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 年 ~ 

Muon knight shift measurements on PrPb$$_3$$ in paraquadrupolar state


伊藤 孝   ; 髭本 亘  ; 大石 一城; Heffner, R. H.; 西田 信彦*; 青木 勇二*; 鬼丸 孝博*; 鈴木 博之*

Ito, Takashi; Higemoto, Wataru; Oishi, Kazuki; Heffner, R. H.; Nishida, Nobuhiko*; Aoki, Yuji*; Onimaru, Takahiro*; Suzuki, Hiroyuki*


PrPb$$_3$$ exhibits antiferroquadrupole ordering at T$$_Q$$ = 0.4 K. In the ordering phase, incommensurate structure of quadruple was found from recent experimental study and much attention is paid to this compound. We performed muon spin rotation and relaxation measurements on a single crystalline sample of PrPb$$_3$$. A quite anisotropic contact-coupling constant was extracted from the muon Knight shift, possibly concerned with nonspherical distribution of 4$$f$$-electron at low temperature. The contact and dipole coupling constants are of comparable magnitudes, suggesting significance of strong hybridization between the $$4f$$ electrons of Pr and the conduction electrons for incommensurate structure.



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