Modeling of cesium sorption onto sedimentary rock
土井 玲祐
; 夏 暁彬; 柴田 雅博
; 北村 暁
; 吉川 英樹
Doi, Reisuke; Xia, X.; Shibata, Masahiro; Kitamura, Akira; Yoshikawa, Hideki
, Na
, NH
Assessment for radionuclides sorption onto a rock in deep underground is important. The distribution coefficient, K
is a available parameter to assess the sorption and the method to predict the sorption in deep environment has to be established. We applied a model that the sorption of Cs is dominated by the ion exchange reaction on the illite for experimental results of Cs sorption onto Horonobe sedimentary rock. The equilibrium concentration of Cs was calculated the geochemical calculation code, PHREEQC under the experiment condition with major cations and solid/liquid ratio to estimate the K
value. Comparing the experimental results with the calculated one, the model could explain well the dependence of K
values on Cs equilibrium concentration. By using the model, it is possible to assess for Cs sorption onto a sedimentary rock. However, there were some differences between the experimental K
values and the calculated one. One of the causes for that was the uncertainties of analytical technique of illite content.