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HPC Technology Promotion Office, Center for Computational Science & e-Systems
JAEA-Review 2024-044, 121 Pages, 2025/01
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) conducts research and development (R&D) in various fields related to nuclear power as a comprehensive institution of nuclear energy R&Ds, and utilizes computational science and technology in many activities. Over the past 10 years or so, the publication of papers utilizing computational science and technology at JAEA has accounted for about 20 percent of the total publications each fiscal year. The supercomputer system of JAEA has become an important infrastructure to support computational science and technology. In FY2023, the system was utilized in R&D activities that were prioritized in the Fourth Medium- to Long-Term Plan, including contributing to carbon neutrality through the development of innovative technologies such as improving safety, creating innovation by promoting diverse R&D related to nuclear science and technology, promoting R&D in response to the accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, steadily implementing technological developments for the treatment and disposal of high-level radioactive waste, and supporting nuclear safety regulatory administration and nuclear disaster prevention by promoting safety research for these purposes. This report presents a great number of R&D results accomplished by using the system in FY2023, as well as user support, operational records and overviews of the system, and so on.
HPC Technology Promotion Office, Center for Computational Science & e-Systems
JAEA-Review 2023-018, 159 Pages, 2023/12
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) conducts research and development (R&D) in various fields related to nuclear power as a comprehensive institution of nuclear energy R&Ds, and utilizes computational science and technology in many activities. Over the past 10 years or so, the publication of papers utilizing computational science and technology at JAEA has accounted for about 20 percent of the total publications each fiscal year. The supercomputer system of JAEA has become an important infrastructure to support computational science and technology. In FY2022, the system was used for R&D of light water reactors, high-temperature gas reactors, and fast reactors to contribute to carbon neutrality as a priority issue, as well as for JAEA's major projects such as Various R&D related to nuclear science and technology, R&D related to the response to the accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Development of technology for treatment and disposal of high-level radioactive waste, Support of nuclear safety regulation and nuclear disaster prevention, and safety research for this purpose. This report presents a great number of R&D results accomplished by using the system in FY2022, as well as user support, operational records and overviews of the system, and so on.
HPC Technology Promotion Office, Center for Computational Science & e-Systems
JAEA-Review 2022-035, 219 Pages, 2023/01
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) conducts research and development (R&D) in various fields related to nuclear power as a comprehensive institution of nuclear energy R&Ds, and utilizes computational science and technology in many activities. As shown in the fact that about 20 percent of papers published by JAEA are concerned with R&D using computational science, the supercomputer system of JAEA has become an important infrastructure to support computational science and technology. In FY2021, the system was used for R&D aiming to restore Fukushima (environmental recovery and nuclear installation decommissioning) as a priority issue, as well as for JAEA's major projects such as research and development of fast reactor cycle technology, research for safety improvement in the field of nuclear energy, and basic nuclear science and engineering research. This report presents a great number of R&D results accomplished by using the system in FY2021, as well as user support, operational records and overviews of the system, and so on.
Nakamura, Hideo; Bentaib, A.*; Herranz, L. E.*; Ruyer, P.*; Mascari, F.*; Jacquemain, D.*; Adorni, M.*
Proceedings of International Conference on Topical Issues in Nuclear Installation Safety; Strengthening Safety of Evolutionary and Innovative Reactor Designs (TIC 2022) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2022/10
HPC Technology Promotion Office, Center for Computational Science & e-Systems
JAEA-Review 2021-022, 187 Pages, 2022/01
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) conducts research and development (R&D) in various fields related to nuclear power as a comprehensive institution of nuclear energy R&Ds, and utilizes computational science and technology in many activities. As shown in the fact that about 20 percent of papers published by JAEA are concerned with R&D using computational science, the supercomputer system of JAEA has become an important infrastructure to support computational science and technology. In FY2020, the system was used for R&D aiming to restore Fukushima (environmental recovery and nuclear installation decommissioning) as a priority issue, as well as for JAEA's major projects such as research and development of fast reactor cycle technology, research for safety improvement in the field of nuclear energy, and basic nuclear science and engineering research. This report presents a great number of R&D results accomplished by using the system in FY2020, as well as user support, operational records and overviews of the system, and so on.
HPC Technology Promotion Office, Center for Computational Science & e-Systems
JAEA-Review 2020-021, 215 Pages, 2021/02
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) conducts research and development (R&D) in various fields related to nuclear power as a comprehensive institution of nuclear energy R&Ds, and utilizes computational science and technology in many activities. As shown in the fact that about 20 percent of papers published by JAEA are concerned with R&D using computational science, the supercomputer system of JAEA has become an important infrastructure to support computational science and technology. In FY2019, the system was used for R&D aiming to restore Fukushima (environmental recovery and nuclear installation decommissioning) as a priority issue, as well as for JAEA's major projects such as research and development of fast reactor cycle technology, research for safety improvement in the field of nuclear energy, and basic nuclear science and engineering research. This report presents a great number of R&D results accomplished by using the system in FY2019, as well as user support, operational records and overviews of the system, and so on.
HPC Technology Promotion Office, Center for Computational Science & e-Systems
JAEA-Review 2019-017, 182 Pages, 2020/01
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) conducts research and development (R&D) in various fields related to nuclear power as a comprehensive institution of nuclear energy R&Ds, and utilizes computational science and technology in many activities. As shown in the fact that about 20 percent of papers published by JAEA are concerned with R&D using computational science, the supercomputer system of JAEA has become an important infrastructure to support computational science and technology. In FY2018, the system was used for R&D aiming to restore Fukushima (environmental recovery and nuclear installation decommissioning) as a priority issue, as well as for JAEA's major projects such as research and development of fast reactor cycle technology, research for safety improvement in the field of nuclear energy, and basic nuclear science and engineering research. This report presents a great number of R&D results accomplished by using the system in FY2018, as well as user support, operational records and overviews of the system, and so on.
Information Technology Systems' Management and Operating Office
JAEA-Review 2018-018, 167 Pages, 2019/02
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) conducts research and development (R&D) in various fields related to nuclear power and utilizes computational science and technology in many activities. As shown in the fact that about 20 percent of papers published by JAEA are concerned with R&D using computational science, the supercomputer system of JAEA has become an important infrastructure to support computational science and technology. In FY2017, the system was used for R&D aiming to restore Fukushima (environmental recovery and nuclear installation decommissioning) as a priority issue, and for JAEA's major projects such as R&D of fast reactor cycle technology, research for safety improvement in the field of nuclear energy, and basic nuclear science and engineering research. This report presents a great number of R&D results accomplished by using the system in FY2017, as well as user support, operational records and overviews of the system, and so on.
Information Technology Systems' Management and Operating Office
JAEA-Review 2017-023, 157 Pages, 2018/02
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) conducts research and development (R&D) in various fields related to nuclear power as a comprehensive institution of nuclear energy R&Ds, and utilizes computational science and technology in many activities. As shown in the fact that about 20% of papers published by JAEA are concerned with R&D using computational science, the supercomputer system of JAEA has become an important infrastructure to support computational science and technology. In FY2016, the system was used for R&D aiming to restore Fukushima (environmental recovery and nuclear installation decommissioning) as a priority issue, as well as for JAEA's major projects such as research and development of fast reactor cycle technology, research for safety improvement in the field of nuclear energy, and basic nuclear science and engineering research. This report presents a great number of R&D results accomplished by using the system in FY2016, as well as user support, operational records and overviews of the system, and so on.
Information Technology Systems' Management and Operating Office
JAEA-Review 2015-028, 229 Pages, 2016/02
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) conducts research and development (R&D) in various fields related to nuclear power as a comprehensive institution of nuclear energy R&Ds, and utilizes computational science and technology in many activities. As shown in the fact that about 20% of papers published by JAEA are concerned with R&D using computational science, the supercomputer system of JAEA has become an important infrastructure to support computational science and technology. In FY2014, the system was used. For R&D aiming to restore Fukushima (nuclear plant decommissioning and environmental restoration) as a priority issue, as well as for JAEA's major projects such as Fast Reactor Cycle System, Fusion R&D and Quantum Beam Science. This report presents a great amount of R&D results accomplished by using the system in FY2014, as well as user support, operational records and overviews of the system, and so on.
Information Technology Systems' Management and Operating Office
JAEA-Review 2014-043, 241 Pages, 2015/02
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) conducts research and development (R&D) in various fields related to nuclear power as a comprehensive institution of nuclear energy R&Ds, and utilizes computational science and technology in many activities. About 20% of papers published by JAEA are concerned with R&D using computational science, the supercomputer system of JAEA has become an important infrastructure to support computational science and technology utilization. In FY2013, the system was used not only for JAEA's major projects such as Fast Reactor Cycle System, Fusion R&D and Quantum Beam Science, but also for R&D aiming to restore Fukushima (nuclear plant decommissioning and environmental restoration) as apriority issue. This report presents a great amount of R&D results accomplished by using the system in FY2013, as well as user support, operational records and overviews of the system, and so on.
Tamaki, Hitoshi; Hamaguchi, Yoshikane; Yoshida, Kazuo; Muramatsu, Ken
Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Energy System for Future Generation and Global Sustainability (GLOBAL 2005) (CD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2005/10
A PSA procedure for MOX fuel fabrication facilities is being developed at the JAERI. This procedure consists of four steps, which are hazard analysis, accident scenario analysis, frequency evaluation and consequence evaluation. The proposed procedure is characterized by the hazard analysis step. The Hazard analysis step consists of two sub-steps. In the first sub-step, a variety of functions of equipment composing the facility are analyzed to identify potential abnormal events exhaustively. In the second sub-step, these potential events are screened to select abnormal events by using a risk matrix based on the rough estimation of likelihood and maximum unmitigated release of radioactive material. One of the unique technical issues in this research is the estimation of likelihood of criticality event. A method is also proposed as a part of PSA procedure taking into consideration of failure of a computerized control system for MOX powder handling process. The applicability of the PSA procedure was demonstrated through the trial application of it to a model plant of MOX fuel fabrication facility.
Miyamoto, Yukihiro; Sakamaki, Tsuyoshi*; Maekawa, Osamu*; Nakashima, Hiroshi
JAERI-Tech 2004-054, 72 Pages, 2004/08
A standard is provided for the radiation monitor based on LAN (Local Area Network) and PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) technology at the introduction to the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). The monitor consists of radiation measurement equipments and the central monitoring panel. The formers are installed in the radiation field, and the latter is installed in the control room and composed of PLC, which are connected with LAN. Extension of the existing standard and the conformity to the international standard were thought as important in providing the standard. The standard is expected to improve the compatibility, maintenancability and productivity of the components.
Azumi, Masafumi
Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkai-Shi, 80(5), p.378 - 381, 2004/05
Progress of large scale scientific simulation environment in JAERI is briefly described. The expansion of fusion simulation science have been played a key role in the increasing performances of super computers and computer network system in JAERI. Both scalar parallel and vector parallel computer systems are now working in Naka and Tokai sites respectively and, particle and fluid simulation codes developed under the fusion simulation project, NEXT, are running on each system. The storage grid system has been also successfully developed for the effective visualization analysis by remote users. Fusion research is going to enter the new phase of ITER, and the need for the super computer system with higher performance are increasing more than as ever along with the development of reliable simulation models.
Miyamoto, Yukihiro; Ikeno, Koichi; Akiyama, Shigenori*; Harada, Yasunori
JAERI-Tech 2002-086, 43 Pages, 2002/11
Description is given for the characteristic radiation environment for the High Intensity Proton Accelerator Facility and the design concept of the radiation control system of it. The facility is a large scale accelerator complex consisting of high energy proton accelerators carrying the highest beam intensity in the world and the related experimental facilities and therefore provides various issues relevant to the radiation environment. The present report describes the specifications for the radiation control system for the facility, determined in consideration of these characteristics.
Kobayashi, Takuya; Togawa, Orihiko; Odano, Naoteru; Ishida, Toshihisa
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 38(8), p.658 - 663, 2001/08
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:19.35(Nuclear Science & Technology)The collective dose to the Japanese population has been estimated from a hypothetical accident of a nuclear submarine if it sinks in an offshore region around Japan. A computer code system DSOCEAN has been used for assessing the collective dose due to radionuclides released to the ocean from a sunken nuclear submarine. The maximum of the estimated collective effective dose equivalent by the annual intake of marine products after radionuclide releases for one year is approximately 0.5% of the annual average dose by the natural radiation that is reported by UNSCEAR.
Takahashi, Tomoyuki*; Takeda, Seiji; Kimura, Hideo
JAERI-Data/Code 2000-041, 108 Pages, 2001/01
no abstracts in English
Hiramatsu, Yoichi*; Shimada, Taihei*; Miyahara, Yoshikazu*
JAERI-Tech 99-082, p.274 - 0, 1999/12
no abstracts in English
Nagai, Haruyasu; Chino, Masamichi; Yamazawa, Hiromi
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 41(7), p.777 - 785, 1999/07
Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:68.04(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Togawa, Orihiko
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 33(10), p.792 - 803, 1996/10
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:32.75(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English