Bifunctional phosphonate fiber derived from vinylbiphenyl-grafted polyethylene-coated polypropylene fiber for extremely rapid removal of iron(III)
城 昭典*; 岡田 健治*; 中尾 光弘*; 須郷 高信; 玉田 正男; 片貝 秋雄
Jo, Akinori*; Okada, Kenji*; Nakao, Mitsuhiro*; Sugo, Takanobu; Tamada, Masao; Katakai, Akio
The titled bifunctional fiber (FVCPS-f) were prepared by treating chloromethylated vinylbiphenyl-grafted polyethylene-coated polypropylene fiber (0.9 denier, length 3.8 cm) with triethyl phosphite, chlorosulfonic acid, and conc. hydrochloric acid, in successive. Phosphorus and sulfur contents of FVCPS-f were 1.8 and 0.7 mmol/g, respectively (acid capacity 4.2 meq/g). Its breakthrough capacity (BC) for Fe(III) gradually decreased with an increase in flow rate of feeds from 20/h to 1000/h in space velocity (SV); for instance, its BC at a SV 1000/h was 0.12 mmol/g, whereas both a commercially available phosphonate resin and a monofunctional phosphonate fiber were not able to give practically meaningful BC at such an extremely high flow rate.