※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

放射線利用の経済効果; 平成18年度

Economic effect of radiological application; Year 2006

柳澤 和章; 久米 民和; 幕内 恵三*; 井上 登美夫*; 菰田 文男*; 前田 充*

Yanagisawa, Kazuaki; Kume, Tamikazu; Makuuchi, Keizo*; Inoue, Tomio*; Komoda, Fumio*; Maeda, Mitsuru*


Products produced by using radiological application (electron and $$gamma$$ ray etc.) at industrial and agricultural fields as well as reimbursement of medical and dental cares in Japanese market was studied at fiscal year 2006. This is to certify the quantitative role of radiological application, which will benefit the welfare of the people of our nation. The shipment of semiconductor has the largest share in our industrial market, having economic scale approximately of 4,800 billion yen. The net value taking into consideration of attributed ratio of radiation as much as 23% will be 1,082 billion yen. The shipment of rice born by mutation has the largest share in our agricultural market (90% of the total), having economic scale approximately of 260 billion yen. Application of radiation is done at medical and dentistry fields, an economic scale based on reimbursement is 1,620 billion yen.



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