地質環境の長期安定性に関する研究 年度報告書(平成19年度)
Annual report for research on long-term stability of geological environments in FY2007
草野 友宏; 野原 壯
; 梅田 浩司; 石丸 恒存
; 花室 孝広
; 齋藤 龍郎
; 安江 健一; 丹羽 正和
; 島田 耕史
; 山田 国見; 二ノ宮 淳; 根木 健之; 田力 正好*; 黒澤 英樹; 中司 昇
Kusano, Tomohiro; Nohara, Tsuyoshi; Umeda, Koji; Ishimaru, Tsuneari; Hanamuro, Takahiro; Saito, Tatsuo; Yasue, Kenichi; Niwa, Masakazu; Shimada, Koji; Yamada, Kunimi; Ninomiya, Atsushi; Negi, Tateyuki; Tajikara, Masayoshi*; Kurosawa, Hideki; Nakatsuka, Noboru
The Japanese islands are located in the tectonically active Circum-Pacific Mobile Belt. As a result, Japan has a high frequency of earthquakes and eruptions. Special consideration is given to the long-term stability of the geological environment, taking into account volcanism, faulting, uplift, denudation, climatic change and sea-level change in Japan. Development of research/prediction technologies for geotectonic events has been carried out to evaluate the long-term stability of the geological environment in Japan. In fiscal year 2007, we carried out the following researches, to confirm existence of the phenomena that have influences on geological disposal system (e.g., active faulting, volcanism), and to develop the investigation techniques to reconstruct the history of these phenomena. For studies of faulting and seismic activity, we developed the investigation techniques to research distribution of crush zone, process of faulting, activity, and so on. For volcanological and geothermal studies, we developed a technique for detecting crustal magma and/or geothermal fluid in deep underground. For studies of uplift/denudation and climatic/sea-level changes, we extracted investigation techniques for landform developments and uplift rate with river terraces.