Fission fragment mass distribution for nuclei in the r-process region
龍田 早由*; 橋詰 和明*; 和田 隆宏*; 太田 雅久*; 住吉 光介*; 大槻 かおり*; 梶野 敏貴*; 小浦 寛之 ; 千葉 敏; 有友 嘉浩*
Tatsuda, Sayuki*; Hashizume, Kazuaki*; Wada, Takahiro*; Ota, Masahisa*; Sumiyoshi, Kosuke*; Otsuki, Kaori*; Kajino, Toshitaka*; Koura, Hiroyuki; Chiba, Satoshi; Aritomo, Yoshihiro*
We investigate the fission-fragment mass distribution on about 2000 nuclides, which should have a critical impact on the r-process nucleosynthesis through fission (). The mass distribution of fission fragment is thought to be one of the most important elements on some astrophysical conditions for the theoretical estimation of the r-process abundance pattern. We calculated the potential energy surface (PES) by means of the liquid-drop model with the shell energy correction by the Two-Center shell model in 3-dimensional parameter space. We derive fission-fragment mass distribution by considering the location and the depth of the valley of PES near the saddle point and the scission point of nuclei with the use of the Langevin calculation. We determine the fission asymmetry by examining the valley depth and its location in the deformation parameter space. The consistency of our mass asymmetry with available experimental data is discussed.