A Project of the K900 superconducting AVF cyclotron at JAERI
福田 光宏; 荒川 和夫; 横田 渉; 奥村 進; 上松 敬; 神谷 富裕; 水橋 清; 奈良 孝幸; 齋藤 勇一; 石井 保行; 酒井 卓郎; 金子 広久; 田中 進; 倉島 俊; 千葉 敦也
Fukuda, Mitsuhiro; Arakawa, Kazuo; Yokota, Wataru; Okumura, Susumu; Agematsu, Takashi; Kamiya, Tomihiro; Mizuhashi, Kiyoshi; Nara, Takayuki; Saito, Yuichi; Ishii, Yasuyuki; Sakai, Takuro; Kaneko, Hirohisa; Tanaka, Susumu; Kurashima, Satoshi; Chiba, Atsuya
A new project bringing about a breakthrough in biotechnology and materials science has been proposed at JAERI (Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute). Heavy ion beams with energy of more than 100 MeV/n are expected to contribute to remarkable progress in breeding of plants and development of new materials. Design studies of a superconducting AVF cyclotron with a K number of 900 has been started to meet requirements for the researches. A four-sector, four-dee cyclotron is being designed to cope with acceleration of both the heavy ions and 300 MeV protons.