サイクル機構-原研融合研究成果報告書; 照射環境における原子炉構造材料の劣化現象に関する研究(共同研究)
JNC-JAERI united research report; A Study on degradation of structural materials under irradiation environment in nuclear reactors (Joint research)
星屋 泰二; 上野 文義*
; 高屋 茂
; 永江 勇二
; 根本 義之*
; 三輪 幸夫*; 青砥 紀身
; 塚田 隆*
; 阿部 康弘; 中村 保雄; 近江 正男*; 齋藤 順市*
; 清水 道雄*
Hoshiya, Taiji; Ueno, Fumiyoshi*; Takaya, Shigeru; Nagae, Yuji; Nemoto, Yoshiyuki*; Miwa, Yukio*; Aoto, Kazumi; Tsukada, Takashi*; Abe, Yasuhiro; Nakamura, Yasuo; Omi, Masao*; Saito, Junichi*; Shimizu, Michio*
Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) and Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) have started a JNC-JAERI united research program cooperatively in 2003, which has been aimed for efficient progress and synergistic effect on the research activities of both Institutes in order to lead the facing task of unification between JNC and JAERI. This study has been chosen one of the united research themes, and the purpose of it is to clarify damage mechanism of structural materials under irradiation, and then to develop the methods for damage evaluation and detection in earlier stage of progressing process of damage. In fiscal year 2003, magnetic flux density distribution (JNC) and micro-corrosion (JAERI) measurement apparatus were newly developed and equipped in Hot Facilities in two Institutes, respectively. These apparatus were designed and produced in consideration of radiation resistance and remote-controlled operation to equip in hot cells. We will start the study on neutron irradiation damage by employing the two apparatus as the next step.