※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

${it Ex-situ}$ and ${it in-situ}$ X-ray diffractions of corrosion products freshly formed on the surface of an iron-silicon alloy


鈴木 茂*; 松原 英一郎*; 小松 卓哉*; 岡本 吉則*; 蟹江 澄志*; 村松 淳司*; 小西 啓之; 水木 純一郎; 早稲田 嘉夫*

Suzuki, Shigeru*; Matsubara, Eiichiro*; Komatsu, Takuya*; Okamoto, Yoshinori*; Kanie, Kiyoshi*; Muramatsu, Atsushi*; Konishi, Hiroyuki; Mizuki, Junichiro; Waseda, Yoshio*

鉄鋼材料の腐食生成物の形成過程を明らかにするために、純鉄及びFe-2%Si合金の表面に湿潤状態で生じた腐食生成物を採取し、放射光によるX線回折実験を行った。NaCl水溶液によって純鉄表面に生じた湿潤腐食生成物の外周部には$$gamma$$-FeOOHが、内部には$$gamma$$-FeOOHのほか、$$alpha$$-FeOOH, Fe$$_{3}$$O$$_{4}$$が含まれている。これと比較して、Fe-Si合金の場合は$$beta$$-FeOOHの生成が著しい。実験ではFe-Si合金の腐食に対する硫酸イオンの影響についても調べた。また実験室のX線回折計で純鉄,Fe-Si合金の乾湿繰返し過程での腐食生成物の形成をその場観察した。その結果は先の放射光による${it Ex-situ}$実験の結果と一致している。

${it Ex-situ}$ X-ray diffraction measurements of a small amount of samples extracted from wet corrosion products freshly formed on a pure iron and iron-2 mass% silicon surfaces have been conducted using synchrotron radiation. The results showed that $$gamma$$-FeOOH was formed on the outer side of wet corrosion products formed on the pure iron by sodium chloride solution, while $$gamma$$-FeOOH, $$alpha$$-FeOOH, Fe$$_{3}$$O$$_{4}$$, and green rusts were formed on the inner side. In comparison to the case of the pure iron, a significant formation of $$beta$$-FeOOH was observed in the iron-silicon alloy. Furthermore, in-situ diffraction measurements by a conventional X-ray source were conducted for analyzing corrosion products formed on the pure iron and iron-silicon alloy surfaces by cyclic exposure to wet and dry atmospheres. The results obtained by the ${it in-situ}$ diffraction and ${it ex-situ}$ diffraction measurements on the corrosion products were consistent.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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