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Initial sticking probability of O$$_{2}$$ beam on Ni(111) surface depending on kinetic energy

井上 敬介*; 寺岡 有殿; 川上 泰典*; 平谷 篤也*

Inoue, Keisuke*; Teraoka, Yuden; Kawakami, Yasunori*; Hiraya, Atsunari*


The oxidation states of Ni(111) surface, which were made by irradiation of supersonic O$$_{2}$$ molecular beam, were analyzed by synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy. After irradiation of SSOMB on the Ni(111) surface to some extent, the evolution of surface oxides were observed by core level photoemission spectra of Ni3p and O1s using SR-XPS. The surface temperature was kept to be 300 K during SSOMB irradiation and SR-XPS measurements. The SR energy was 680 eV. Oxygen uptake curves were measured at every translational energy of O$$_{2}$$ beam. The initial sticking probability increased as translational energy increased from 0.3 eV to 1.0 eV, slightly decreased toward 2.2 eV, and a remarkable re-increase was observed in the region around 2.3 eV. These result show existence of two potential barriers.



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