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アブレーション共鳴吸収による同位体分析; 核燃料物質の遠隔分析技術開発,4

Isotope analysis with laser ablation absorption spectroscopy; Development of remote analysis for nuclear fuel materials, 4

宮部 昌文   ; 大場 正規 ; 赤岡 克昭 ; 丸山 庸一郎; 反保 元伸; 若井田 育夫  

Miyabe, Masabumi; Oba, Masaki; Akaoka, Katsuaki; Maruyama, Yoichiro; Tampo, Motonobu; Wakaida, Ikuo


To apply laser ablation absorption spectroscopy to remote isotope analysis for nuclear fuel, we investigated ablation plume dynamics of lanthanide elements previously. In the present study, we measured plume dynamics of uranium dioxide sample. From the results, we determined experiment conditions and evaluated some analytical performances.



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