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 年 ~ 


The R&D plan on the laser cutting technology and the current status of the laser cutting test for the reactor dismantlement

佐野 一哉 ; 中村 保之 ; 毛利 直人; 岩井 紘基 ; 森下 喜嗣 

Sano, Kazuya; Nakamura, Yasuyuki; Mori, Naoto; Iwai, Hiroki; Morishita, Yoshitsugu


Laser cutting method, is that the metal melted by laser power is removed by assist gas, has some advantages which are high speedcutting and narrow line-width cutting for the thin metal. We has conducted the joint research with the relevant organizations on the R&D of the laser cutting technology for cutting stainless and carbon steel of over the 150mm thickness which is maximum thickness of core structure in Fugen. We report the R&D plan and the current status of the laser cutting test.



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