Stress, Hydraulic and Coupled Stress-Hydraulic Analysis at Experimental Region in the Tunnel Sealing Experiment
杉田 裕 ; 鈴木 英明*; 伊藤 彰; 酒井 裕一*; 川上 進
Sugita, Yutaka; Suzuki, Hideaki*; Ito, Akira; Sakai, Yuichi*; Kawakami, Susumu
Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute has joined the international project, the Tunnel Sealing Experiment, to demonstrate the sealing performance of the full scale plugs in-situ, and to develop analytical method of the sealing performance of the plugs at the Underground Research Laboratory of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited in Canada. We performed the analysis of the sealing performance of the full scale plugs considering the monitored data on sealing performance of the plugs. In these analyses, stress analysis, hydraulic analysis and coupled stress-hydraulic analysis were performed to explain distribution of the pore pressure in host rock and seepage through plugs.Stress analysis showed the stress condition in host around the test tunnel. Hydraulic and coupled stress-hydraulic analyses showed the change with time of pore pressure and seepages considering schedules of opening of the test tunnel, installation of the plugs and pressurizing of the chamber. Since opening the test tunnel caused changes of the pore pressure in host rock around the test tunnel, the coupled stress-hydraulic analysis explained distribution of the pore pressure in the host rock around the test tunnel and seepage through plugs.