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Selective adsorption of trivalent actinides to carbon materials from acid solutions


有阪 真 ; 渡邉 雅之   ; 木村 貴海 

Arisaka, Makoto; Watanabe, Masayuki; Kimura, Takaumi


For recovery of metal ions from a solution, pretreatment by oxidant acids was usually performed to introduce functional groups onto the surface of carbon materials because the adsorption of metal ions are mainly controlled by electrostatic forces, which are related to the various surface functional groups. In this study, adsorption behaviors of trivalent actinides (An(III)) and lanthanides (Ln(III)) to several carbon materials, such as carbon nanotubes, carbon powder and activated carbon, from acid solutions were investigated without such pretreatment. Both An(III) and Ln(III) was adsorbed strongly to carbon materials in the range from pH 1 to 4. In addition, it was found that An(III) was selectively adsorbed to carbon materials, compared with Ln(III).



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