Resonant X-ray scattering study of NpRhGa and NpCoGa
Detlefs, B.*; Wilkins, S. B.*; Caciuffo, R.*; Paixo, J. A.*; 金子 耕士 ; 本多 史憲*; 目時 直人 ; Bernhoeft, N.*; Rebizant, J.*; Lander, G. H.*
Detlefs, B.*; Wilkins, S. B.*; Caciuffo, R.*; Paixo, J. A.*; Kaneko, Koji; Honda, Fuminori*; Metoki, Naoto; Bernhoeft, N.*; Rebizant, J.*; Lander, G. H.*
NpCoGa and NpRhGaについて共鳴X線散乱実験を行い、以下で強い磁気的な共鳴信号を観測した。Np吸収端の結果は、中性子の報告と一致した。またNpRhGaについては、9Tの縦磁場を印加することでドメインの比率が変化することを観測した。Gaの吸収端においても、UGaで報告されたようなNp 5との混成によりGa 4に誘起された磁気的な信号を観測した。Gaの信号強度についての定量的な解析から、化合物により2つのGaサイトの信号強度が異なっていることを明らかにした。
We report a resonant X-ray scattering study of the antiferromagnetic neptunium compounds NpCoGa and NpRhGa. Large resonant signals of magnetic dipole character are observed below the Nel temperatures. The signals at the Np edges confirm the behavior determined previously from neutron diffraction. On application of a magnetic field of 9 T along the [010] direction in NpRhGa, we observe a change in the population of different [110]-type domains. We also observe a magnetic dipole signal at the Ga edge, similarly to the reported UGa case, that can be interpreted within a semilocalized model as an orbital polarization of the Ga 4 states induced via strong hybridization with the Np 5 valence band. Quantitative analysis of the signal shows that the Ga dipole on the two different Ga sites follows closely the Np magnetic moment reorientation in NpRhGa. The ratios of the signals on the two inequivalent Ga sites are not the same for the different compounds.