Analytical result of weather data observed at PNC Tokai Works respect to atmospheric stability classification
成田 脩; 武藤 重男; 片桐 裕実; 叶野 豊; 晴山 央一
Narita, Osamu; Muto, Shigeo; not registered; Kano, Yutaka; not registered
We enforce weather observation at PNC Tokai Works from 1960's. We have been equipping with weather observation devices and tower from around 1974, for the purpose of environment influence evaluation resulted from radioactive waste which is discharged the atmosphere uses from reprocessing plant. Weather data observed before now are utilize for several kinds of classification way of atmospheric stability. So we compared them with a tendency of frequency distribution of atmospheric stability using each classification way. A tendency of frequency distribution of way using lapse late alone are different from one of way using weather regulatory guide classification. But a similar tendency was looked at frequency distribution of way using weather regulatory guide classification and one of way using wind speed combined with lapse late. we analized and compared with each classification way of atmospheric stability on the basis of a large quantity data observed for 10 years and we grasped a characteristic of classification way and observation site. The lapse late observation that is observed for the purpose of reference to diffusion parameter estimate and other weather observations with the view of investigation of atmospheric stability accomplished their objects. And we conclude that thier weather observation wound up for the resent.