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日本杉を利用した高レベル放射性廃液からの有用金属分離回収に関する研究; Pd(II)

Recovery of Fission platinoids using Japanese cedar wood powder; Pd(II)

Parajuli, D.; 広田 耕一

Parajuli, D.; Hirota, Koichi

The radioactive liquid waste (HLW) generated during the nuclear fuel processing contains substantial amount of platinoids like Pd, Rh, and Ru. Interestingly, the half lives of their isotopes are relatively very short and the radioactivity of some long half life isotopes is weak enough for various applications. Among the platinoids, concentration of Pd in HLW is about 2000 ppm. And, 83% of it is in the stable form and the remaining 17% $$^{107}$$Pd, only radioactive isotope in HLW, possesses poor intrinsic radioactivity. In order to recover Pd from HLW, cedar wood powder (CWP) was modified to thiamide type adsorbent and was studied for the separation of Pd from nitric acid medium. Using this new adsorbent, Pd was separated with 100% selectivity over other metal ions present in the simulated HLW solution, including Ru and Rh. More interestingly, better results were observed upon $$gamma$$-irradiation of the adsorption mixture at a dose of 500 kGy.



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