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Thermally stable polyimide/Cu hybrid membranes using ion track technique


越川 博; 臼井 博明*; 前川 康成

Koshikawa, Hiroshi; Usui, Hiroaki*; Maekawa, Yasunari


Hybrid membranes consisting of polyimide (PI) films embedded with copper wires were prepared by electroplating copper into the etched pores of ion track membranes. Electrical resistance of single copper wire, measured by the four-point probe, did not show significant difference with the value estimated from the bulk resistivity. It was also found that the resistance, as well as the hybrid membrane structure, remains stable against thermal treatment of at least up to 400$$^{circ}$$C. Such anisotropically conducting membranes with high thermal stability are expected to have wide application in microelectronics devices.



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