Operation of the electrostatic accelerators
水橋 清; 宇野 定則; 大越 清紀
; 千葉 敦也; 山田 圭介; 齋藤 勇一; 石井 保行; 佐藤 隆博; 酒井 卓郎; 横田 渉; 北野 敏彦*; 高山 輝充*; 織茂 貴雄*; 金井 信二*; 大前 昭臣*; 江夏 昌志*; 石井 正博*
Mizuhashi, Kiyoshi; Uno, Sadanori; Okoshi, Kiyonori; Chiba, Atsuya; Yamada, Keisuke; Saito, Yuichi; Ishii, Yasuyuki; Sato, Takahiro; Sakai, Takuro; Yokota, Wataru; Kitano, Toshihiko*; Takayama, Terumitsu*; Orimo, Takao*; Kanai, Shinji*; Omae, Akiomi*; Koka, Masashi*; Ishii, Masahiro*
Three electrostatic accelerators were almost operated smoothly for various experiments in FY 2005. The yearly operation time of each accelerator amounts to 1974, 2359.9, 1859.9 hour for the tandem, the single-ended and the ion implanter, respectively. Main trouble was a short circuit of a part of the ion source in the single-ended accelerator. This lets to the suspension of operation for fifteen days. As features in FY 2005, the generation of the power cut by thunderbolts and large earthquakes were abounding. By this natural force, the Turbo-molecular pump was broken, experiment was interrupted and then the inspection of accelerator facility was carried out every time. New beam acceleration and improvement of each accelerator were carried out.