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小林 重人*; 樽田 泰宜; Zhao, Q.*; 橋本 敬*
横幹, 18(1), p.26 - 36, 2024/04
The decommissioning of nuclear power plants and staff turnover may lead to a depletion of accumulated knowledge. Despite the implementation of nuclear knowledge management, current efforts primarily focus on preserving knowledge without adequate consideration of knowledge creation and inheritance. This study examines the correlation between generativity, job competence, and social support among nuclear power plant staff in the decommissioning process. Generativity refers to the capacity to create something new, promote it, and pass it on to future generations. The research hypothesis posits that staff with plant operating experience will exhibit lower generativity scores than those without such experience. However, the results indicate no substantial variation in generativity scores, but there is a significantly higher social support score among staff with operating experience. The study highlights the significance of knowledge management, incorporating the concept of generativity, in facilitating knowledge acquisition activities across the organization.
樽田 泰宜; 柳原 敏*; 井口 幸弘; 北村 高一; 手塚 将志; 香田 有哉
Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-26) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2018/07
山口 美佳; 日高 昭秀; 生田 優子; 村上 健太*; 富田 明*; 広瀬 大也*; 渡邉 正則*; 上田 欽一*; 生井澤 賢*; 小野瀬 貴利*; et al.
JAEA-Review 2017-002, 60 Pages, 2017/03
柳澤 和章
International Journal of Nuclear Knowledge Management, 2(2), p.91 - 104, 2006/00
柳原 敏; 助川 武則; 白石 邦生
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 38(3), p.193 - 202, 2001/03
近藤 佑樹; 橋立 竜太; 浜瀬 枝里菜; 江連 俊樹; 光元 里香; 矢田 浩基; 江沼 康弘
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樽田 泰宜
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In the background of nuclear power plant (NPP), from the late 1980s to the 1990s, there were problems such as the retirement of staff who supported the early days of NPP and the decrease in employment of new staff. Under these circumstances, some nuclear engineer and scientist have issued a review that serves as a guideline for the purpose of solving various issues such as human resource development and fostering of a safety culture. In the 2000s, it recommended the importance of nuclear knowledge management including strengthening of organizational power and development of nuclear science. Under these circumstances, human resource development and management related to it are important themes in the world of nuclear power. In this research, we mention the efforts and theoretical aspects of knowledge management in nuclear power, and the results and issues so far regarding practice.
樽田 泰宜; Zhao, Q.*; 小林 重人*; 橋本 敬*; 井口 幸弘
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Knowledge management (KM) is one of the important themes in the nuclear industry, which has received much attention in recent years. For the continuous development of nuclear science, it is necessary to transfer information and knowledge from the past to the present and the future. This is including an all of the nuclear fields. However, regarding nuclear power plant (NPP) which is applications of nuclear science to society, especially in developed countries, the construction of nuclear reactors is stagnating. Due to this, there are concerns about various negative effects such as the transmission of technology. On the other hand, much research has not been conducted on NPP staffs. In this research, we clarify the psychological state through the social survey for the staff working at NPP.