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 年 ~ 

Kinetic energy effects on initial sticking of O$$_{2}$$ molecular beams on Ni(111) surface


寺岡 有殿; 井上 敬介*; 川上 泰典*; 平谷 篤也*

Teraoka, Yuden; Inoue, Keisuke*; Kawakami, Yasunori*; Hiraya, Atsunari*


The oxidation states of Ni(111) surface, which were made by irradiation of supersonic O$$_{2}$$ molecular beam (SSOMB), were analyzed by synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy (SR-XPS). After irradiation of SSOMB on the Ni(111) surface to some extent, the evolution of surface oxides were observed by core level photoemission spectra of Ni2p and O1s using SR-XPS. The surface temperature was kept to be 300 K during SSOMB irradiation and SR-XPS measurements. The SR energy was 680 eV. Oxygen uptake curves were measured at every translational energy of O$$_{2}$$ beam. Although the sticking probability was almost constant in the range of 0.6 eV to 2.0 eV, the remarkable increase was observed in the region over 2.0 eV. A threshold was found to be 2.0 eV.



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