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The Study of oxidation on TiAl with photoemission spectroscopy in conjunction with synchrotron radiation


橋之口 道宏*; 角本 雄一; 戸出 真由美; Harries, J.; 岡田 美智雄*; 寺岡 有殿; 笠井 俊夫*

Hashinokuchi, Michihiro*; Sumimoto, Yuichi; Tode, Mayumi; Harries, J.; Okada, Michio*; Teraoka, Yuden; Kasai, Toshio*


Titanium-based intermetallic alloys have attracted great attention as hydrogen storage materials. However, the oxide layer formed on the surface, which reduces the initial activation, has come to an issue. Therefore, improvements on the composition and structure in oxide layer are required. In this study, we investigated the oxidation on TiAl intermetallic alloys by hyperthermal Oxygen molecular beam (HOMB) and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy in conjunction with synchrotron radiation (SR-XPS).



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