝; 大谷 恭平; 五十嵐 誉廣
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 214, p.111229_1 - 111229_6, 2025/05
To elucidate the effect of dissolved radionuclides on corrosion of carbon steels and on formation of corrosion products of carbon steel, corrosion tests and imaging plate analysis were conducted. Carbon steel samples immersed in 10 mM NaCl containing Sr and
Cs were analyzed using an imaging plate. As a result, the distribution of
Sr or
Cs in the corrosion products formed on carbon steel was successfully visualized. Furthermore, the radioactivity of the corroded specimens was calculated from calibration curves prepared using a
Sr standard.
Guembou Shouop, C. J.; 土屋 晴文
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1072, p.170189_1 - 170189_14, 2025/03
被引用回数:0The development of a compact mobile neutron resonance transmission analysis (NRTA) instrument is in progress for measuring nuclear materials in the field of nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear security. The present paper focuses on research/developments on designing the source, moderators and shielding for the table-top NRTA system utilising a Cf spontaneous neutron. To this end, three source configurations were assessed using Monte Carlo (MC) simulations-based Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS) by evaluating each configuration's neutron/gamma fluxes. Experimental validation of the MC simulation was conducted using an EJ270 plastic scintillation detector, a
Cf source, and a thin In sample. The Monte Carlo simulations and experimental results confirmed that an optimal configuration for the table-top NRTA system involves sandwiching the
Cf source between the polyethylene (PE) moderator (PE closer to the detector) and the W reflector. Furthermore, the MC simulations showed that resonance dips from NatU and Pu (energy lines of 1.06 and 2.60 eV of
Pu and 0.30 eV of
Pu) can be observed in the Time-of-Flight spectra obtained using the table-top NRTA system with an appropriate collimator for a small pellet sample. The preliminary experimental results with a 2 mm thick In sample displayed the 1.46 eV resonance dip of
In, showing that the table-top NRTA system using a
Cf neutron source can measure TOF spectra and observe dips caused by low energy resonances in a sample. These findings suggest the system is well-suited for measuring small pellet samples of Pu and U.
佐々木 美雪; 阿部 裕稀*; 眞田 幸尚; 鳥居 建男*
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1072, p.170207_1 - 170207_12, 2025/03
Brumm, S.*; Gabrielli, F.*; Sanchez Espinoza, V.*; Stakhanova, A.*; Groudev, P.*; Petrova, P.*; Vryashkova, P.*; Ou, P.*; Zhang, W.*; Malkhasyan, A.*; et al.
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 211, p.110962_1 - 110962_16, 2025/02
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:75.38(Nuclear Science & Technology)The completed Horizon-2020 project on "Management and Uncertainties of Severe Accidents (MUSA)" has reviewed uncertainty sources and Uncertainty Quantification methodology for the purpose of assessing Severe Accidents (SA). The key motivation of the project has been to bring the advantages of the Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty approach to the field of Severe Accident. The applications brought together a large group of participants that set out to apply uncertainty analysis (UA) within their field of SA modelling expertise, in particular reactor types, but also SA code used (ASTEC, MELCOR, etc.), uncertainty quantification tools used (DAKOTA, RAVEN, etc.), detailed accident scenarios, and in some cases SAM actions. This paper synthesizes the reactor-application work at the end of the project. Analyses of 23 partners are sorted into different categories, depending on whether their main goal is/are (i) uncertainty bands of simulation results; (ii) the understanding of dominating uncertainties in specific sub-models of the SA code; (iii) improving the understanding of specific accident scenarios, with or without the application of SAM actions; or, (iv) a demonstration of the tools used and developed, and of the capability to carry out an uncertainty analysis in the presence of the challenges faced. The partners' experiences made during the project have been evaluated and are presented as good practice recommendations. The paper ends with conclusions on the level of readiness of UA in SA modelling, on the determination of governing uncertainties, and on the analysis of SAM actions.
孫 昊旻; 日引 俊*
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 237, p.126445_1 - 126445_14, 2025/02
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Thermodynamics)Various bubbles exist in two-phase flows. A practical approach is classifying the bubbles into two groups based on their drag coefficients. Two-group two-fluid model can potentially provide the most accurate analysis of two-phase flows. Two-group drift-flux model should be established as a constitutive equation to simplify the two-group two-fluid model for its practical use. The drift-flux model for large square channels has seldom been investigated, even though such channels exist in various engineering systems. This study developed the two-group drift-flux model for large square channels based on experimental databases.
松村 太伊知; 奥村 啓介; 坂本 雅洋; 寺島 顕一; Riyana E. S.; 近藤 千博*
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 432, p.113791_1 - 113791_9, 2025/02
被引用回数:0Retrieving objects with a small amount of fuel debris, such as a few grams, will begin soon at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F) at the start of decommissioning. Objects retrieved from the primary containment vessel are not necessarily fuel debris; fuel debris is an object from which neutrons are emitted because it contains nuclear-fuel material. However, the characteristics of the neutrons emitted by fuel debris are unknown. Fuel debris was categorized into five types according to the elapsed time from the accident, burnup, and fuel type (UO or mixed oxide). The number and energy spectra of (
) and spontaneous fission neutrons emitted from 1 g of each fuel debris type were estimated using the SOURCES 4C code to obtain the neutron characteristics. The results showed that the average neutron energy is approximately 2.1 MeV, regardless of the type of fuel debris. However, the intensities of neutrons emitted from the fuel debris in 1F Units 2 and 3 varied by four orders of magnitude according to the fuel debris type.
福島廃炉安全工学研究所 楢葉遠隔技術開発センター
JAEA-Review 2024-046, 52 Pages, 2025/01
中島 邦久; 高野 公秀
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 62(1), p.78 - 85, 2025/01
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)1Fでは、シビアアクシデント解析コードを用いた解析や汚染水からの逆解析により相当量のCsが炉内にまだ残っていると推定されている。そのため、炉心領域で想定されるCs蒸気とUOあるいはFe-Zr融体との化学的な相互作用の有無を調べた。その結果、Cs
中村 聡志; 石井 翔*; 加藤 仁*; 伴 康俊; 蛭田 健太; 吉田 拓矢; 上原 寛之; 小畑 裕希; 木村 康彦; 高野 公秀
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 62(1), p.56 - 64, 2025/01
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)過酸化ナトリウム(NaO
寺阪 祐太; 佐藤 優樹; 古田 禄大*; 久保 信*; 一場 雄太*
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1070(2), p.170021_1 - 170021_9, 2025/01
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Instruments & Instrumentation)We have developed a method to directly detect Sr/
Y under a high gamma ray background using a liquid light guide Cherenkov counter. Cherenkov radiation has the characteristic that the angle of radiation varies depending on the energy of the charged particles. Using this feature, we have developed a surface contamination detector capable of discriminating between 662 keV gamma rays from
Cs and beta rays from
Y through time-of-flight analysis of the Cherenkov radiation generated inside the liquid light guide. With this detector, we conducted a measurement test of
Y inside the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 3 reactor building and achieved the first in-situ detection of
Y under a high gamma-ray background.
Metcalfe, R.*; Benbow, S. J.*; 川間 大介*; 舘 幸男
Science of the Total Environment, 958, p.177690_1 - 177690_17, 2025/01
高橋 嘉夫*; 山口 瑛子; 蓬田 匠
Treatise on Geochemistry, 3rd edition, Vol.6, 46 Pages, 2025/00
宇佐美 博士; 伊藤 倫太郎; 田川 明広
JAEA-Review 2024-045, 49 Pages, 2024/12
東京電力ホールディングス(株)福島第一原子力発電所の廃止措置は、長期にわたるプロジェクトであり、このようなプロジェクトを遂行していくには、今後の廃止措置を担う若い技術者や研究者の育成が必要かつ喫緊の課題となっている。この課題に対し、福島廃炉安全工学研究所廃炉環境国際共同研究センターでは、廃炉研究に取り組んでいる学生のための「次世代イニシアティブ廃炉技術カンファレンス(Conference for R&D Initiative on Nuclear Decommissioning Technology by the Next Generation: NDEC)」を2016年から継続的に開催してきている。NDECは、人材育成と若手研究者ネットワーク形成を目的とした学生の研究成果発表の場であり、廃止措置に関係する若者が互いに成果を発表し、切磋琢磨することで研究活動に対するモチベーションを高めることを目的として実施している。第9回目となるNDEC-9を、2024年3月21日(木)-22日(金)の2日間にわたり、福島県双葉郡富岡町の文化交流センター「学びの森」で開催した。本報告集は、これらの発表内容をまとめ、NDECの活動を広く周知するために公開するものである。
廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 東北大学*
JAEA-Review 2024-016, 61 Pages, 2024/12
郡司 智; 荒木 祥平; 井澤 一彦; 須山 賢也
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 209, p.110783_1 - 110783_7, 2024/12
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)燃料デブリの組成や性状は不確実であるため、臨界安全性評価に使用される計算コードや核データを検証するには臨界実験が必要である。このため、原子力機構は、臨界集合体STACYの改造を行っている。STACY更新炉の初臨界は2024年春に予定されている。本稿では、STACY更新炉の初臨界時の基本炉心構成仕様の特性について事前解析の結果を報告する。初臨界時には中性子減速条件の異なる2種類の格子板(格子間隔は1.50cmと1.27cm)を用意される。一方で、利用可能なUO燃料棒の数には制限がある。これらの実験的制約を満たす最初の臨界のための炉心構成は、計算解析によって設計された。最適減速条件に近い1.50cmピッチの格子板を備えた円柱形の炉心構成では、臨界に達するには253本の燃料棒が必要となる。1.27cmピッチの格子板については、ピッチを2倍にして2.54cmピッチの炉心構成を検討した。この場合、臨界に達するには213本の燃料棒が必要となる。さらに、燃料デブリの様態をシミュレートするために、鉄またはコンクリート模擬棒を使用した実験炉心構成についても検討した。本稿では、これらの炉心構成と炉心特性の解析結果を示す。
福田 航大
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 208(1), p.110748_1 - 110748_10, 2024/12
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)The Windscale Works criticality accident in 1970 resulted from mixing an aqueous solution with an organic solvent with different plutonium concentrations and densities. Although this accident has been studied using improved computer capabilities in recent years, a precise criticality scenario has not yet been identified. This study aims to clarify a possible criticality scenario of the accident-the time variation of reactivity and its mechanism. The accident was simulated by combining the multiphase computational fluid dynamics solver of OpenFOAM and the delta-tracking-based Monte Carlo neutron transport code Serpent2. Consequently, the periodic uneven arrangement of fluids might have caused oscillations in neutron leakage and absorption, resulting in periodic wavy reactivity changes. Furthermore, the emulsion, which was thought to be the primary cause, might not be the dominant mechanism for reactivity change, although it contributed to the criticality of the accident.
三浦 泰人*; 宮本 慎太郎*; 丸山 一平*; Aili, A.*; 佐藤 拓未; 永江 勇二; 五十嵐 豪*
Case Studies in Construction Materials, 21, p.e03571_1 - e03571_14, 2024/12
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Construction & Building Technology)In this study, the expansion behavior of cement materials after high-temperature heating and water immersion was observed experimentally. Two experiments were conducted using mortar specimens with different sand-to-cement ratios subjected to different high-temperature histories up to 1000C. In Case 1, the specimens were immersed in water after high-temperature heating and then cooled naturally; in Case 2, the specimens were immersed in water at high temperatures without the cooling process. Based on the results, it was confirmed that lime expansion due to the rehydration of CaO by heating occurred in Case 1. In contrast, dynamic continuous explosive spalling occurred in Case 2 because of water penetration into the specimen at a high temperature. The explosive spalling in water observed in Case 2 is a phenomenon that has not been reported to date. Possible failure mechanisms for lime expansion and continuous expansive spalling in water are suggested.
佐藤 里奈; 吉村 和也; 眞田 幸尚; 三上 智; 山田 勉*; 中曽根 孝政*; 金井塚 清一*; 佐藤 哲朗*; 森 翼*; 高木 毬衣*
Environmental Science & Technology, 194, p.109148_1 - 109148_8, 2024/12
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Environmental Sciences)周辺線量当量による個人の外部被ばく線量評価は、個人線量計が適用できない、予測的及び遡及的な評価に用いられる。しかし、様々なパラメータを用いるため個人線量測定による評価よりも誤差を含む傾向がある。そこで本研究では、周辺線量当量から個人の外部被ばく線量を精度良く評価するため、生活パターンと、建物や乗り物による遮蔽効果を考慮して実効線量を評価するモデルを作成した。モデルパラメータは、2020から2021年に福島第一原子力発電所の被災地域で測定した屋内外の環境放射線のロバストなデータセットを基に評価した。モデルの精度は、2020年に福島県内で測定した106人日の個人線量と比較し評価した。モデルによる推定実効線量は、実測個人線量をよく表し、モデルが個人線量計と同様に個人の被ばく線量推計に活用できることが示された。さらに、このモデルは、環境放射線データを用いることで、個人の被ばく線量を予測的及び遡及的に精度良く評価でき、放射線防護に有用なツールである。
大野 宏和
原子力バックエンド研究(CD-ROM), 31(2), p.140 - 143, 2024/12
山下 享介*; 諸岡 聡; Gong, W.; 川崎 卓郎; Harjo, S.; 北條 智彦*; 興津 貴隆*; 藤井 英俊*
ISIJ International, 64(14), p.2051 - 2060, 2024/12
An Fe-0.15C-5Mn-0.5Si-0.05Nb steel annealed at 660C and 685
C showed L
ders deformation followed by high work hardening, with variations in L
ders strain and hardening behavior.
neutron diffraction during tensile tests analyzed phase stresses, strength contributions, and austenite orientation. Deformation-induced martensite contributed
1000 MPa to strength near tensile failure, while austenite mainly enhanced ductility via transformation-induced plasticity. Austenite transformed to martensite during L
ders deformation regardless of orientation, though 311-oriented grains tended to remain along the tensile direction.