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FBRサイクル総合研修施設の研修結果報告(ナトリウム取扱研修及び保守研修); 平成14年度

Training Report of the FBR Cycle Training Facility in 2002FY

渡辺 智夫 ; 小澤 一雅; 佐々木 和一; 澤田 誠

Watanabe, Tomoo; Ozawa, Kazumasa; Sasaki, Kazuichi; Sawada, Makoto


The FBR cycle training facility consists of sodium handling training facility and maintenance training facility, and is being contributed training of engineer included operators and maintenance workers for the prototype fast breeder reactor Monju mainly. Both training courses of sodium handling technology and maintenance technology have been improved in every year to provide for Monju restarting. In 2002FY, as a result of reflecting of learning a lesson from the Joyo maintenance building fire accident occurred in Oct.31, 2001 due to spontaneous ignition of sodium, the sodium handling technology license course was added/ Besides, regarding on maintenance training, the general maintenance technology course and the ultrasonic testing course as one of non-destructive inspection course were also added with aims of expanding maintenance training. Consequently, as the present training course concerning FBR cycle training in 2002FY, eight training courses are provided as the sodium training course and also the maintenance training course has the 9 training courses. These training courses were held total 47 times for both sodium and maintenance training courses, i.e. sodium course is 30 times and 17 times is as maintenance course. Concerning total participated numbers of the FBR cycle training in 2002FY is 363 trainees, its breakdown is 247 trainees for 30 times of sodium training courses and 116 trainees is for 17 times of maintenance training courses. In consequence, total participated numbers for three years so far reached to 888 trainees(616 for sodium courses and 272 for maintenance courses).



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