※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Recovery of gold with Japanese cedar wood powder


Parajuli, D.; 広田 耕一

Parajuli, D.; Hirota, Koichi

Japanese cedar wood powder (CWP) was studied for the recovery of Au(III) from acidic aqueous solution. Changing the physical morphology of CWP by grinding to finer particles induced the sorption efficiency and solo selectivity for Au(III) on basically non sorptive matrix. The stability and significant loading capacity of CWP for gold ion without performing any chemical modification are the important results making it a 100% green biosorbent. Continuous reduction of Au(III) to gold microplates even after separation from CWP shows new research dimensions in addition to the ease of gold isolation without going through the burdens of elution and reduction. In addition, preliminary results of preparation of stable gold nano particles using $$gamma$$-ray irradiated CWP-extract are also explained.



- Accesses




分野:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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