幌延深地層研究計画換気立坑先行ボーリング(PB-V01孔)調査報告書; 岩盤の水理特性調査
Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory project overview of the pilot borehole investigation of the ventilation shaft (PB-V01); Hydrogeological investigation
藪内 聡; 國丸 貴紀; 石井 英一
; 羽出山 吉裕*; 井尻 裕二*; 松岡 清幸*; 井原 哲夫*; 松波 伸次朗*; 牧野 章也*
Yabuuchi, Satoshi; Kunimaru, Takanori; Ishii, Eiichi; Hatsuyama, Yoshihiro*; Ijiri, Yuji*; Matsuoka, Kiyoyuki*; Ibara, Tetsuo*; Matsunami, Shinjiro*; Makino, Akiya*
The Pilot Borehole Investigation of the Ventilation Shaft was conducted in Horonobe, Hokkaido, Japan from October 2007 to March 2008. Main purpose of the investigation is to understand geological, hydrogeological and hydrochemical properties of the formation where the Ventilation Shaft has been excavated. Hydraulic packer tests show that hydraulic conductivity lies in the range from 1.1E-11 to 1.4E-7 m/sec down to 500 m in depth. This heterogeneity mainly depends on the distribution and permeability of groundwater inflow points, which were detected by Fluid Electric Conductivity logging. High conductive zones were found between 263 m and 290 m, 355 m and 370 m of the depth in the pilot borehole. An effective method for reducing groundwater inflow should be considered for the deeper Ventilation Shaft excavation.