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JAEA Reports

Training using JMTR and related facilities in FY2021 and FY2022

Nakano, Hiroko; Fujinami, Kyoko; Yamaura, Takayuki; Kawakami, Jun; Hanakawa, Hiroki

JAEA-Review 2023-036, 33 Pages, 2024/03


A practical training course using the JMTR (Japan Materials Testing Reactor) and other research infrastructures was held from November 29 to December 2 in 2021 for Asian young researchers and engineers. This course was adopted as International Youth Exchange Program in Science (SAKURA SCIENCE Exchange Program) which is the project of the Japan Science and Technology Agency, and this course aims to enlarge the number of high-level nuclear researchers/engineers in Asian countries which are planning to introduce a nuclear power plant, and to promote the use of facilities in future. In this year, from the viewpoint of preventing the spread of COVID-19 infection, it was decided to hold the event online. 53 young researchers and engineers joined the course from 6 countries. In FY2022, training programs with invitations were held due to the easing of restrictions on entry into Japan from overseas. 7 young researchers and engineers from4 Asian countries participated in the training from February 1 to 10, 2023. The common curriculum in the training course of FY2021 and FY2022 included lectures on nuclear energy, irradiation testing, safety management, JMTR decommissioning plan, etc. In the online session, conducted in FY2021, information exchange on the energy situation in each country was conducted. On-site training conducted in FY2022, included practical training on operation using simulations, environmental monitoring, etc. and facility tours of the JMTR, etc. Many participants could join the online training course, they created a diversity of expertise and made lively discussions during the information exchange. On-site training, while limited in number of participants, provided a good opportunity for personnel exchange through practical training and face-face communication. It is desirable to hold on-site training as long as circumstances permit. This report summarizes the training conducted in FY2021 and FY2022.

JAEA Reports

Accident consequence analysis for JMTR as a decommission facilities

Nagata, Hiroshi; Omori, Takazumi; Maeda, Eita; Otsuka, Kaoru; Nakano, Hiroko; Hanakawa, Hiroki; Ide, Hiroshi

JAEA-Review 2023-033, 40 Pages, 2024/01


Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR) was decided as a one of decommission facilities in April 2017. In order to submit the decommissioning plan to the Nuclear Regulation Authority, the type of accident assumed in the first stage of the decommissioning plan was selected, and the public exposure dose was evaluated. A fuel handling accident and a fire accident during storage of waste were selected as assumed accidents in the first stage of the decommissioning plan. An evaluation of the public exposure dose from the radioactive materials released into the atmosphere due to these accidents was estimated to be a maximum of 0.019 mSv (due to a fire accident during storage of waste). This estimated value was found to be sufficiently smaller than the judging criteria (5 mSv), and not to pose a significant risk of radiation exposure to the general public.

Journal Articles

Effect of dissolved oxygen concentration on dynamic strain aging and stress corrosion cracking of SUS304 stainless steel under high temperature pressurized water

Hirota, Noriaki; Nakano, Hiroko; Fujita, Yoshitaka; Takeuchi, Tomoaki; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Demura, Masahiko*; Kobayashi, Yoshinao*

The IV International Scientific Forum "Nuclear Science and Technologies"; AIP Conference Proceedings 3020, p.030007_1 - 030007_6, 2024/01

Dynamic strain aging (DSA) and intergranular stress corrosion cracking (intragranular SCC) occur in high temperature pressurized water simulating a boiling water reactor environment due to changes in dissolved oxygen (DO) content, respectively. In order to clearly understand the difference between these phenomena, the mechanism of their occurrence was summarized. As a result, it was found that DSA due to intragranular cracking occurred in SUS304 stainless steel at low DO $$<$$ 1 ppb, while DSA was suppressed at DO 100 to 8500 ppb due to the formation of oxide films on the surface. On the other hand, when DO was increased to 20000 ppb, the film was peeled from the matrix, O element diffused to the grain boundary of the matrix, resulting in intergranular SCC. These results are indicated that the optimum DO concentration must be adjusted to suppress crack initiation due to DSA and intergranular SCC.

JAEA Reports

On-site training using JMTR and related facilities in FY2019

Nakano, Hiroko; Nishikata, Kaori; Nagata, Hiroshi; Ide, Hiroshi; Hanakawa, Hiroki; Kusunoki, Tsuyoshi

JAEA-Review 2022-073, 23 Pages, 2023/01


A practical training course using the JMTR (Japan Materials Testing Reactor) and other research infrastructures was held from July 24th to July 31st in 2019 for Asian young researchers and engineers. This course was adopted as Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science (SAKURA Exchange Program in Science) which is the project of the Japan Science and Technology Agency, and this course aims to enlarge the number of high-level nuclear researchers/engineers in Asian countries which are planning to introduce a nuclear power plant, and to promote the use of facilities in future. In this year, 12 young researchers and engineers joined the course from 6 countries. This course consists of lectures, which are related to irradiation test research, safety management of nuclear reactors, nuclear characteristics of the nuclear reactors, etc., practical training such as practice of research reactor operation using simulator and technical tour of nuclear facilities on nuclear energy. The content of this course in FY 2019 is reported in this paper.

Journal Articles

Radiochemical research for the advancement of $$^{99}$$Mo/$$^{rm 99m}$$Tc generator by (n, $$gamma$$) method, 4

Fujita, Yoshitaka; Seki, Misaki; Ngo, M. C.*; Do, T. M. D.*; Hu, X.*; Yang, Y.*; Takeuchi, Tomoaki; Nakano, Hiroko; Fujihara, Yasuyuki*; Yoshinaga, Hisao*; et al.

KURNS Progress Report 2021, P. 118, 2022/07

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Development of dissolved hydrogen concentration control apparatus by solid polymer electrolyte water electrolysis method

Nakano, Hiroko; Fuyushima, Takumi; Tsuguchi, Akira*; Nakamura, Mutsumi*; Takeuchi, Tomoaki; Takemoto, Noriyuki; Ide, Hiroshi

JAEA-Technology 2022-007, 34 Pages, 2022/06


In order to investigate the phenomenon of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) for structural materials at the light water reactor (LWR), it is important to manage a water quality for simulating high-temperature and high-pressure water. Generally, dissolved hydrogen (DH) concentration in water loop has been controlled by the bubbling method of pure hydrogen gas or standard gas with high hydrogen concentration. However, it is necessary to equip the preventing hydrogen explosion in the area installed experimental apparatus. In general, in order to prevent accident by hydrogen, it is required to take measures such as limiting the amount of leakage, eliminating hydrogen, shutting off the power supply, and suppressing combustion before an explosion occurs. Thus, the dissolved hydrogen concentration control apparatus by electrolysis method has been developed which has two electrolysis cells to control DH concentration by electrolyzing water loop. In this study, small basic experimental devices were set up. The preliminary data were acquired regarding the simple performance of two electrolysis cells and the change of DH concentration in circulation. Based on the preliminary data, the dissolved hydrogen concentration control apparatus was designed to be connected to the high-temperature and high-pressure water loop test equipment. This report describes the test results with the small basic experimental devices for the design of the dissolved hydrogen concentration control apparatus.

Journal Articles

Development of the treatment method for difficult wastes aimed at decommissioning of JMTR; Structural materials of reactor and used ion-exchange resins

Seki, Misaki; Nakano, Hiroko; Nagata, Hiroshi; Otsuka, Kaoru; Omori, Takazumi; Takeuchi, Tomoaki; Ide, Hiroshi; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko

Dekomisshoningu Giho, (62), p.9 - 19, 2020/09

Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR) has been contributing to various research and development activities such as the fundamental research of nuclear materials/fuels, safety research and development of power reactors, and radioisotope production since the beginning of the operation in 1968. JMTR, however, was decided as a one of decommission facilities in April 2017 and it is taken an inspection of a plan concerning decommissioning because the performance of JMTR does not confirm with the stipulated earthquake resistance. As aluminum and beryllium are used for the core structural materials in JMTR, it is necessary to establish treatment methods of these materials for the fabrication of stable wastes. In addition, a treatment method for the accumulated spent ion-exchange resins needs to be examined. This report describes the overview of these examination situations.

JAEA Reports

On-site training using JMTR and related facilities in FY2018

Eguchi, Shohei; Nakano, Hiroko; Otsuka, Noriaki; Nishikata, Kaori; Nagata, Hiroshi; Ide, Hiroshi; Kusunoki, Tsuyoshi

JAEA-Review 2019-012, 22 Pages, 2019/10


A practical training course using the JMTR and other research infrastructures was held from July 31st to August 7th in 2018 for Asian young researchers and engineers. This course was adopted as Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science (SAKURA Exchange Program in Science) which is the project of the Japan Science and Technology Agency, and this course aims to enlarge the number of high-level nuclear researchers/engineers in Asian countries which are planning to introduce a nuclear power plant, and to promote the use of facilities in future. In this year, 11 young researchers and engineers joined the course from 6 countries. This course consists of lectures, which are related to irradiation test research, safety management of nuclear reactors, nuclear characteristics of the nuclear reactors, etc., practical training such as practice of research reactor operation using simulator and technical tour of nuclear facilities on nuclear energy. The content of this course in FY 2018 is reported in this paper.

Journal Articles

Development of radiation resistant monitoring system in light water reactor

Takeuchi, Tomoaki; Otsuka, Noriaki; Nakano, Hiroko; Iida, Tatsuya*; Ozawa, Osamu*; Shibagaki, Taro*; Komanome, Hirohisa*; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko

QST-M-16; QST Takasaki Annual Report 2017, P. 67, 2019/03

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

High-temperature oxidation of sheath materials using mineral-insulated cables for a simulated severe accident

Nakano, Hiroko; Hirota, Noriaki; Shibata, Hiroshi; Takeuchi, Tomoaki; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko

Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 5(2), p.17-00594_1 - 17-00594_12, 2018/04

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Establishment of experimental equipments in irradiation technology development building, 2

Shibata, Hiroshi; Nakano, Hiroko; Suzuki, Yoshitaka; Otsuka, Noriaki; Nishikata, Kaori; Takeuchi, Tomoaki; Hirota, Noriaki; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko

JAEA-Testing 2017-002, 138 Pages, 2017/12


From the viewpoints of utilization improvement of the Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR), the experimental devices have been established for the out-pile tests in the irradiation technology development building. The devices for the irradiation capsule assembly, material tests and inspections were established at first and experimental data were accumulated before the neutron irradiation tests. On the other hand, after the Great East Japan Earthquake, the repairs and earthquake-resistant measures of the existing devices were carried out. New devices and equipments were also established for the R&D program for power plant safety enhancement of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and $$^{99}$$Mo/$$^{99m}$$Tc production development under the Tsukuba International Strategic Zone. This report describes the outline and basic operation manuals of the devices established from 2011 to 2016 and the management points for the safety works in the irradiation technology development building.

Journal Articles

Effect of dissolved gas on mechanical property of sheath material of mineral insulated cables under high temperature and pressure water

Takeuchi, Tomoaki; Nakano, Hiroko; Uehara, Toshiaki; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko

Nuclear Materials and Energy (Internet), 9, p.451 - 454, 2016/12

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:10.51(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Corrosion property of sheath materials using MI cables at conditions simulated severe accident

Nakano, Hiroko; Shibata, Hiroshi; Takeuchi, Tomoaki; Matsui, Yoshinori; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko

Proceedings of International Conference on Asia-Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength 2016 (APCFS 2016) (USB Flash Drive), p.283 - 284, 2016/09

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Effect of dissolved gases on mechanical property of AISI 304 and 316 stainless steels under high temperature and pressure water

Takeuchi, Tomoaki; Nakano, Hiroko; Uehara, Toshiaki; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko

Proceedings of International Conference on Asia-Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength 2016 (APCFS 2016) (USB Flash Drive), p.95 - 96, 2016/09

Monitoring system of the nuclear power plants during a severe accident has increased in importance after the accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant. As part of the system, the development of mineral insulated (MI) cables available under the normal and severe environments was started. In this study, in order to investigate mechanical integrity of MI cables in reactor coolant condition, effects of dissolved oxygen on fracture properties of the sheath materials of the MI cables in high temperature and pressure pure water were evaluated. As the sheath materials, AISI 304 and 316 stainless steels were selected and slow strain rate testing was performed at 5$$times$$10$$^{-3}$$ mm/min in strain rate in pure water at 325$$^{circ}$$C and 15 MPa. In both the cases of the 304 and 316 steel, from 8500 to 50 ppb dissolved oxygen (DO), fully ductile fracture surfaces were observed and tensile strength and breaking elongation were almost the same values. However, at 10 and 1 ppb DO, brittle fracture surfaces were observed around the outer edge of the samples, and the tensile strength and breaking elongation decreased. The results indicated the existence of a threshold level of DO for brittle fracture of both the steels at lower than 100 ppb.

Journal Articles

R&D of high-temperature resistance type mineral insulated cable for sever accident

Miura, Kuniaki*; Shibata, Hiroshi; Onizawa, Tatsuya*; Nakano, Hiroko; Takeno, Naofumi*; Takeuchi, Tomoaki; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko

Nihon Hozen Gakkai Dai-13-Kai Gakujutsu Koenkai Yoshishu, p.387 - 390, 2016/07

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Performance test of ex-core high temperature and high pressure water loop test equipment (Contract research)

Nakano, Hiroko; Uehara, Toshiaki; Takeuchi, Tomoaki; Shibata, Hiroshi; Nakamura, Jinichi; Matsui, Yoshinori; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko

JAEA-Technology 2015-049, 61 Pages, 2016/03


In Japan Atomic Energy Agency, we started a research and development so as to monitor the Nuclear Plant Facilities situations during a severe accident, such as a radiation-resistant monitoring camera under a severe accident, a radiation resistant in-water transmission system for conveying the information in-core and a heat-resistant signal cable. As part of advance in a heat-resistant signal cable, we maintained to ex-core high-temperature and pressure water loop test equipment which can be simulated conditions of BWRs and PWRs for evaluation reliability and property of construction sheath materials. This equipment consists of Autoclave, water conditioning tank, water pump, high-pressure metering pump, preheater, heat exchanger and pure water purification equipment. This report describes the basic design and the results of performance tests of construction machinery and tools of ex-core high-temperature and pressure water loop test equipment.

JAEA Reports

Performance tests of radiation detectors for inspection of $$^{99}$$Mo/$$^{99m}$$Tc solution, 1

Suzuki, Yumi*; Nakano, Hiroko; Suzuki, Yoshitaka; Ishida, Takuya; Shibata, Akira; Kato, Yoshiaki; Kawamata, Kazuo; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko

JAEA-Technology 2015-031, 58 Pages, 2015/11


Technetium-99m ($$^{99m}$$Tc) is one of the most commonly used radioisotopes in the field of nuclear medicine. In the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), the research and development (R&D) have been carried out for production of molybdenum-99 ($$^{99}$$Mo) by (n, $$gamma$$) method, a parent nuclide of $$^{99m}$$Tc, with the Japan Material Testing Reactor (JMTR). On the other hand, the new project as "Domestic Production of Medical Radioisotope (Technetium preparation) in Japan" was adopted in the Tsukuba International Strategic Zone on October, 2013 and the demonstration tests will be planned for the domestic production of $$^{99}$$Mo/$$^{99m}$$Tc with the JMTR. Thus, new facilities and analysis devices were equipped in the JMTR Hot Laboratory in 2014 as the part of this project. As the part of the analytical device equipment, the $$gamma$$-TLC analyzer and the radiation detector connected with the High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) were installed for quality inspection of the $$^{99}$$Mo/$$^{99m}$$Tc solution and the extracted $$^{99m}$$Tc solution in the JMTR Hot Laboratory. The performance tests of these devices such as detection sensitivity, resolution, linearity and selectivity of energy range were carried out with $$^{137}$$Cs and $$^{152}$$Eu as alternative radionuclides of $$^{99}$$Mo and $$^{99m}$$Tc, respectively. In the results, bright prospects were obtained concerning the quality inspection of the $$^{99}$$Mo/$$^{99m}$$Tc and $$^{99m}$$Tc solutions using these devices. This report describes the results of those performance tests.



中野 寛子; 武内 伴照; 土谷 邦彦

津口 明*; 中村 和*

JP, 2015-215590  Patent licensing information  Patent publication (In Japanese)

【課題】水中の溶存水素濃度を精確かつ安定して制御することができる水素水製造装置を提供すること 【解決手段】カソード極(陰極)を有するカソード室とアノード極(陽極)を有するアノード室を有し、カソード室とアノード室が隔膜で仕切られている2室型電解セルを用いて水素を生成し、該水素を原料水に溶存させて水素水を製造する装置であって、アノード室に、有機酸もしくは1価カチオンイオン交換膜を透過しない2価以上の金属イオンが含まれた電解液を用い、電解時の電流密度を安定化させ、電解による水素生成量を一定にさせている。



広田 憲亮; 武内 伴照; 中野 寛子

菊池 淳*

JP, 16/578755  Patent licensing information  Patent publication (In Japanese)

A process of producing a fine-grained austenitic stainless steel, the process comprising a step of subjecting a fine-grained austenitic stainless steel comprising: C: 0.15 wt % or less, Si: 1.00 wt % or less, Mn: 2.0 wt % or less, Ni: 6.0 to 14.0 wt %, Cr: 16.0 to 22.0 wt %, and Mo: 3.0 wt % or less, with the balance being Fe and inevitable impurities, and having an average grain size of 10 μm or lower, to an annealing treatment at a temperature from 600° C. to 700° C. for 48 hours or longer.



広田 憲亮; 武内 伴照; 中野 寛子

菊池 淳*

JP, 20195799  Patent licensing information

A process of producing a fine-grained austenitic stainless steel, said process comprising a step of subjecting a fine-grained austenitic stainless steel comprising: C: 0.15 wt % or less, Si: 1.00 wt % or less, Mn: 2.0 wt % or less, Ni: 6.0 to 14.0 wt %, Cr: 16.0 to 22.0 wt %, and Mo: 3.0 wt % or less, with the balance being Fe and inevitable impurities, and having an average grain size of 10 μm or lower, to an annealing treatment at a temperature from 600° C. to 700° C. for 48 hours or longer.

39 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)