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検索結果: 32 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Unusual low-temperature ductility increase mediated by dislocations alone

Naeem, M.*; Ma, Y.*; Tian, J.*; Kong, H.*; Romero-Resendiz, L.*; Fan, Z.*; Jiang, F.*; Gong, W.; Harjo, S.; Wu, Z.*; et al.

Materials Science & Engineering A, 924, p.147819_1 - 147819_10, 2025/02


Face-centered cubic (fcc) medium-/high-entropy alloys (M/HEAs) typically enhance strength and ductility at cryogenic temperatures via stacking faults, twinning, or martensitic transformation. However, in-situ neutron diffraction on VCoNi MEA at 15 K reveals that strain hardening is driven solely by rapid dislocation accumulation, without these mechanisms. This results in increased yield strength, strain hardening, and fracture strain. The behavior, explained by the Orowan equation, challenges conventional views on cryogenic strengthening in fcc M/HEAs and highlights the role of dislocation-mediated plasticity at low temperatures.


${it In situ}$ neutron diffraction study to elucidate hydrogen effect on the deformation mechanism in Type 310S austenitic stainless steel

伊東 達矢; 小川 祐平*; Gong, W.; Mao, W.*; 川崎 卓郎; 岡田 和歩*; 柴田 曉伸*; Harjo, S.

Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Steel Science (ISSS 2024), p.237 - 240, 2024/11

Hydrogen embrittlement has long been an obstacle to the development of safe infrastructure. However, in contrast to hydrogen's embrittling effect, recent research has revealed that the addition of hydrogen improves both the strength and uniform elongation of AISI Type 310S austenitic stainless steel. A detailed understanding of how hydrogen affects the deformation mechanism of this steel could pave the way for the development of more advanced materials with superior properties. In the present study, ${it in situ}$ neutron diffraction experiments were conducted on Type 310S steel with and without hydrogen-charged to investigate the effect of hydrogen on the deformation mechanism. In addition to the effect of solid-solution strengthening by hydrogen, the q-value, a parameter representing the proportion of edge and screw dislocations in the accumulated dislocations, was quantitatively evaluated using CMWP analysis on neutron diffraction patterns. The comparison of q-values between the hydrogen-charged and non-charged samples reveals that hydrogen has minimal effect on dislocation character in Type 310S steel.


Interaction of solute manganese and nickel atoms with dislocation loops in iron-based alloys irradiated with 2.8 MeV Fe ions at 400 $$^{circ}$$C

Nguyen, B. V. C.*; 村上 健太*; Chena, L.*; Phongsakorn, P. T.*; Chen, X.*; 橋本 貴司; Hwang, T.*; 古澤 彰憲; 鈴木 達也*

Nuclear Materials and Energy (Internet), 39, p.101639_1 - 101639_9, 2024/06

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

In reactor pressure vessel materials, the formation of Mn- and Ni-rich nanoclusters is a major cause of neutron irradiation embrittlement. The segregation of these solute atoms into dislocation loops has attracted attention as a mechanism to accelerate solute clustering. In this study, the behaviors of solute Mn and Ni atoms in Fe-0.6wt.%Ni, Fe-1.4wt.%Mn, and Fe-1.4wt.%Mn-0.6wt.%Ni alloys irradiated at 400 $$^{circ}$$C up to 3 dpa were analyzed using three-dimensional atom probe tomography. Solute atom clusters were observed in all materials, and their shapes were spherical, flat, and torus in FeNi, FeMn, and FeMnNi, respectively. In ternary alloy FeMnNi, Mn and Ni atoms were concentrated in the sample in the form of arcs, and the orientation of the plane containing the arcs was estimated by comparing field desorption images. The size, number density, and orientation of this structure were found to be in good agreement with those of both types of dislocation loops, namely, b = 1/2 $$<$$111$$>$$ and b = $$<$$100$$>$$, identified in a previous study using the same material. The positions of Ni and Mn enrichment did not fully overlap. Ni atoms tended to be concentrated more in the inner part of the loop than the Mn atoms. Mn atoms were enriched only in the vicinity of the dislocation loops, whereas Ni atoms showed a higher concentration inside the dislocation loops than in the bulk.


In situ diffraction characterization on microstructure evolution in austenitic stainless steel during cyclic plastic deformation and its relation to the mechanical response

熊谷 正芳*; 秋田 貢一*; 黒田 雅利*; Harjo, S.

Materials Science & Engineering A, 820, p.141582_1 - 141582_9, 2021/07

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:61.28(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)

In situ neutron diffraction during 250 cycles of plastic deformation was performed and the diffraction line profile analysis was performed to qualitatively evaluate the change in the microstructure of austenitic stainless steel during the cyclic deformation. The dislocation density increased with increasing number of cycles until 50 cycles but thereafter decreased. The cycle number corresponding to this maximum point differed depending on whether it was evaluated as the total dislocation density or was deconvoluted into edge and screw dislocation densities. At the initial state, edge dislocations were predominant; however, screw dislocations greatly increased at the first stage of cyclic loading. Afterwards, edge dislocations formed cell walls and screw dislocations annihilated.


Quantifying the dislocation structures of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V alloys using X-ray diffraction line profile analysis

山中 謙太*; 黒田 あす美*; 伊藤 美優*; 森 真奈美*; Bian, H.*; 菖蒲 敬久; 佐藤 茂男*; 千葉 明彦*

Additive Manufacturing, 37, p.101678_1 - 101678_12, 2021/01

 被引用回数:36 パーセンタイル:88.72(Engineering, Manufacturing)

Ti-6Al-4V alloy is widely used in aerospace and biomedical industries, and its preparation using additive manufacturing techniques has recently attracted considerable attention. Herein, the dislocation structures developed during electron beam and laser beam powder-bed fusion (EB-PBF and LB-PBF, respectively) of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy were quantitatively examined via XRD line profile analysis. Accordingly, a higher dislocation density and finer crystallite size were observed at the top cross-section from the XRD line profile analysis, suggesting that the extent of phase decomposition depended on the duration of the exposure to the elevated temperature. Nonetheless, the saturated dislocation density was as high as 10$$^{14}$$ m$$^{-2}$$, where dislocation strengthening affected the overall strength of the EB-PBF specimen. Diffraction peaks of sufficient intensity that enabled the analysis of the dislocation structures in both the $$alpha$$ ($$alpha$$')-matrix and the nanosized beta-phase precipitates at the $$alpha$$ ($$alpha$$')-laths were obtained under high-energy synchrotron radiation; this revealed that the beta-phase had a much higher dislocation density than the surrounding $$alpha$$ ($$alpha$$')-matrix. The enhanced dislocation accumulation in the nanosized $$beta$$-phase precipitates probably reflects the elemental partitioning that occurred during post-solidification cooling. The valuable insights provided in this study are expected to promote further development of alloy preparation using additive manufacturing processes.


Change in mechanical properties by high-cycle loading up to Gigacycle for 316L stainless steel

直江 崇; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; Xiong, Z.*; 二川 正敏

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 28, p.061009_1 - 061009_6, 2020/02




佐藤 成男*; 黒田 あす美*; 佐藤 こずえ*; 熊谷 正芳*; Harjo, S.; 友田 陽*; 齋藤 洋一*; 轟 秀和*; 小貫 祐介*; 鈴木 茂*

鉄と鋼, 104(4), p.201 - 207, 2018/00

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:40.15(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)

To investigate the characteristics of dislocation evolution in ferritic and austenitic stainless steels under tensile deformation, neutron diffraction line-profile analysis was carried out. The austenitic steel exhibited higher work hardening than the ferritic steel. The difference in the work hardening ability between the two steels was explained with the dislocation density estimated by the line-profile analysis. The higher dislocation density of the austenitic steel would originate from its lower stacking fault energy. Dislocation arrangement parameters indicated that the strength of interaction between dislocations in the austenitic steel was stronger than that in the ferritic steel.


Changes of dislocation density and dislocation arrangement during tensile deformation in lath martensitic steels

Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; 諸岡 聡

Advanced Experimental Mechanics, 2, p.112 - 117, 2017/10

To understand strengthening mechanism in lath martensitic steels, in situ neutron diffractions during tensile deformation for 22SiMn2TiB steel and Fe-18Ni alloy were performed using TAKUMI of J-PARC. Profile analyses were performed using Convolutional Multiple Whole Profile (CMWP) fitting and Williamson-Hall (W-H) methods. As results, the dislocation densities as high as 10$$^{15}$$ m$$^{-2}$$ in the as-quenched states of both steels were determined hardly to change or slightly increase by the CMWP method. The reliability of the dislocation density obtained from the W-H method was low, because the whole profile was not considered for the analysis. In the former method, the values of parameter M related to dislocations arrangement was found to decrease rapidly for both steels at the beginning of plastic deformation. Hence, high work hardening in the lath martensitic steels was considered due to the dislocations rearrangements with plastic deformation.


Composite behavior of lath martensite steels induced by plastic strain, a new paradigm for the elastic-plastic response of martensitic steels

Ung$'a$r, T.*; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; 友田 陽*; Rib$'a$rik, G.*; Shi, Z.*

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 48(1), p.159 - 167, 2017/01


 被引用回数:54 パーセンタイル:90.71(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Based on high-resolution neutron diffraction experiments we will show that in lath martensite steels the initially homogeneous dislocation structure is disrupted by plastic deformation, to produce a composite on the length scale of martensite lath packets. The diffraction patterns of plastically strained martensitic steel reveal characteristically asymmetric peak profiles in the same way as has been observed in materials with heterogeneous dislocation structures. Lath packets oriented favorably or unfavorably for dislocation glide become soft or hard. The lath packet type develops by work softening or work hardening in which the dislocation density becomes smaller or larger compared to the initial average one. The decomposition into soft and hard lath packets is accompanied by load redistribution between the two lath packet types. The composite behavior of plastically deformed lath martensite opens a new way to understand the elastic-plastic response in this class of materials.


Dislocation density of GlidCop with compressive strain applied at high temperature

佐野 睦*; 高橋 直*; 渡辺 篤雄*; 城 鮎美*; 菖蒲 敬久

Materials Research Proceedings, Vol.2, p.609 - 614, 2017/00

高温下で圧縮ひずみが与えられたGlidCopの転位密度を、放射光を用いたX線プロファイル解析により調べた。転位密度を評価するために、修正ウィリアムソンホールと修正ウォーレン-アベルバッハ法を適用した。その結果、0.011-0.04の圧縮ひずみを有するGlid Copの転位密度は、5.7-8.0$$times$$10$$^{14}$$m$$^{-2}$$であった。


Distribution and anisotropy of dislocations in cold-drawn pearlitic steel wires analyzed using micro-beam X-ray diffraction

佐藤 成男*; 菖蒲 敬久; 佐藤 こずえ*; 小川 博美*; 我妻 一昭*; 熊谷 正芳*; 今福 宗行*; 田代 仁*; 鈴木 茂*

ISIJ International, 55(7), p.1432 - 1438, 2015/07

 被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:51.36(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)



Effect of solute atoms on dislocation motion in Mg; An electronic structure perspective

都留 智仁; Chrzan, D. C.*

Scientific Reports (Internet), 5, p.8793_1 - 8793_8, 2015/03

 被引用回数:73 パーセンタイル:86.93(Multidisciplinary Sciences)



Evaluation of ductile damage progress of aluminum single crystal with prior activity of single slip system under tensile loading by using synchrotron white X-ray

柴野 純一*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 塚本 拓也*; 河合 紘和*; 三浦 節男*; Zhang, S.*; 菖蒲 敬久; 小林 道明*

Materials Science Forum, 777, p.176 - 181, 2014/02

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:51.86(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

A ductile damage progress of an aluminum single crystal with the prior activity of the single slip system under tensile loading was verified by a profile analysis using white X-ray obtained in BL28B2 beam line of SPring-8. In this study, the aluminum single crystal of the purity 6N was used as a specimen prepared in I-type geometry for tensile test. In profile analysis, an instrumental function was defined in consideration both of a divergence by a slit and a response function peculiar to the energy dispersive method. The Gauss component of integral breadth related to non-uniform strain and the Cauchy component of integral breadth related to crystallite size were determined by eliminating the broadening by the instrumental function from the diffraction profile of white X-ray. As a result, the characteristics of ductile damage progress near the notch of the aluminum single crystal were inspected from the distribution of both non-uniform strain and dislocation density.


Damage structures and mechanical properties in high-purity Fe-9Cr alloy irradiated by neutrons

若井 栄一; 菱沼 章道; 宇佐美 浩二; 加藤 康*; 高木 清一*; 安彦 兼次*

Materials Transactions, JIM, 41(9), p.1180 - 1183, 2000/09

中性子照射した高純度と低純度のFe-9Cr合金の微細組織と引張及び衝撃特性が調べられた。照射はJRR-3M(Modified Japan Research Reactor-3)炉にて、255$$^{circ}C$$または290$$^{circ}C$$で0.3dpaまで行った。照射による降伏応力の増分は高純度と低純度材料でそれぞれ225MPaと170MPaとなり、それは高純度材料の方が大きくなった。また、それらの延性の低下は高純度材で著しい低下が見られた。衝撃特性に関しては、高純度材料は低純度材料に比べて、延性脆性遷移温度の上昇が大きく、175$$^{circ}C$$であった。透過型電子顕微鏡観察ではこれらのFe-9Cr合金に転位ループが形成していて、その数密度は低純度材料の方がやや高かった。また、高純度材料では、ループ上に$$alpha$$'相に類似した析出物が観察された。降伏応力の増加に対する転位ループの障壁力を分散型障壁物のモデルで評価すると、その強度因子は高純度材の方がやや大きいことがわかったが、これは転位ループ上に形成した析出物が起因していると考えられる。以上のような照射による機械的特性の変化は、転位ループの硬化だけでは説明できず、ループ上の析出物の形成がそれらに大きな影響を及ぼしていると考えられる。


Microstructural evolution during creep of Ni-base solid solution alloys and in-situ observation at high temperature

倉田 有司; 内海 宏和*; 菊地 賢司; 鈴木 富男; 三浦 孝之*

Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. on Recrystallization and Related Phenomena (REX'99), p.283 - 288, 1999/00



Vanadium oxide precipitates in sapphire formed by ion implantation

阿部 弘亨; 楢本 洋; 山本 春也

Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 504, p.393 - 398, 1998/00



Formation and growth process of defect clusters in magnesia under ion irradiation

阿部 弘亨; 園田 健*; 木下 智見*; 楢本 洋

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 127-128, p.176 - 180, 1997/00

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:65.12(Instruments & Instrumentation)



Ductilization of TiAl intermetallic alloys by neutron-irradiation

菱沼 章道; 深井 勝麿; 沢井 友次; 仲田 清智*

Intermet., 4, p.179 - 184, 1996/00



X-ray diffuse scattering of quenched copper single crystals

前田 裕司; 山川 浩二*; 松本 徳真*; 春名 勝次*; 加藤 輝雄; 小野 文久*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 97, p.491 - 494, 1995/00

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Instruments & Instrumentation)



Hydrogen migration in cold worked Pd around 50K

山川 浩二*; 前田 裕司

Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia, 32(7), p.967 - 970, 1995/00


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