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Ho, H. Q.; 本多 友貴*; 濱本 真平; 石井 俊晃; 高田 昌二; 藤本 望*; 石塚 悦男
Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, 6(2), p.021902_1 - 021902_6, 2020/04
High temperature engineering test reactor (HTTR), a prismatic type of the HTGR, has been constructed to establish and upgrade the basic technologies for the HTGRs. Many irradiation regions are reserved in the HTTR to be served as a potential tool for an irradiation test reactor in order to promote innovative basic researches such as materials, fusion reactor technology, and radiation chemistry and so on. This study shows the overview of some possible irradiation applications at the HTTRs including neutron transmutation doping silicon (NTD-Si) and iodine-125 (I) productions. The HTTR has possibility to produce about 40 tons of doped Si-particles per year for fabrication of spherical silicon solar cell. Besides, the HTTR could also produce about 1.810 GBq/year of I isotope, comparing to 3.010 GBq of total I supplied in Japan in 2016.
Ho, H. Q.; 本多 友貴*; 濱本 真平; 石井 俊晃; 高田 昌二; 藤本 望*; 石塚 悦男
Proceedings of 9th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology (HTR 2018) (USB Flash Drive), 6 Pages, 2018/10
Besides the electricity generation and hydrogen production, HTGRs have many advantages for thermal neutron irradiation applications such as stable operation in longterm, large space available for irradiation target, and high thermal neutron economy. This study summarized the feasibility of new irradiation applications at the HTGRs including neutron transmutation doping silicon and I-125 productions. The HTTR located in Japan was used as a reference HTGR in this study. Calculation results show that HTTR could irradiate about 40 tons of doped Si particles per year for fabrication of spherical silicon solar cell. Besides, the HTTR could also produce about 1.8x105 GBq in a year of I-125, comparing to 3.0x103 GBq of total I-125 supplied in Japan in 2016.
Ho, H. Q.; 本多 友貴; 元山 瑞樹*; 濱本 真平; 石井 俊晃; 石塚 悦男
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 135, p.12 - 18, 2018/05
被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:58.71(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)The p-type spherical silicon solar cell is a candidate for future solar energy with low fabrication cost, however, its conversion efficiency is only about 10%. The conversion efficiency of a silicon solar cell can be increased by using n-type silicon semiconductor as a substrate. This study proposed a new method of neutron transmutation doping silicon (NTD-Si) for producing the n-type spherical solar cell, in which the Si-particles are irradiated directly instead of the cylinder Si-ingot as in the conventional NTD-Si. By using a screw, an identical resistivity could be achieved for the Si-particles without a complicated procedure as in the NTD with Si-ingot. Also, the reactivity and neutron flux swing could be kept to a minimum because of the continuous irradiation of the Si-particles. A high temperature engineering test reactor (HTTR), which is located in Japan, was used as a reference reactor in this study. Neutronic calculations showed that the HTTR has a capability to produce about 40 ton of 10 cm resistivity Si-particles for fabrication of the n-type spherical solar cell.
堀口 洋二; 梅井 弘
JAERI-M 86-002, 31 Pages, 1986/02
シリコン単結晶に中性子を照射し リンをドレ-ププする。NTD法は、次の核反応により行われる.Si(u,r)SiP+ この方法は、シリコン中にリンが均一にド-プされるため、シリコン半導体製造の一分野として現在、各国において用いられている。原研においては、1975年より研究を開始し1977年7月より実用照射を行っている。本報告は、原研における過去10年間の研究開発とド-ピング技術についてまとめたものである。
山本 章
Radioisotopes, 26(11), P. 1772, 1977/11
Ho, H. Q.; 本多 友貴; 濱本 真平; 石井 俊晃; 石塚 悦男
no journal, ,
This study proposed a new method of neutron transmutation doping silicon (NTD-Si) for producing the n-type spherical solar cell at the high temperature engineering test reactor (HTTR), in which the Si-particles are irradiated directly instead of the cylinder Si-ingot as in the conventional NTD-Si. By using a screw, an identical resistivity could be achieved for the Si-particles without a complicated procedure as in the NTD with Si-ingot. Also, the reactivity and neutron flux swing could be kept to a minimum because of the continuous irradiation of the Si-particles.