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Journal Articles

Assessment of individual external exposure doses based on environmental radiation in areas affected by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident

Sato, Rina; Yoshimura, Kazuya; Sanada, Yukihisa; Mikami, Satoshi; Yamada, Tsutomu*; Nakasone, Takamasa*; Kanaizuka, Seiichi*; Sato, Tetsuro*; Mori, Tsubasa*; Takagi, Marie*

Environmental Science & Technology, 194, p.109148_1 - 109148_8, 2024/12

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Environmental Sciences)

Assessment of individual external doses from ambient dose equivalents is used for predictive and retrospective assessments where personal dosimeters are not applicable. However, it tends to contain more errors than assessment by personal dosimetry due to various parameters. Therefore, in order to accurately assess the individual dose from ambient dose equivalents, a model that estimates effective doses considering life patterns and the shielding effects by buildings and vehicles, were developed in this study. The model parameters were examined using robust datasets of environmental radiation measured in the areas affected by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident in 2020 to 2021. The accuracy of the model was validated by comparison with 106 daily personal doses measured in Fukushima Prefecture in 2020. The measured personal dose was well reproduced by the model-estimated effective dose, showing that the model can be used to assess the individual exposure dose, similar to personal dosimetry. Furthermore, this model is an effective tool for radiation protection, as it can estimate the individual dose predictively and retrospectively by using environmental radiation data.

Journal Articles

$$^{149}$$Sm synchrotron-radiation-based M$"{o}$ssbauer and $$mu^+$$SR studies of Sm$$_3$$Ru$$_4$$Ge$$_{13}$$

Tsutsui, Satoshi; Ito, Takashi; Nakamura, Jin*; Yoshida, Mio*; Kobayashi, Yoshio*; Yoda, Yoshitaka*; Nakamura, Jumpei*; Koda, Akihiro*; Higashinaka, Ryuji*; Aoki, Dai*; et al.

Interactions (Internet), 245(1), p.55_1 - 55_9, 2024/12

Journal Articles

$$^{149}$$Sm synchrotron-radiation-based M$"{o}$ssbauer spectroscopy of Sm-based heavy fermion compounds

Tsutsui, Satoshi; Higashinaka, Ryuji*; Mizumaki, Masaichiro*; Kobayashi, Yoshio*; Nakamura, Jin*; Ito, Takashi; Yoda, Yoshitaka*; Matsuda, Tatsuma*; Aoki, Yuji*; Sato, Hideyuki*

Interactions (Internet), 245(1), p.9_1 - 9_10, 2024/12

Journal Articles

Application of indentation technique to material degradation evaluation in the mercury target vessel for spallation neutron sources

Wakui, Takashi; Saito, Shigeru; Futakawa, Masatoshi

Jikken Rikigaku, 24(4), p.212 - 218, 2024/12

Irradiation damage is one of the main factors determining the lifetime of the mercury target vessel for spallation neutron source in J-PARC. To understand material degradation of the used vessels, it is planned to conduct an evaluation using inverse analyses with indentation tests on the structural materials of the used vessels and numerical experiments. This evaluation technique was applied to two kinds of ion-irradiated materials with different displacement damage doses, in which the irradiation condition was simulated. It could be confirmed that the ultimate strength increased, and the total elongation decreased with increasing irradiation. These trends are like the material degradation behaviors which have been reported by using small specimen's tensile tests.

JAEA Reports

High-temperature strength of modified type 316 steel for fast reactor fuel before and after neutron irradiation

Miyazawa, Takeshi; Uwaba, Tomoyuki; Yano, Yasuhide; Tanno, Takashi; Otsuka, Satoshi; Onizawa, Takashi; Ando, Masanori; Kaito, Takeji

JAEA-Technology 2024-009, 140 Pages, 2024/10


For the purpose of enhancing the reliability of fast reactor fuel designing using modified type 316 steel, the out-of-pile and in-pile mechanical data of modified type 316 steel cladding tubes and wrapper tubes were statistically analyzed with the knowledge on material science and engineering; the high-temperature strength equations of modified type 316 steel, which can be applied to high-dose neutron irradiation environment, were derived. The out-of-pile high-temperature tensile and creep data of modified type 316 steel cladding tubes and wrapper tubes were derived up to 900$$^{circ}$$C, which is higher than the upper limit temperature of anticipated transient event of fast reactor. Using the extended database, the best-fit equation and the lower limit equation were derived for out-of-pile 0.2% proof strength, ultimate tensile strength and creep rupture strength while the best-fit equation and the upper and lower limit equations for creep strain. Furthermore, the degradation factors for tensile and creep strength, which will be produced by in-reactor environment (i.e., neutron irradiation in liquid sodium), were evaluated using the existing neutron irradiation data of modified type 316 steel, which were derived using the experimental fast reactor Joyo, the French proto-type fast reactor Phenix, the American experimental fast reactor FFTF. The derived equations were validated by the comparison with the experimental data.

Journal Articles

Development of a radiation tolerant laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy system using a single crystal micro-chip laser for remote elemental analysis

Tamura, Koji; Nakanishi, Ryuzo; Oba, Hironori; Karino, Takahiro; Shibata, Takuya; Taira, Takunori*; Wakaida, Ikuo

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(8), p.1109 - 1116, 2024/08

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:34.39(Nuclear Science & Technology)

JAEA Reports

Radiation tolerant rapid criticality monitoring with radiation-hardened FPGAs (Contract research); FY2021 Nuclear Energy Science & Technology and Human Resource Development Project

Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science; Okayama University*

JAEA-Review 2024-008, 59 Pages, 2024/07


The Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science (CLADS), Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), had been conducting the Nuclear Energy Science & Technology and Human Resource Development Project (hereafter referred to "the Project") in FY2021. The Project aims to contribute to solving problems in the nuclear energy field represented by the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. (TEPCO). For this purpose, intelligence was collected from all over the world, and basic research and human resource development were promoted by closely integrating/collaborating knowledge and experiences in various fields beyond the barrier of conventional organizations and research fields. The sponsor of the Project was moved from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to JAEA since the newly adopted proposals in FY2018. On this occasion, JAEA constructed a new research system where JAEA-academia collaboration is reinforced and medium-to-long term research/development and human resource development contributing to the decommissioning are stably and consecutively implemented. Among the adopted proposals in FY2019, this report summarizes the research results of the "Radiation tolerant rapid criticality monitoring with radiation-hardened FPGAs" conducted from FY2019 to FY2021. The present study aims to be developing a radiation-hardened optoelectronic FPGA with a 1 Grad total-ionizing-dose tolerance on which optical technologies are introduced onto a semiconductor technology and a radiation hardened FPGA with a 200 Mrad total-ionizing-dose tolerance not using any optical component. Moreover, Japanese research group will support hardware acceleration on FPGAs used for neutron-detection system developed by UK team. Finally, we will provide our radiation-hardened FPGA for the UK neutron-detection system.

Journal Articles

Detailed visualization of radioactive hotspots inside the Unit 1 reactor building of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station using an integrated Radiation Imaging System mounted on a Mecanum wheel robot

Sato, Yuki; Terasaka, Yuta; Oura, Masatoshi*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(7), p.856 - 870, 2024/07

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:82.11(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Consideration of the dielectric response for radiation chemistry simulations

Toigawa, Tomohiro; Kai, Takeshi; Kumagai, Yuta; Yokoya, Akinari*

Journal of Chemical Physics, 160(21), p.214119_1 - 214119_9, 2024/06

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:62.80(Chemistry, Physical)

The spur reaction is crucial for determining radiolysis or photolysis in liquid, but the spur expansion process has yet to be elucidated. One reason is the need to understand the role of the dielectric response of the solvating molecules surrounding the charged species generated by ionization. The dielectric response corresponds to the time evolution of the permittivity and might affect the chemical reaction-diffusion of the species in a spur expansion process. This study examined the competitive relationship between reaction-diffusion kinetics and the dielectric response by solving the Debye-Smoluchowski equation while considering the dielectric response. The Coulomb force between the charged species gradually decreases with the dielectric response. Our calculation results found a condition where fast recombination occurs before the dielectric response is complete. Although it has been reported that the primary G-values of free electrons depend on the static dielectric constant under low-linear-energy transfer radiation-induced ionization, we propose that considering the dielectric response can provide a deeper insight into fast recombination reactions under high-linear-energy transfer radiation- or photo-induced ionization. Our simulation method enables the understanding of fast radiation-induced phenomena in liquids.

Journal Articles

Development of a radioactive substance detection system integrating a Compton camera and a LiDAR camera with a hexapod robot

Sato, Yuki; Kakuto, Takeshi*; Tanaka, Takayuki*; Shimano, Hiroyuki*; Morohashi, Yuko; Hatakeyama, Tomoyoshi*; Nakajima, Junsaku; Ishiyama, Masahiro

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1063, p.169300_1 - 169300_7, 2024/06

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:75.38(Instruments & Instrumentation)

JAEA Reports

Analysis of the relationship between operational quantity used for area monitoring and protection quantity for external exposure

Endo, Akira

JAEA-Research 2024-002, 90 Pages, 2024/05


This report presents a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between three quantities used for area monitoring - ambient dose equivalent $$H^*(10)$$, maximum dose equivalent $$H^*_textrm{max}$$, and ambient dose $$H^*$$ - and effective dose for external irradiation by photons, neutrons, electrons, positrons, protons, muons, pions, and helium ions. For the analysis, calculations were performed using PHITS (Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System) and the ICRU sphere. The analysis result shows that $$H^*(10)$$ and $$H^*_textrm{max}$$ can induce large differences in the estimation of effective dose over a wide energy range for various particle types covered by ICRP Publication 116 while $$H^*$$ can conservatively estimate effective dose within the acceptable range for area monitoring. In other words, $$H^*(10)$$ and $$H^*_textrm{max}$$ have limitations in estimating effective dose, and using $$H^*$$ is recommended as a more appropriate quantity for the purpose. This conclusion supports the proposal of ICRU Report 95 to use $$H^*$$ for estimating effective dose in various external exposure situations. The use of ambient dose $$H^*$$ is particularly important in situations where various types of radiation are encountered, such as the use of radiation in the medical and academic fields and exposure in aviation and can meet the evolving requirements of radiation monitoring for the expansion of the field of radiological protection.

Journal Articles

First demonstration of a single-end readout position-sensitive optical fiber radiation sensor inside the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station based on wavelength-resolving analysis

Terasaka, Yuta; Sato, Yuki; Uritani, Akira*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1062, p.169227_1 - 169227_6, 2024/05

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:75.38(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Journal Articles

Existence of local polar domains in perovskite oxyfluoride, BaFeO$$_2$$F

Katsumata, Tetsuhiro*; Suzuki, Ryo*; Sato, Naoto*; Oda, Ryoya*; Motoyama, Shingo*; Suzuki, Shumpei*; Nakashima, Mamoru*; Inaguma, Yoshiyuki*; Mori, Daisuke*; Aimi, Akihisa*; et al.

Chemistry of Materials, 36(8), p.3697 - 3704, 2024/04

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)

A perovskite-type oxynitride BaFeO$$_2$$F was prepared by high-pressure synthesis. Since the SHG signal was observed in the obtained material, suggesting the existence of spontaneous polarization, the mechanism of polarization was investigated by synchrotron high-energy X-ray diffraction. The obtained pair distribution functions were fitted, and a local polarization mechanism with different orientations was found. Since BaFeO$$_2$$F is also a magnetic material, a magnetic domain and a ferroelectric domain are considered to coexist.

Journal Articles

Convection and joint characteristics in aluminum alloy melting zone during resistance spot welding of dissimilar Fe-Al material in external magnetic field

funabiki, Yuta*; Iyota, Muneyoshi*; Shobu, Takahisa; Matsuda, Tomoki*; Hayashi, Yujiro*; Sano, Tomokazu*; 8 of others*

Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 115, p.40 - 55, 2024/04

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:62.71(Engineering, Manufacturing)

Journal Articles

Diffusion controlled hydrolysis in geopolymers under gamma irradiation

Cantarel, V.; Chupin, F.; Ortega-Charlot, M.*; Yamagishi, Isao; Ueno, Fumiyoshi

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 592, p.154969_1 - 154969_9, 2024/04

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

JAEA Reports

Radiation monitoring via manned helicopter around the nuclear power station in the fiscal year 2022 (Contract research)

Futemma, Akira; Sanada, Yukihisa; Nagakubo, Azusa; Kawasaki, Yoshiharu*; Iwai, Takeyuki*; Hiraga, Shogo*; Haginoya, Masashi*; Matsunaga, Yuki*; Akutsu, Yuichiro*; Arai, Yoshinori*; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2023-027, 146 Pages, 2024/03


By the accident at Tokyo Electric Power Company's (TEPCO's) Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS), caused by tsunami triggered by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake, a large amount of radioactive material was released into the surrounding environment. After the accident, Airborne Radiation Monitoring (ARM) via manned helicopter has been applied as a method to quickly and extensively measure the distribution of radiation. Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has continuously conducted ARM via manned helicopter around FDNPS. In this report, we summarize the results of the ARM around FDNPS in the fiscal year 2022, evaluate the changes of ambient dose rates and other parameters based on the comparison to the past ARM results, and discuss the causes of such changes. In order to contribute to improve the accuracy of ambient dose rate conversion, we analyzed the ARM data taking into account undulating topography, and evaluated the effect of this method. Furthermore, the effect of radon progenies in the air on the ARM was evaluated by applying the discrimination method to the measurement results.

JAEA Reports

Background radiation monitoring via manned helicopter and development of technology for radiation monitoring via unmanned airplane for application of nuclear emergency response technique in the fiscal year 2022 (Contract research)

Futemma, Akira; Sanada, Yukihisa; Sasaki, Miyuki; Kawasaki, Yoshiharu*; Iwai, Takeyuki*; Hiraga, Shogo*; Haginoya, Masashi*; Matsunaga, Yuki*; Akutsu, Yuichiro*; Arai, Yoshinori*; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2023-026, 161 Pages, 2024/03


By the accident at Tokyo Electric Power Company's (TEPCO's) Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS), caused by tsunami triggered by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake, a large amount of radioactive material was released into the surrounding environment. After the accident, Airborne Radiation Monitoring (ARM) via manned helicopter has been utilized as a method to quickly and extensively measure radiation distribution surrounding FDNPS. In order to utilize ARM and to promptly provide the results during a nuclear emergency, information on background radiation levels, topographical features, and controlled airspace surrounding nationwide nuclear facilities have been prepared in advance. In the fiscal year 2022, we conducted ARM around the Mihama Nuclear Power Station of Kansai Electric Power Company (KEPCO), the Tsuruga Power Station of Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC), and the Ikata Power Station of Shikoku Electric Power Company (YONDEN), and prepared information on background radiation doses and controlled airspace. In addition, we have developed an aerial radiation detection system via unmanned airplane, which is expected to be an alternative to ARM, during a nuclear emergency. This report summarizes the results and technical issues identified.

JAEA Reports

Embedded system using a radiation-hardened processor (Contract research); FY2022 Nuclear Energy Science & Technology and Human Resource Development Project

Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science; Okayama University*

JAEA-Review 2023-038, 48 Pages, 2024/03


The Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science (CLADS), Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), had been conducting the Nuclear Energy Science & Technology and Human Resource Development Project (hereafter referred to "the Project") in FY2022. The Project aims to contribute to solving problems in the nuclear energy field represented by the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. (TEPCO). For this purpose, intelligence was collected from all over the world, and basic research and human resource development were promoted by closely integrating/collaborating knowledge and experiences in various fields beyond the barrier of conventional organizations and research fields. The sponsor of the Project was moved from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to JAEA since the newly adopted proposals in FY2018. On this occasion, JAEA constructed a new research system where JAEA-academia collaboration is reinforced and medium-to-long term research/development and human resource development contributing to the decommissioning are stably and consecutively implemented. Among the adopted proposals in FY2022, this report summarizes the research results of the "Embedded system using a radiation-hardened processor" conducted in FY2022. The present study aims to be developing a radiation-hardened optoelectronic processor with a 10 MGy total-ionizing-dose (TID) tolerance, a radiation-hardened processor without any optical component with a 4 MGy TID tolerance, a radiation-hardened memory with a 4 MGy TID tolerance, and a radiation-hardened power supply unit with a 1 MGy TID tolerance. Moreover, Japanese research group will support radiation- hardened field programmable gate arrays, power supply units, and radiation-hardened optical systems for radiation-hardened robot systems and radiation sensor systems developed by UK team.

JAEA Reports

Human resource development related to remote control technology for monitoring inside RPV pedestal during retrieval of fuel debris (Contract research); FY2022 Nuclear Energy Science & Technology and Human Resource Development Project

Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science; The University of Tokyo*

JAEA-Review 2023-023, 99 Pages, 2024/03


The Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science (CLADS), Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), had been conducting the Nuclear Energy Science & Technology and Human Resource Development Project (hereafter referred to "the Project") in FY2022. The Project aims to contribute to solving problems in the nuclear energy field represented by the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. (TEPCO). For this purpose, intelligence was collected from all over the world, and basic research and human resource development were promoted by closely integrating/collaborating knowledge and experiences in various fields beyond the barrier of conventional organizations and research fields. The sponsor of the Project was moved from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to JAEA since the newly adopted proposals in FY2018. On this occasion, JAEA constructed a new research system where JAEA-academia collaboration is reinforced and medium-to-long term research/development and human resource development contributing to the decommissioning are stably and consecutively implemented. Among the adopted proposals in FY2019, this report summarizes the research results of the "Human Resource Development Related to Remote Control Technology for Monitoring Inside RPV Pedestal during Retrieval of Fuel Debris" conducted in FY2022. The present study aims to construct a monitoring platform for understanding the status inside a reactor during fuel debris removal, and measurement and visualization by sensors moving on the platform. In addition, to develop research personnel through research education by participating in such research projects, classroom lectures, and facility tours is also a goal of this project. In FY2022, each system was improved and expanded toward the final year, and verification experiments were conducted in simulated environments.

Journal Articles

Phase transformation and equation of state in Ti-45Al alloy under high pressure

Li, X.*; Zhu, R.*; Xin, J.*; Luo, M.*; Shang, S.-L.*; Liu, Z.-K.*; Yin, C.*; Funakoshi, Kenichi*; Dippenaar, R. J.*; Higo, Yuji*; et al.

CALPHAD; Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 84, p.102641_1 - 102641_6, 2024/03

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Thermodynamics)

1882 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)