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検索結果: 84 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Research on improvement of HTGR core power-density, 4; Feasibility study for a reactor core

沖田 将一朗; 水田 直紀; 高松 邦吉; 後藤 実; 吉田 克己*; 西村 洋亮*; 岡本 孝司*

Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2023/05

Adoption of SiC-matrix fuel elements in future pin-in-block type HTGR designs will enhance oxidation resistance of the fuel element in the event of the air ingress accident, one of the most worrisome accidents in HTGRs. This would eliminate the need for the graphite sleeves used in the current pin-in-block type HTGR designs and enable high power density core designs with sleeveless and direct coolable fuel structure. Such a concept itself has been suggested by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) in the past. However, JAEA has not yet demonstrated the feasibility for a core design with the SiC-matrix fuel elements. The present work is intended to demonstrate the feasibility for a new core design upgraded from an existing conceptual core design, called HTR50S, with 50 MW thermal power and reactor outlet temperature of 750$$^{circ}$$C. The new core design uses SiC-matrix fuel elements and increases the reactor power density to 1.2 times higher than the original HTR50S design. The feasibility is determined by whether the core satisfies the target values in nuclear and thermal-hydraulic designs by performing burn-up calculation with the whole core model and fuel temperature calculations. The calculation results showed that the new core design satisfied these target values on the reactor shutdown margin, the temperature coefficient of reactivity, and the maximum fuel temperature during normal operation.


2020年度夏期休暇実習報告; HTTR炉心を用いた原子力電池に関する予備的検討; 核設計のための予備検討,3

石塚 悦男; 満井 渡*; 山本 雄大*; 中川 恭一*; Ho, H. Q.; 石井 俊晃; 濱本 真平; 長住 達; 高松 邦吉; Kenzhina, I.*; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2021-016, 16 Pages, 2021/09




High temperature gas-cooled reactors

武田 哲明*; 稲垣 嘉之; 相原 純; 青木 健; 藤原 佑輔; 深谷 裕司; 後藤 実; Ho, H. Q.; 飯垣 和彦; 今井 良行; et al.

High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors; JSME Series in Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation, Vol.5, 464 Pages, 2021/02



Criticality configuration design methodology applied to the design of fuel debris experiment in the new STACY

郡司 智; 外池 幸太郎; Clavel, J.-B.*; Duhamel, I.*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(1), p.51 - 61, 2021/01

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:19.27(Nuclear Science & Technology)

新しい臨界実験装置STACY更新炉は、燃料デブリに関連する臨界計算の検証に貢献することができ、原子力機構(JAEA)と仏IRSNの共同研究として実験炉心設計が進行中である。この論文では、燃料デブリの溶融炉心コンクリート相互作用(MCCI)を模擬した模擬燃料デブリの臨界特性を測定するための新しいSTACYの炉心設計を最適化するために適用される方法を示す。炉心設計がコード検証に関連していることを確認するには、関心のある主要な同位体が持つ反応度価値と、断面積に対する実効増倍率k$$_{eff}$$の感度を評価することが重要である。この研究で説明されている燃料デブリの場合、特にそのコンクリート組成では、ケイ素が断面に対するk$$_{rm eff}$$感度が最も高くなる核種である。最適なアルゴリズムを使用して評価に最適な炉心設計を効率的に見つけ、ケイ素の捕獲断面積の高い感度を得るために、格子ピッチや炉心の寸法などのいくつかのパラメーターを調整した。これらの最適化手法の適用結果に基づいて、MCCIの興味深い感度フィードバックを得るための新しいSTACYでの燃料デブリの現実的な一連の実験を定義できた。この方法論は、新しいSTACYの他の実験条件を設計するのに役立てることができる。


Derivation of ideal power distribution to minimize the maximum kernel migration rate for nuclear design of pin-in-block type HTGR

沖田 将一朗; 深谷 裕司; 後藤 実

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(1), p.9 - 16, 2021/01

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)




杉田 裕; 谷口 直樹; 牧野 仁史; 金丸 伸一郎*; 奥村 大成*

日本原子力学会和文論文誌, 19(3), p.121 - 135, 2020/09

使用済燃料を直接処分するための処分容器の一連の構造解析を実施して、処分容器の必要な耐圧厚さの予察的な検討結果を示した。直線,三角形,正方形に配置された2, 3, 4体の使用済燃料集合体を収容するように処分容器を設計した。処分容器の胴体部分および蓋部分の必要な耐圧厚さを評価するため、使用済燃料集合体の収容スペースの離間距離をパラメータとした。この検討では、応力評価ラインの設定の妥当性や解析におけるモデル長の影響など、解析に関する技術的知識も得られた。そして、これらは、さまざまな条件下で同様の評価を実行したり、より詳細な評価を進めたりするための基盤として参考となるものである。


2019年度夏期休暇実習報告; HTTR炉心を用いた原子力電池に関する予備的検討; 核設計のための予備検討,2

石塚 悦男; 中島 弘貴*; 中川 直樹*; Ho, H. Q.; 石井 俊晃; 濱本 真平; 高松 邦吉; Kenzhina, I.*; Chikhray, Y.*; 松浦 秀明*; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2020-008, 16 Pages, 2020/08




Transient response of LWR fuels (RIA)

宇田川 豊; 更田 豊志*

Comprehensive Nuclear Materials, 2nd Edition, Vol.2, p.322 - 338, 2020/08

This article aims at providing a general outline of fuel behavior during a reactivity-initiated accident (RIA) postulated in light water reactors (LWRs) and at showing experimental data providing technical basis for the current RIA-related regulatory criteria in Japan.



丸藤 崇人; 佐藤 匠; 伊東 秀明; 鈴木 尚; 藤島 雅継; 中野 朋之

JAEA-Technology 2019-006, 22 Pages, 2019/05




A Design study on a mixed oxide fuel sodium-cooled fast reactor core partially loading highly concentrated MA-containing metal fuel

大釜 和也; 太田 宏一*; 大木 繁夫; 飯塚 政利*

Proceedings of 2019 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2019) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2019/05

A neutronics design study for a mixed oxide (MOX) fuel Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) core partially loading highly concentrated Minor Actinide (MA) containing fuel was conducted. To analyze preferable loading positions of highly concentrated MA-containing metal fuel, the characteristics of heterogeneous MA loading cores were evaluated assuming the amount of MA loaded to heterogeneous cores were same as that of a reference homogeneous 3% MAcontaining MOX fuel core. The cores loading MA-containing metal fuel could meet the design limitation of the sodium void reactivity of the SFR except for the one loading MA-containing metal fuel in the core center region. Based on these results, the core design was modified to maximize amount of MA transmutation. The modified core loading 60 subassemblies of 16% MA-containing metal fuel in the outermost region could attain the largest amount of MA transmutation, which was larger by about 60% than that of the reference homogeneous MOX fuel core.


Study on Pu-burner high temperature gas-cooled reactor in Japan; Design study of fuel and reactor core

後藤 実; 相原 純; 稲葉 良知; 植田 祥平; 深谷 裕司; 岡本 孝司*

Proceedings of 9th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology (HTR 2018) (USB Flash Drive), 6 Pages, 2018/10



Behaviors of high-burnup LWR fuels with improved materials under design-basis accident conditions

天谷 政樹; 宇田川 豊; 成川 隆文; 三原 武; 谷口 良徳

Proceedings of Annual Topical Meeting on Reactor Fuel Performance (TopFuel 2018) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2018/10

Fuels for light water reactors (LWRs) which consist of improved cladding materials and pellets have been developed by utilities and fuel vendors to acquire better fuel performance even in the high burnup region and also raise the safety level of current nuclear power plants to a higher one. In order to evaluate adequacy of the present regulatory criteria in Japan and safety margins regarding the fuel with improved materials, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has conducted ALPS-II program sponsored by Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA), Japan. In this program, the tests simulating a reactivity-initiated accident (RIA) and a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) have been performed on the high burnup advanced fuels irradiated in commercial PWR or BWR in Europe. This paper presents recent results obtained in this program with respect to RIA, and main results of LOCA experiments, which have been obtained in the ALPS-II program, are summarized.


Current status of the next generation fast reactor core & fuel design and related R&Ds in Japan

前田 誠一郎; 大木 繁夫; 大塚 智史; 森本 恭一; 小澤 隆之; 上出 英樹

Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles; Next Generation Nuclear Systems for Sustainable Development (FR-17) (USB Flash Drive), 10 Pages, 2017/06



Design study of a 750 MWe Japan sodium-cooled fast reactor with metal fuel

大釜 和也; 太田 宏一*; 生澤 佳久; 大木 繁夫; 尾形 孝成*

Proceedings of 2017 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2017) (CD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2017/04

Under the collaborative research of Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) and Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), the metal fuel core concept has been studied. In this study, a 750 MWe sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) with metal fuel designed in a past/precedent study was reevaluated considering the irradiation behaviors of metal fuel such as axial elongation and bond-sodium redistribution, which have significant impacts on the core characteristics such as the multiplication factor and sodium void reactivity worth. The result of reanalysis indicated that the sodium void reactivity worth of the core became higher than that evaluated in the past study, so the redesign of the core was performed to improve the sodium void reactivity worth. To redesign the core, correlations of the sodium void reactivity worth and the dimension of the core and fuel subassemblies was investigated by survey calculations. Based on the results, specifications of the redesigned core were selected. The characteristics of the redesign core were evaluated. To verify the deterministic calculation results, the core characteristics of the redesign core were compared with those by a contentious-energy Monte Carlo simulation with precise geometry modeling, which can provide reference solutions. The both calculations agreed well, and the improvements of core characteristics of the redesign core were verified.


Tradeoff analysis of metal-fueled fast reactor design concepts

Stauff, N. E.*; 大釜 和也; Aliberti, G.*; 大木 繁夫; Kim, T. K.*

Proceedings of 2017 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2017) (CD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2017/04

Within the framework of the U.S.-Japan bilateral, the Civil Nuclear Energy R&D Working Group (CNWG), a core design study was conducted by ANL and JAEA. Its objective was to compare the core performance characteristics of metal-fueled Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors (SFRs) developed with different design preferences: JAEA preferred a loop-type primary system with high coolant temperature, while ANL targeted a pool-type primary system with a conventional coolant temperature. The comparative core design study was conducted based on the 3530 MWth Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (JSFR) metallic-fuel core concept. This study confirms that both metal fueled SFR core concepts developed by ANL and JAEA based on different design preferences and approaches are viable options.



稲葉 良知; 井坂 和義; 柴田 大受

JAEA-Data/Code 2017-002, 74 Pages, 2017/03




Development of fuel temperature calculation code for HTGRs

稲葉 良知; 西原 哲夫

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 101, p.383 - 389, 2017/03

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:57.82(Nuclear Science & Technology)



JSFR design progress related to development of safety design criteria for generation IV sodium-cooled fast reactors, 4; Balance of plant

近澤 佳隆; 加藤 篤志; 鍋島 邦彦; 大高 雅彦; 鵜澤 将行*; 猪狩 理紗子*; 岩崎 幹典*

Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23) (DVD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2015/05




稲葉 良知; 井坂 和義; 深谷 裕司; 橘 幸男

JAEA-Data/Code 2014-023, 64 Pages, 2015/01


日本原子力研究開発機構は、開発途上国等への世界展開を目指し、蒸気タービンによる発電、工業プロセスへの高温蒸気や地域暖房への低温蒸気供給を行う小型高温ガス炉システムの概念設計を実施した。小型高温ガス炉の炉心熱流動設計では、燃料の熱的健全性を確保するために、燃料最高温度の評価が重要となるが、その算出・評価をパーソナルコンピュータ(PC)上で簡便に行えるように、Microsoft Excelをベースとした計算ファイルを開発した。本報告書では、計算で使用される基礎式、計算方法と手順及び検証計算結果について述べる。


Large-scale direct simulation of two-phase flow structure around a spacer in a tight-lattice nuclear fuel bundle

高瀬 和之; 吉田 啓之; 小瀬 裕男*; 秋本 肇

Computational Fluid Dynamics 2004, p.649 - 654, 2006/00


84 件中 1件目~20件目を表示