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MAリサイクルのための燃料挙動評価に関する共通基盤技術開発,6; 平成20年度の進捗概要

Development of common and fundamental technologies on the eveluation of fuel behavior for realizing MA recycling, 6; Outline of the results obtained in FY2008

荒井 康夫; 赤堀 光雄; 芹澤 弘幸  ; 高阪 裕二*; 宇埜 正美*; 牟田 浩明*

Arai, Yasuo; Akabori, Mitsuo; Serizawa, Hiroyuki; Kosaka, Yuji*; Uno, Masayoshi*; Muta, Hiroaki*


It is indispensable for realizing recycling minor actinides (MA) to understand and control the peculiar behavior of MA-bearing fuels, which could not be extrapolated from the present LWR fuel cycle technologies. In particular, the behavior of He produced in the irradiation and strage periods of MA-bearing fuels, and the effect of addition of Am and Cm on the fuel properties of oxide fuel have not been satisfactorily clarified so far. From these viewpoints, a three-years R&D program "Development of common and fundamental technologies on the evaluation of fuel behavior for realizing MA recycling" was started in JFY2007 under the "Innovative Nuclear Research and Development Program" entrusted by MEXT. The outline of the results obtained in JFY2008 is introduced in the presentation.



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