※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Development of new $$alpha$$-ray measurement methods with radon suppression focused on pulse time interval

眞田 幸尚   ; 野原 尚史*; 安達 康敬*; 根本 和彦*; 川井 啓一*; 小林 博英 ; 橋本 哲夫*

Sanada, Yukihisa; Nohara, Naofumi*; Adachi, Yasuyuki*; Nemoto, Kazuhiko*; Kawai, Keiichi*; Kobayashi, Hirohide; Hashimoto, Tetsuo*


An $$alpha$$-ray measurement methods based on analyzing the time interval of pulses was newly developed. This method was developed aiming to suppress the background counts originated in progeny of uranium series. A delayed coincidence and time interval analysis (TIA) methods have been applied to measure a-b decay successive events (correlated events) on microsecond time-scale (164$$mu$$s). The measurement system have such functions with silicon detectors was developed intending to shorten the dead time. The basic performance of the system was examined by using $$^{230}$$Th electrodeposited sources. Follows were obtained in this work : The theory of measurement $$^{214}$$Po using TIA methods was established. Measurement system of $$^{214}$$Po was developed. Conformation methods of correlated events by using $$^{230}$$Th electrodeposited sources was suggested. The efficiency of correlated events in aerosol samples was estimated. The methods to measure correlated events was indicated by addition of $$^{230}$$Th. The method of subtracting the progenies of the thorium series are to examine.



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