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Free radical scavenging properties of Carnosine and related compounds


Fu, H.*; 勝村 庸介; Lin, M.; 室屋 裕佐*; 端 邦樹 ; 藤井 健太郎; 横谷 明徳

Fu, H.*; Katsumura, Yosuke; Lin, M.; Muroya, Yusa*; Hata, Kuniki; Fujii, Kentaro; Yokoya, Akinari

パルスラジオリシス法によりラジカル捕捉剤カルノシン及びその誘導体の酸化性ラジカル($$^{.}$$OH, Br$$_{2}$$$$^{-.}$$, N$$_{3}$$$$^{.}$$とCCl$$_{3}$$OO$$^{.}$$)との反応性を検討し、生成するラジカルのスペクトルと反応性を決定した。さらに、プラスミド-DNA (pUC 18)のX線誘起損傷に対する保護効果を検討し、抗酸化剤として働くことを明らかにした。

The transient spectral properties and rate constants of the free radical scavenger carnosine reacting with various one-electron oxidants such as $$^{.}$$OH, Br$$_{2}$$$$^{-.}$$, N$$_{3}$$$$^{.}$$, and CCl$$_{3}$$OO$$^{.}$$ have been studied by pulse radiolysis techniques. Carnosine and its related compounds (CRC) also offer protection to plasmid DNA against X-ray radiation induced damages. Our data demonstrated that carnosine and CRC may play an important role in the maintenance of the antioxidant system.



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