※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

$$g$$ factor of the exotic $$N=21$$ isotope $$^{34}$$Al; Probing the $$N=20$$ and $$N=28$$ shell gaps at the border of the "island of inversion"

中性子数21同位体$$^{34}$$Alの$$g$$因子; 「逆転の島」の境界での$$N=20$$$$N=28$$の殻ギャップの探索

Himpe, P.*; Neyens, G.*; Balabanski, D. L.*; B$'e$lier, G.*; Daugas, J. M.*; de Oliveira Santos, F.*; De Rydt, M.*; Flanagan, K. T.*; Matea, I.*; Morel, P.*; Penionzhkevich, Yu. E.*; Perrot, L.*; Smirnova, N. A.*; Stodel, C.*; Thomas, J. C.*; Vermeulen, N.*; Yordanov, D. T.*; 宇都野 穣   ; 大塚 孝治*

Himpe, P.*; Neyens, G.*; Balabanski, D. L.*; B$'e$lier, G.*; Daugas, J. M.*; de Oliveira Santos, F.*; De Rydt, M.*; Flanagan, K. T.*; Matea, I.*; Morel, P.*; Penionzhkevich, Yu. E.*; Perrot, L.*; Smirnova, N. A.*; Stodel, C.*; Thomas, J. C.*; Vermeulen, N.*; Yordanov, D. T.*; Utsuno, Yutaka; Otsuka, Takaharu*


An exotic nucleus $$^{34}$$Al was produced at GANIL, and its absolute value of the $$g$$ factor was measured for the first time. Based on the value and the $$beta$$ decay branching, the ground state of $$^{34}$$Al is most liekly to be $$4^-$$. By comparing the shell model calculation for the $$g$$ factor, it turns out that the ground state of $$^{34}$$Al cannot be described unless a significant excitation from the $$sd$$ to $$pf$$ shells is taken into account. Thus, the nucleus belongs to the so-called "island of inversion." We performed the Monte Carlo shell model calculation, showing that this $$g$$ factor is sensitive not only to the $$N=20$$ gap but also the $$N=28$$ gap.



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分野:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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