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吉田 泰*; 北村 暁; 澁谷 早苗*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(8), p.900 - 910, 2023/08
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)The concentration of Se equilibrated with FeSe(cr) was determined by solubility experiments under reducing conditions and 318
1 K. Agreement between the solubility data obtained from the over and under saturation directions suggested the attainment of equilibrium. FeSe
(cr) phase only formed. The log
values of -5.0
1.4 and -14.9
1.5 for the FeSe
(cr) solubility reactions respectively were determined. Moreover, the selenium solubility was discussed. At the experimental conditions corresponding to the typical pH and Eh of anoxic groundwater and the equilibrium with stable FeSe
(cr), the Se solubilities were remained as constant in spite of the linear relationship between iron concentrations with pH. This indicated that Se was consumed before the formation of FeSe
(cr). This behavior indicated that consideration of reaction paths to equilibrium with FeSe
(cr) is necessary for an estimation of Se solubility for performance assessment in geological disposal system.
成田 弘一*; 前田 泰生*; 所 千晴*; 鈴木 智也*; 田中 幹也*; 塩飽 秀啓; 矢板 毅
RSC Advances (Internet), 13(25), p.17001 - 17007, 2023/06
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:43.61(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)セレン(Se)は様々な産業分野で広く利用されており、工業生産として銅精錬時に陽極スライムから副産物として回収・精製されている。Seは人体にとって必須微量元素であるが、多量摂取による健康への悪影響も知られているため、自然環境におけるSe濃度と酸化状態を明らかにし、Se除去のために効率的なSe溶媒抽出法の確立が必要とされている。今回、N-2-エチルヘキシル-ビス(N-ジ-2-エチルヘキシル)アミン(EHBAA)を用いて塩酸溶液からSe(IV)とSe(VI)の抽出機構を検討した。放射光XAFS測定の結果から、EHBAAで抽出したSe(IV)及びSe(VI)錯体の内圏は、それぞれ[SeOCl], [SeO
寺島 元基; 遠藤 貴志*; 紀室 辰伍; 別部 光里*; 根本 一昭*; 天野 由記
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(4), p.374 - 384, 2023/04
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:34.71(Nuclear Science & Technology)For better understanding of impact of natural organic matters (NOM) on facilitating migration of Se in underground environments, association mechanism between Se and humic substance (HS) in groundwater was investigated by incubation experiments using groundwater sample under abiotic and biotic conditions and speciation analyses by an isolation technique with DAX-8 resin and a size exclusion chromatography coupled on-line to UV-Vis and ICP-MS detection (SEC-UV-ICP-MS). Selenite added into the groundwater was reduced to elemental Se only when microbial activity was stimulated by a nutrient. The speciation analysis by the isolation technique showed the presence of Se associated with HS and that proportion of the associate to total dissolved Se is highest in the reducing condition. The SEC-UV-ICP-MS analyses of alkaline extracts from the DAX-8 resin showed that Se was coeluted with Fe as well as HS, regardless of microbial activity and redox conditions. Logarithmic peak areas of Se and Fe coeluted with HS in the SEC chromatograms was linearly correlated in the moderately oxidizing condition (r = 0.947, p
0.01 with addition of Se; r = 0.995, p
0.01 without the addition of Se). The SEC chromatogram of Se coeluted with HS in the reducing condition was well matched with those of Se-Fe-HS ternary complex in the moderately oxidizing condition. Therefore, these suggest that the association between Se and HS in groundwaters can be dominated by a formation of Se-Fe-HS ternary complex.
廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 北海道大学*
JAEA-Review 2022-050, 116 Pages, 2023/01
杉浦 佑樹; 戸村 努*; 石寺 孝充; 土井 玲祐; Francisco, P. C. M.; 塩飽 秀啓; 小林 徹; 松村 大樹; 高橋 嘉夫*; 舘 幸男
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 324(2), p.615 - 622, 2020/05
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:37.85(Chemistry, Analytical)Batch sorption experiments were performed to investigate the sorption mechanism of Se on montmorillonite under reducing conditions in deep geological environments. Based on Eh-pH diagrams and ultraviolet-visible spectra, Se was dissolved as selenide (Se(-II)) anions under the experimental conditions. The distribution coefficients (; m
) of Se(-II) indicated ionic strength independence and slight pH dependence. The
values of Se(-II) were higher than those of Se(IV), which also exists as an anionic species. X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy showed that the oxidation state of Se-sorbed on montmorillonite was zero even though selenide remained in the solution. These results suggest that Se(-II) was oxidized and precipitated on the montmorillonite surface. Therefore, it is implied that a redox reaction on the montmorillonite surface contributed to high
values for Se(-II).
Awual, M. R.; 矢板 毅; 鈴木 伸一; 塩飽 秀啓
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 291, p.111 - 119, 2015/06
被引用回数:262 パーセンタイル:98.92(Engineering, Environmental)This work reports the selenium (Se(IV)) detection and removal from water by ligand functionalized organic-inorganic based novel composite adsorbent. The adsorbent exhibited distinct color change in the presence of various concentrations of Se(IV). This was characterized by UV-vis spectroscopy, and the color change was observed by naked-eye observation. The data fitted well to the Langmuir isotherm model, and the maximum Se(IV) sorption capacity was 111.12 mg/g. The presence of diverse competing ions did not affect the Se(IV) sorption capacity, and the adsorbent had almost no sorption capacity for these coexisting ions, which suggests the high selectivity to Se(IV) ions.
Awual, M. R.; Hasan, M. M.*; Khaleque, M. A.*
Sensors and Actuators B; Chemical, 209, p.194 - 202, 2015/03
被引用回数:230 パーセンタイル:99.66(Chemistry, Analytical)Selenium occurs naturally in the environment and is toxic at elevated concentrations, which has been a challenging issue for environmental scientists. This work was devoted to the detection and removal the selenium (Se(IV)) from aqueous solutions using organic ligand an immobilized conjugate adsorbent. The organic ligand of (3-(3-(methoxycarbonyl) benzylidene)hydrazinyl) benzoic acid was synthesized and indirectly immobilized onto the mesoporous silica. The adsorbent was applied to detect and remove Se(IV) in aqueous solutions at optimum conditions. This adsorbent exhibited high surface area-to-volume ratios and pores were uniform nanostructures.
Awual, M. R.; Hasan, M. M.*; 井原 敏博*; 矢板 毅
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 197, p.331 - 338, 2014/10
被引用回数:189 パーセンタイル:99.09(Chemistry, Applied)Selenium is a very toxic element that at low concentration can affect human beings and living organisms. In this study, the ligand immobilized conjugate adsorbent was developed and selenium (Se(IV)) detection and removal from water were investigated. The conjugate adsorbent was successfully prepared by direct immobilization of organic ligand onto mesoporous inorganic silica. This technique achieved residual Se(IV) concentration less than 10 ppb, which is acceptable by water quality regulations. Therefore, the solid design adsorbent is efficient and cost-effective for selective Se(IV) detection and removal from water.
香西 直文; 大貫 敏彦; Komarneni, S.*
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 17(12), p.2993 - 2996, 2002/12
本研究では、陰イオン交換粘土の一種であるNi-Zn層状複水酸化物が陰イオン形のセレンに対して非常に高い選択性を持つことを報告する。このNi-Zn層状複水酸化物はブルーサイト型の水酸化物層からなり、層間に酢酸イオンを吸着している。このNi-Zn層状複水酸化物は0.1M NaCl溶液中でSe(IV)に対する非常に高い選択性を示した(Se(IV) 初期濃度1x10 Mにおいて分配係数Kd = 9.0x10
ml/g)。一方、代表的な陰イオン交換粘土であるハイドロタルサイト Mg
ml/gであった。Ni-Zn層状複水酸化物によるSe(IV)の吸着は不可逆的でることが、Se(IV)を吸着させた試料を 1N Cl
、1N NO
、あるいは1N PO
を含む溶液で処理したことでわかった。一方、ハイドロタルサイトに吸着したSe(IV)は1M Cl
を含む溶液にいれることで容易に脱離した。Ni-Zn層状複水酸化物はSe(VI)に対しても高い選択性を示した(Se(VI) 初期濃度1x10
MにおいてKd は2.6
永谷 清信*; 八尾 誠*; 早川 鉄一郎*; 大政 義典*; 梶原 行夫*; 石井 真史*; 片山 芳則
Physical Review Letters, 89(24), p.243401_1 - 243401_4, 2002/12
被引用回数:16 パーセンタイル:64.86(Physics, Multidisciplinary)中性の自由クラスターのサイズ選択EXAFS(広域X線吸収微細構造)に関する新しい方法を提案した。そこでは、X線吸収過程のみならず、下方遷移過程もまた構造情報を得るために用いられる。この方法を実験的に実証するため、われわれはEXAFSと光電子光イオンコインシデンスを同時に測定する方法を開発し、第3世代強力X線源を用いることによってセレンクラスタービームに対する実験を行った。セレンの小さなクラスターに対するEXAFSスペクトルが得られ、理論的な予言と批判的に比較された。
下司 和男
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 41(2), p.565 - 569, 1976/02
下司 和男; 小沢 国夫
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 37(4), p.1053 - 1055, 1974/04
被引用回数:19セレン酸グリシンの圧力-温度相図を10“4Kg cmの圧力範囲で誘電率の測定から求めた。強誘電キューリー温度は圧力と共に直線的に増加する。その圧力係数dtc/dp=(3.45
deg kg
Hales, B. P.; 中村 詔司; 木村 敦; 岩本 修
no journal, ,
三枝 祐; 山本 昌彦; 稲田 聡; 久野 剛彦
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